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Section: agg-feature
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: None. This option takes no values—its presence alone within the [agg-feature] section issues the described instructions to RAA.
Changes Take Effect: After restart of the aggregation process

Instructs RAA to enable SDR aggregate tables: SDR_ACTIVITY, SDR_SESS_MILESTONE, SDR_SESSION and SDR_SESS_BLOCK . To have RAA exclude SDR aggregate data, remove this option from this section.

Known Issues and Recommendations

Genesys Customer Experience Insights

The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 9.0.x releases of Genesys Customer Experience Insights. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.

See also Internationalization Issues.

Reports in the Designer and Task Routing folders are supported for Genesys Engage cloud deployments only.

There is a known interoperability issue with Oracle 11g; when you configure the extended RDBMS type used by Genesys CX Insights, Genesys recommends that you use Oracle 11gR2, or another supported type, instead. See Installing Genesys CX Insights for more information.

Reports in the Task Routing folder are supported for Genesys Engage cloud deployments only.

When you change the language used to display the reports, note that MicroStrategy does not provide translation into Turkish or Arabian (AR-sa). So, while Turkish and Arabian (AR-sa) are supported by Genesys CX Insights (beginning in release 9.0.009), it is not supported by MicroStrategy. This means that only some objects will be localized, causing some parts of the reports to appear in English.

In deployments with MicroStrategy Update 1, SAML Authentication cannot be selected as a login method, even when it is enabled. To work around this issue, upgrade to a later release of Genesys CX Insights, or manually enable it:

  1. Log in to Tomcat Admin.
  2. Clear the Enabled checkbox for Trusted Authentication Request.
  3. Set the Enabled checkbox for SAML Authentication.
  4. Restart Tomcat for the change to take effect.
ID: GCXI-5459 Found In: Fixed In:

The Interaction ID prompt does not work after upgrade from release to release

ID: GCXI-5075 Found In: Fixed In:

The ANI Details Dashboard (Top Callers tab) incorrectly lists the 50 callers with the smallest number of interactions, where it is expected to list those with the largest number of interactions.

ID: GCXI-5071 Found In: Fixed In:

In Genesys Engage Cloud environments where Genesys CX Insights GCXI is used with GWS authentication, the MicroStrategy Web Administration tool (mstrServerAdmin) fails to load (because the Anti-CSRF token blocks the page), producing a an error similar to the following:

Due to security restrictions, we cannot proceed with this request.
ID: GCXI-5040 Found In: Fixed In: 

In Kubernetes using descriptors deployments, report subscriptions fail because the default value for Scheduled Reports Elapsed Time is too small (20 seconds). To work around this issue, add the following parameter in the gcxi.properties file:


For more information, see: Microstrategy article KB18269.

ID: GCXI-5054 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys CX Insights ignores user selections in the Interaction ID report prompt in the following reports: Transfer Detail Report, Interaction Flow Report, Predictive Routing Detail Report, and Co-browse Detail Report. As a result, in the Interaction Handling Attempt Report, links in the Interaction ID column do not work, and the Interaction Flow Report fails to generate.

ID: GCXI-4791 Found In: Fixed In:

In some scenarios, when a user clicks a linked value within a report, the related reports that open can contain no data. This issues is caused by an incorrect value (long value ends with zeros/E+) in the prompt/report filter for the Interaction ID field.

ID: GCXI-4498 Found In: Fixed In:

The Final Disposition Dashboard is visible in the GCXI project even when enable-sdr is disabled. However, it cannot produce any useful output in this scenario.

ID: GCXI-4095 Found In: Fixed In:

Helm installation with Kubernetes 1.19 fails, producing an error similar to:

Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: error validating "": error validating data: [ValidationError(Ingress.spec.rules[0].http.paths[0].backend): unknown field "serviceName" ...

To work around this issue:

  1. Open the gcxi-web-ingress.yaml file for editing.
  2. In two places within the file, find the following string:
    {{- if semverCompare ">=1.19-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.GitVersion -}}
    and change it to:
    {{- if semverCompare ">=1.22-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.GitVersion -}}
ID: GCXI-4090 Found In: Fixed In:

In localized deployments, the following report and dashboard names or descriptions are not fully translated:

  • Agent Omnichannel Activity Report
  • Agent Summarized State
  • Agent Activity
  • Predictive Routing Detail Report
  • Predictive Routing Operational Report
  • Agent Utilization
  • Transfer Detail Report
  • Co-browse Detail Report
  • Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Active Time & Predictive)(Day)
ID: GCXI-4047 Found In: Fixed In:

In deployments that are localized to use Japanese, Korean, or Chinese, report names do not display correctly when exported to PDF.

