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link-%s Section

This section name represents a specific Connector link to the switch and is user-customisable with %s being replaced by any string.


Default Value: Mandatory field. No default value.
Valid Value: Any valid host name
Changes Take Effect: When the link is started, or restarted.

Specifies the hostname/IP address of the switch/XSP Server. You must specify a value for this option.


Default Value: 10
Valid Value: Any integer from 0-600
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Related Feature: Keep-Alive Feature Handling

Specifies a keep-alive time interval (in seconds). To check network connectivity, CSTA Connector issues a dedicated KPL request to BroadWorks XSP at the interval specified when there is no other activity on the link. A value of 0 (zero) disables this feature.

This configuration option can be configured in both the Connector and in the link-%s sections. The options configured in the link-%s section take precedence over the options configured in the Connector section and are applied to this particular link. See, the kpl-tolerance option.


Default Value: 0 (zero)
Valid Value: Any integer from 0-10
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Related Feature: Keep-Alive Feature Handling

Specifies the number of failed keep-alive requests that CSTA Connector permits before considering the XSP link as unresponsive. When an unresponsive link is detected, CSTA Connector closes and reopens this particular XSP link.

This configuration option can be configured in both the Connector and in the link-%s sections. The options configured in the link-%s section take precedence over the options configured in the Connector section and are applied to this particular link. See, the kpl-interval option.


Default Value: 8011
Valid Value: Any valid TCP/IP port
Changes Take Effect: When the link is started or restarted.

Specifies the port address of the switch interface. This option must be specified.


Default Value: 0 (zero)
Valid Values: 0-100
Changes Take Effect: When the link is started or restarted.

Specifies the priority of the connection. Higher numbers have higher priority.

This page was last edited on March 26, 2013, at 13:19.
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