Current Categories
The CurrentAverageTime statistical category provides the average of all durations of durable actions or of statuses listed in the mask that are occurring at that time. The durations are interpreted as the time from the beginning of a durable action or a status until the present moment.

When the denominator is 0, the returned value is 0.
This category results when the main mask and the relative mask coincide. A relative mask is required for this category. It returns, as a percentage, the quotient of the CurrentTime aggregated value for the main mask and the CurrentNumber aggregated value for the relative mask. Note that if the main mask contains actions absent from the relative mask, this percentage can exceed 100.
The CurrentContinuousTime returns an aggregated value that provides the duration of time, in seconds, during which an object status belonged to the MainMask, or zero, if the current object status does not belong to the MainMask. Stat Server increments CurrentContinuousTime as soon as the object status is listed in the MainMask. Stat Server continues to increment CurrentContinuousTime if the object status changes but it still belongs to the MainMask. As soon as the object status changes and it is no longer part of the MainMask, CurrentContinuousTime statistics reset to zero.
Value = CurrentContinuousTime(MainMask)
Similar to CurrentTime, this statistical category is classified as current within the Genesys call model, even though it has an accumulation component. This statistical category applies only to stat types that have Agent and/or Place designated as their object—this category is not applicable for GroupAgents or GroupPlaces objects.
The CurrentMaxTime statistical category returns an aggregated value that provides the maximum duration among all durations of durable actions or of statuses listed in the mask that are occurring currently. The durations are interpreted as the time from the beginning of a durable action or a status until the present moment.
Value = CurrentMaxTime(MainMask)
The CurrentMinTime statistical category returns an aggregated value that provides the minimum duration among all durations of durable actions or of statuses listed in the mask that are occurring currently. The durations are interpreted as the time from the beginning of a durable action or a status until the present moment.
Value = CurrentMinTime(MainMask)
The CurrentNumber statistical category returns an aggregated value that represents the total number of durable actions or of statuses listed in the mask that are occurring currently.
Value = CurrentNumber(MainMask)
The CurrentNumberInTimeRange statistical category returns an aggregated value that represents the total number of all durable actions or statuses listed in the mask that are occurring currently and whose duration is within the specified time range. Unlike other current aggregated values, this value depends not only on the mask, but also on the time range.
Value = CurrentNumberInTimeRange(MainMask,TimeRange)
A time range is required for this category. It returns, as a percentage, the ratio of the restricted CurrentNumberInTimeRange aggregated value and the CurrentNumber aggregated value—that is, the percentage of times the actions or statuses in the main mask had a duration within the specified time range, divided by the total number of times actions from the main mask occurred or ended during the specified interval.

When the denominator is 0, the returned value is 0.
A relative mask is required for this category. It returns, as a percentage, the quotient of the CurrentNumber aggregated value for the main mask and the CurrentNumber aggregated value for the relative mask. Note that if the main mask includes actions or statuses that do not also appear in the relative mask, this percentage can exceed 100.


When the denominator is 0, the returned value is 0.
A relative mask is required for this category. It returns, as a percentage, the quotient of the CurrentTime aggregated value for the main mask and the CurrentTime aggregated value for the relative mask. Note that if the main mask contains or statuses actions absent from the relative mask, this percentage can exceed 100.
The CurrentTime statistical category returns an aggregated value that represents the sum of all durations, in seconds, of durable actions or of statuses listed in the mask that are occurring currently. The durations are interpreted as the time from the beginning of a durable action or a status until the present moment. Stat Server resets CurrentTime when different actions or statuses begin, even if they are part of the mask.
Value = CurrentTime(MainMask)