ID: GCXI-3854 Found In: Fixed In: 

In some scenarios, Japanese, Chinese, or Korean text fails to appear when reports are exported to CSV files. To work abound this issue, perform one of the following:

  • For Docker-Kubernetes deployments:
    1. Navigate to the <tomcat> > webapps > Microstrategy > WEB-INF > xml > config folder, where <tomcat> is the folder containing the Tomcat instance that serves MicroStrategy.
    2. Open the exportFormats.xml file for editing, and make the following change:
      For the two <export-format> nodes where the value of export-format-type attribute is com.microstrategy.web.app.beans.EnumExportFormats.ExportFormatCsv and com.microstrategy.web.app.beans.EnumExportFormats.ExportFormatCsvIServer, add the following case sensitive XML attribute: charset="UnicodeLittle"
    3. Save the exportFormats.xml file.
  • For Docker-compose installation:
    1. Execute the following command to copy the file exportFormats.xml from Docker to your local desktop:
      docker cp ${container_id}:/opt/tomcat/webapps/MicroStrategy/WEB-INF/xml/config/exportFormats.xml exportFormats.xml
    2. Open the exportFormats.xml file for editing, and make the following change:
      1. For the two <export-format> nodes where the value of the name attributes are csv and csvIServer, add the following XML attribute: charset="UnicodeLittle"
    3. Execute the following command to save the exportFormats.xml file, and copy it back to the Docker container:
      docker cp exportFormats.xml ${container_id}:/opt/tomcat/webapps/MicroStrategy/WEB-INF/xml/config/exportFormats.xml
    4. Execute the following command to restart the Docker container:
      docker restart ${container_id}
ID: GCXI-3794 Found In: Fixed In:

In some scenarios, Japanese, Chinese, or Korean text fails to appear when reports are exported to PDF files.

  • To work around this issue in release, apply the new WenQuanYi Zen Hei font as follows:
    1. Open the affected report for editing.
    2. In the FORMAT section, set All Grid Cells" and "All", and then select the new WenQuanYi Zen Hei font.
    3. Save the report.
    4. Execute the following command to restart the container:
      docker restart ${container_id}
  • To work around this issue in releases earlier than
    1. Execute the following command to install the WenQuanYi Zen Hei font to the container:
      docker exec -it ${container_id} bash -c 'yum install -y wqy-zenhei-fonts && yum clean all && cp /usr/share/fonts/wqy-zenhei/* /var/opt/MicroStrategy/install/PDFGeneratorFiles/'
    2. To make the new font available in Genesys CX Insights:
      1. Execute the following command to copy the file fontNamesPicker.xml from the container to your local desktop:
        docker cp ${container_id}:/opt/tomcat/webapps/MicroStrategyMobile/WEB-INF/xml/config/fontNamesPicker.xml fontNamesPicker.xml
      2. Open the fontNamesPicker.xml file for editing, and add the following nodes:
        <shortcut desc="WenQuanYi Zen Hei" name="pkrWenQuanYi Zen Hei">
                    <attribute name="style" value="font-family:WenQuanYi Zen Hei" />
                    <attribute name="value" value="WenQuanYi Zen Hei"/>
            <shortcut desc="WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono" name="pkrWenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono">
                    <attribute name="style" value="font-family:WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono" />
                    <attribute name="value" value="WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono"/>
            <shortcut desc="WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp" name="pkrWenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp">
                    <attribute name="style" value="font-family:WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp" />
                    <attribute name="value" value="WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp"/>
      3. Execute the following command to copy the file fontNamesPicker.xml back to the container:
        docker cp fontNamesPicker.xml ${container_id}:/opt/tomcat/webapps/MicroStrategyMobile/WEB-INF/xml/config/fontNamesPicker.xml
    3. Apply the new WenQuanYi Zen Hei font as follows:
      1. Open the affected report for editing.
      2. In the FORMAT section, set All Grid Cells" and "All", and then select the new WenQuanYi Zen Hei font.
      3. Save the report.
      4. Execute the following command to restart container:
      docker restart ${container_id}
ID: GCXI-3793 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys CX Insights fails to restart in scenarios where a default project (CX Insights or CX Insights for iWD) is disabled. To work around this issue:

  1. Open MicroStrategy Developer.
  2. Right-click the server name, and select Configure MicroStrategy Intelligence Server.
  3. In the Project > General section, mark all unchecked boxes next to Project names, and click OK.
  4. Restart if required.
ID: GCXI-3690 Found In: Fixed In: 

In scenarios where you upgrade to Genesys CX Insights from an older release, a new folder, Support, appears in Genesys CX Insights. Any reports in this folder are reserved for internal use.

