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Connector Section

This section must be called Connector.


Default Value: Mandatory field. No default value.
Valid Value: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Required identifier used by BroadWorks routing functionality. Refer to the Route Point Failure Policy in the BroadWorks CTI documentation.


Default Value: GenesysConnector
Valid Value: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Identifier used in BroadWorks event reporting to represent the Connector application.


Default Value: 17.sp4
Valid Values: Supported BroadWorks release version.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Related Feature: Call Recording

Specifies version "17.sp4" in all CTI requests sent to the BroadWorks XSI server and provides backwards compatibility with previous CSTA Connector releases.


Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: on event channel creation or renewal

Specifies the expiration timeout, in seconds, when an event reporting channel is created or renewed.


Default Value: Mandatory field. No default value
Valid Values: Any string
Changes take effect: When the link is started or restarted

The ChannelSet name specifies a logical name for a CTI link to BroadWorks. Multiple TCP/IP channels opened to BroadWorks CTI server(s) with the same ChannelSet name are treated as a single CTI link. The Connector generates a unique ChannelSet name to ensure that there is no unwanted interaction between multiple Connectors connected to the same switch.


Default Value: None
Valid Value: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Genesys does not recommend the use of this option.

BroadWorks require a fully qualified device identifier in requests. A default domain name can be appended to a UserID attribute in requests for convenience. In the BroadWorks switch web configuration, the list of assigned domains can be seen by browsing to the Enterprise branch, selecting the Resources section, and then selecting the Assign Domains sub-section. See, the dn-prefix option.


Default Value: None
Valid Value: Any valid URI path
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The uniform resource identifier (URI) to a default treatment to apply in treatment requests. Refer to the vendor's configuration documentation for further information.


Default Value: None
Valid Value: Any valid URI path
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The uniform resource identifier (URI) to the default whisper message to apply in routing requests with supervision. Refer to the vendor's configuration documentation for further information.


Default Value: None
Valid Value: Any valid URI path
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The uniform resource identifier (URI) to the default whisper video message to apply in routing requests with supervision. Refer to the vendor's configuration documentation for further information.


Default Value: Mandatory field. No default value.
Valid Value: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Numbers (DNs) are provisioned in BroadWorks and Configuration Manager using a shortened number format.
However, CTI requests require the fully qualified E.164 number. The DN Prefix is prepended to the short DN to provide the full E.164 number.


Default Value: true
Valid Value: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the default method for non-supervised routing. If the value of this option is set to true, CSTA Connector selects distribute as the default method for non-supervised routing, otherwise blind transfer is used. See the RPDistributeType Extensions attribute in the Using the Extensions Attribute section for more information about how this option is used.


Default Value: false
Valid Value: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies whether CSTA Connector will forcibly associate and/or dissociate a Hoteling Guest association in a ModifyHotelingGuest request. Previously, CSTA Connector always set the Active flag to true when setting a Hoteling Guest association, and set the flag to false when removing a Hoteling Guest association. CSTA Connector was modified so that by default it will no longer pass the Active flag in a ModifyHotelingGuest request, although backwards compatibility can be maintained with the new option.


Default Value: No default value.
Valid Value: The link- string appended with any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the section name containing the specific link configuration options for a particular CTI link.


Default Value: 16
Valid Value: 1-1000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum number of outstanding unacknowledged requests sent to the switch at any given time.


Default Value: Mandatory field. No default value.
Valid Value: The password configured on the BroadWorks switch.
Changes Take Effect: When the link is started, or restarted.

Configures the password provisioned in the BroadWorks Administrator, which is required for request authentication on the XSP CTI interface.


Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer between 3-300
Changes Take Effect: When the link is started or restarted.
Specifies the interval (in seconds) that the Connector waits between attempts to reconnect on all configured connections.


Default Value: 0 (zero)
Valid Value: 0-1000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the minimum interval, in milliseconds, between successive requests sent over the link to the PBX. The value can be adjusted to meet the CTI-link load and performance requirements.


Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: on event subscription creation or renewal

Specifies the expiration timeout, in seconds, when an event subscription is created or renewed.


Default Value: Mandatory field. No default value.
Valid Value: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Provides a pattern to create a uniform resource identifier (URI) for an announcement audio file in BroadWorks. When a value is provided, the Prompt format pattern is replaced with the provided value. When a value is not provided, the pattern is removed from the final URI.

Supported Formats

  • %i—is replaced by the ID value
  • %u—is replaced by the USER_ANN_ID value
  • %t—is replaced by the USER_ID value
  • %%—a single % character

For example:

  • If ID = 1000, the following pattern, http://cti_provider.com/media/tones/%tAnn%i%u.wav is translated into http://cti_provider.com/media/tones/Ann1000.wav.
  • If USER_ANN_ID = 999 and USER_ID = BWTenant, the same pattern is translated into http://cti_provider.com/media/tones/BWTenantAnn999.wav.

Restrictions and Limitations

  1. The list size in the BroadWorks RoutePointPlayTreatmentRequest can have up to four entries. Up to four Prompts can be configured for use with the treatment-uri-pattern option. Prompts with more than four numbers are ignored.
  2. The Prompt parameters, TEXT and DIGITS, are not supported. Prompts containing these parameters are considered as invalid and further Prompt conversion to URI is stopped.


Default Value: Mandatory field. No default value.
Valid Value: The username configured on the BroadWorks switch.
Changes Take Effect: When the link is started, or restarted.

This option configures the username provisioned in the BroadWorks Administrator, which is required for request authentication on the XSP CTI interface.


Default Value: /com.broadsoft.cti-actions
Valid Values: Any valid context of the Xsi-Actions web application.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Represents the application context of the BroadSoft Xsi-Actions web application.


Default Value: /com.broadsoft.cti-events
Valid Values: Any valid context of the Xsi-Events web application.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Represents the application context of the BroadSoft Xsi-Events web application.

This page was last edited on September 21, 2015, at 23:04.
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