ID: GCXI-3355 Found In: Fixed In: 

In scenarios where the LOG_LEVEL variable is declared in the gcxi.properties file, worker nodes fail to join the cluster, with the following error:

NOTICE |     |main                     |                    |Waiting for the primary node to finish start. Sleep 20

To work around this issue, omit the LOG_LEVEL variable.

ID: GCXI-3351 Found In: Fixed In:

In release, pods cannot run on the Kubernetes Control plane node.

To work around this issue, add the following text in the containers section of the gcxi-postgres.yaml file. This change causes PostgreSQL to run on the Kubernetes Control plane node:

      - effect: NoSchedule
        key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
        operator: Exists
        node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
ID: GCXI-3141 Found In: Fixed In: 

When deploying a fresh installation of Genesys CX Insights release and later where you will use PostgreSQL for the meta database, PostgreSQL 11 is required. In scenarios where you upgrade to Genesys CX Insights release from an earlier release, you can continue to use PostreSQL 9.x for the meta database.

ID: GCXI-3155 Found In: Fixed In: 

Applying localization to GCXI Projects causes some Project properties to return to default values. You can work around this issue using either of the following methods:

  • Workaround option 1 — Complete the following steps:
    1. Log in using an account with Administrator or Developer privileges.
    2. On the user menu, open Preferences.
    3. In the section Project Defaults > General, change the value of Color Theme from Red to CXInsights,
    4. Click Apply.
    5. In the section Folder browsing, select the My Reports option.
    6. Click Apply.
    7. In the section History List, clear the option The new scheduled report or document will overwrite older versions of itself.
    8. Click Apply.
    9. In the section Export Reports:
      1. Select Encode CSV for exporting to Excel
      2. Change the value of Maximum number of cells to export to plain text: from 100000 to 1000000.
      3. Change the value of Maximum number of cells to export to HTML and Excel with formatting: from 10000 to 1000000.
      4. Click Apply.
  • Workaround option 2 — Complete the following steps:
    1. On a machine with a docker container running, log in using an account with Administrator or Developer privileges.
    2. Execute the following command:
    docker exec -it ${CONTAINER_ID} /bin/bash -c "cd /genesys/gcxi; java -jar com.genesys.gcxi.generator.jar -s localhost -p 34952 -l Administrator -w ${MSTR_PASSWORD} -f templates -m true -x 128"
    ${CONTAINER_ID} - docker container id
    ${MSTR_PASSWORD} - Administrator password
ID: GCXI-2833 Found In: Fixed In:

After upgrading from an older release, Genesys CX Insights fails to restart in scenarios where the properties of a MicroStrategy object contain a UTF-8 string greater than 32768 bytes.

ID: GCXI-2553 Found In: Fixed In:

Update fails on Genesys CX Insights deployments where the metadata default language is set to anything except English (United States), with an error that includes text similar to: Error running handler: exit status 1. To work around this issue, complete the following steps before beginning an update:

  1. Log in as Administrator, click User Preferences > General.
  2. In the Language > Metadata list, select English (United States).
ID: GCXI-2546 Found In: Fixed In:

When upgrading to Genesys CX Insights, all custom DSN settings, such as settings for TLS, and localization, are lost if DRV_TYPE=ODBC is not set explicitly. This occurs because, in release, the DRV_TYPE value is set to JDBC by default.

ID: GCXI-2398 Found In: Fixed In:

In Microsoft SQL deployments where you configure MicroStrategy Web to use Azeri Latin, the connection can fail with an ODBC error.

ID: GCXI-1772 Found In: Fixed In:  

Once you have enabled a language other than US English, switching to a different language can cause only partial translation. If, after enabling a language, you wish to switch to a different language, talk to your Genesys representative.

ID: GCXI-1618 Found In: Fixed In:

The Genesys CX Insights Installation Package comprises several files, some of which are too large to be downloaded using Genesys Download Center. Contact Customer Care for assistance.

ID: GCXI-1557 Found In: Fixed In:  

The performance of SQL-based reports can vary depending on the data in your database, so in some circumstances, reports that use the optimized filters can run more slowly than expected, and, in some cases, timeouts can occur. To resolve this issue, Genesys recommends changing the affected report to use the standard date time filters. To resolve this issue, remove the special optimized filter from a report, and replace it with a standard filter. For more information, see Optimizing report filtering in the Genesys CX Insights User's Guide.

ID: GCXI-1596 Found In: Fixed In:  

In deployments with MicroStrategy release 10.11.1, when users select widgets on the dashboard, data appearing on other widgets does not automatically update. For example, clicking on an agent name does not focus the dashboard on that agent.

To work around this issue, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in with an account that is a member of the Genesys Super Administrator group (or use the preconfigured user GenSupAdm).
  2. Run the dashboard, and select the source widget.
  3. On the source widget configuration menu (at top-right corner of the widget), choose Select Targets...
  4. On each target widget, clear the checkbox Targets. The Target placeholder disappears from the target widget.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. On the source widget configuration menu (at top-right corner of the widget), choose Select Targets...
  7. Select each target widget. The Target placeholder appears in the target widget.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Select File > Change Prompt Option and Save. A confirmation requester appears.
  10. Select And discard current answers, and click Confirm and Save.
ID: GCXI-1506 Found In: Fixed In:

In scenarios where agents or queues are members of more than one group, and access restrictions are configured for all groups of which the agent or queue is the member, data can be double-counted in reports.

ID: GCXI-1509 Found In: Fixed In:

In Genesys CX Insights deployments that do not include the recommended release of Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA), some reports may not work as expected. For example, with RAA 8.1.405.11, the Callback Details Report doesn’t work. (The Callback Details Report requires RAA Release or later.) Genesys recommends that you always install compatible releases of RAA and other products, as described in the 9.0 Product Alerts.

ID: GCXI-1139 Found In: Fixed In:  

In some scenarios following the installation of GCXI updates, a warning message appears after users log in, which includes the following text:

This is a notification that your MicroStrategy implementation may be out of compliance with your software agreement.  The number of...

This indicates a configuration problem, not a license error. For information about how to work around this issue, see the MicroStrategy Knowledge Base.

ID: GCXI-1989 Found In: 9.0.0 Fixed In:  

In scenarios where Genesys CX Insights subscriptions are configured to send localized reports by email to accounts are configured to use the Generic Email device option, the email subject line contains incorrect coding, and may contain unexpected characters such as question marks (?). To correct this issue, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Genesys CX Insights as an administrator, click your user name, and select Preferences.
  2. On the Preferences page, click E-mail Addresses.
  3. Add (or edit existing) email addresses, configuring the Device as Outlook.
ID: GCXI-2327 Found In:   Fixed In:  

In HA deployments, the creation of MicroStrategy clusters can fail in scenarios where more than one MicroStrategy instance tries to write logs into a common folder. For example, this problem can occur in Kubernetes deployments where multiple instances use the /mnt/log folder.

ID: GCXI-3027 Found In:  Fixed In: 

Internationalization Issues

Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of Genesys Customer Experience Insights unless otherwise noted in the issue description.

In localized deployments, the following report and dashboard names or descriptions are not fully translated:

  • Agent Omnichannel Activity Report
  • Agent Summarized State
  • Agent Activity
  • Predictive Routing Detail Report
  • Predictive Routing Operational Report
  • Agent Utilization
  • Transfer Detail Report
  • Co-browse Detail Report
  • Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Active Time & Predictive)(Day)
ID: GCXI-4047 Found In: Fixed In:

In deployments that are localized to use Japanese, Korean, or Chinese, report names do not display correctly when exported to PDF.

ID: GCXI-3854 Found In: Fixed In: 

In some scenarios, Japanese, Chinese, or Korean text fails to appear when reports are exported to CSV files. To work abound this issue, perform one of the following:

  • For Docker-Kubernetes deployments:
    1. Navigate to the <tomcat> > webapps > Microstrategy > WEB-INF > xml > config folder, where <tomcat> is the folder containing the Tomcat instance that serves MicroStrategy.
    2. Open the exportFormats.xml file for editing, and make the following change:
      For the two <export-format> nodes where the value of export-format-type attribute is com.microstrategy.web.app.beans.EnumExportFormats.ExportFormatCsv and com.microstrategy.web.app.beans.EnumExportFormats.ExportFormatCsvIServer, add the following case sensitive XML attribute: charset="UnicodeLittle"
    3. Save the exportFormats.xml file.
  • For Docker-compose installation:
    1. Execute the following command to copy the file exportFormats.xml from Docker to your local desktop:
      docker cp ${container_id}:/opt/tomcat/webapps/MicroStrategy/WEB-INF/xml/config/exportFormats.xml exportFormats.xml
    2. Open the exportFormats.xml file for editing, and make the following change:
      1. For the two <export-format> nodes where the value of the name attributes are csv and csvIServer, add the following XML attribute: charset="UnicodeLittle"
    3. Execute the following command to save the exportFormats.xml file, and copy it back to the Docker container:
      docker cp exportFormats.xml ${container_id}:/opt/tomcat/webapps/MicroStrategy/WEB-INF/xml/config/exportFormats.xml
    4. Execute the following command to restart the Docker container:
      docker restart ${container_id}
ID: GCXI-3794 Found In: Fixed In:

In some scenarios, Japanese, Chinese, or Korean text fails to appear when reports are exported to PDF files.

  • To work around this issue in release, apply the new WenQuanYi Zen Hei font as follows:
    1. Open the affected report for editing.
    2. In the FORMAT section, set All Grid Cells" and "All", and then select the new WenQuanYi Zen Hei font.
    3. Save the report.
    4. Execute the following command to restart the container:
      docker restart ${container_id}
  • To work around this issue in releases earlier than
    1. Execute the following command to install the WenQuanYi Zen Hei font to the container:
      docker exec -it ${container_id} bash -c 'yum install -y wqy-zenhei-fonts && yum clean all && cp /usr/share/fonts/wqy-zenhei/* /var/opt/MicroStrategy/install/PDFGeneratorFiles/'
    2. To make the new font available in Genesys CX Insights:
      1. Execute the following command to copy the file fontNamesPicker.xml from the container to your local desktop:
        docker cp ${container_id}:/opt/tomcat/webapps/MicroStrategyMobile/WEB-INF/xml/config/fontNamesPicker.xml fontNamesPicker.xml
      2. Open the fontNamesPicker.xml file for editing, and add the following nodes:
        <shortcut desc="WenQuanYi Zen Hei" name="pkrWenQuanYi Zen Hei">
                    <attribute name="style" value="font-family:WenQuanYi Zen Hei" />
                    <attribute name="value" value="WenQuanYi Zen Hei"/>
            <shortcut desc="WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono" name="pkrWenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono">
                    <attribute name="style" value="font-family:WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono" />
                    <attribute name="value" value="WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono"/>
            <shortcut desc="WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp" name="pkrWenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp">
                    <attribute name="style" value="font-family:WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp" />
                    <attribute name="value" value="WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp"/>
      3. Execute the following command to copy the file fontNamesPicker.xml back to the container:
        docker cp fontNamesPicker.xml ${container_id}:/opt/tomcat/webapps/MicroStrategyMobile/WEB-INF/xml/config/fontNamesPicker.xml
    3. Apply the new WenQuanYi Zen Hei font as follows:
      1. Open the affected report for editing.
      2. In the FORMAT section, set All Grid Cells" and "All", and then select the new WenQuanYi Zen Hei font.
      3. Save the report.
      4. Execute the following command to restart container:
      docker restart ${container_id}
ID: GCXI-3793 Found In: Fixed In:

In scenarios where Genesys CX Insights subscriptions are configured to send localized reports by email to accounts are configured to use the Generic Email device option, the email subject line contains incorrect coding, and may contain unexpected characters such as question marks (?). To correct this issue, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Genesys CX Insights as an administrator, click your user name, and select Preferences.
  2. On the Preferences page, click E-mail Addresses.
  3. Add (or edit existing) email addresses, configuring the Device as Outlook.
ID: GCXI-2327 Found In:   Fixed In:  

When you change the language used to display the reports, note that MicroStrategy does not provide translation into Turkish or Arabian (AR-sa). So, while Turkish and Arabian (AR-sa) are supported by Genesys CX Insights (beginning in release 9.0.009), it is not supported by MicroStrategy. This means that only some objects will be localized, causing some parts of the reports to appear in English.

Once you have enabled a language other than US English, switching to a different language can cause only partial translation. If, after enabling a language, you wish to switch to a different language, talk to your Genesys representative.

ID: GCXI-1618 Found In: Fixed In:

This page was last edited on October 5, 2021, at 17:04.
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