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Configuring PlayAnnouncement Treatments

Configuring PlayAnnouncement Treatments

Currently, Interaction Routing Designer (IRD) can only pass integers when using the standard Treatment block. However, the BroadWorks switch must receive a string value in order to activate a treatment: to specify either a URL or the location of a file stored on the web server.

The BroadWorks Connector looks for the USER_ID value in the treatment request in order to provide the treatment details to the switch. Starting with release 8.1.2, Interaction Routing Designer supports this functionality within the standard Treatment block. However, for older versions of IRD, you must use one of the following two approaches to achieve this functionality:

  1. the SendRequest Function
  2. the Treatment Function

The following topics describe these approaches in more detail:

Using the SendRequest Function

To use this approach, add a Function block to the routing strategy, select SendRequest and provide the following information:

SendRequest[RequestApplyTreatment,Cat['83:7|thisdn:', Dest[], '|9:', ConnID[],'|84.PROMPT.1.INTERRUPTABLE:0|84.PROMPT.1.USER_ID:' ]]

The clickable image below displays how to use the SendRequest function:

Using the SendRequest Function to add a Function block.

Using the Function Block

You can also enter the information typically provided by the Treatment block directly into a Function block. In the Function block, provide the following information:

TreatmentPlayAnnouncement['LANGUAGE','','MSGID','','MSGTXT','','PROMPT.1.INTERRUPTABLE', '0','PROMPT.1.ID','','PROMPT.1.DIGITS','','PROMPT.1.USER_ANN_ID','','PROMPT.1.TEXT','', 'PROMPT.1.USER_ID','']

The clickable image below displays how to enter information directly into a Function block.:

Adding the information into a Function block.

Treatment Request Results

Either of these methods result in the Universal Routing Server (URS) sending the following TApplyTreatment request:

message RequestApplyTreatment
   AttributeThisDN '54201'
   AttributeConnID 009a01fd7f522011
   AttributeTreatmentType 7 (TreatmentPlayAnnouncement)
   AttributeTreatmentParms [89] 00 01 03 00..
      'PROMPT'(list) '1'(list) 'INTERRUPTABLE' 0
      'USER_ID' ''
   AttributeReferenceID 12

From this request, the BroadWorks Connector takes the information provided by the USER_ID parameter and sends it to the switch in the audioUrlList:

12:30:55.704 +++ XMLToSwitch +++
12:30:55.704 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsp:request version="17.0"xmlns:xsp="http://schema.broadsoft.com/XspXMLInterface">
      <xsi:RoutePointPlayTreatment xmlns:xsi="http://schema.broadsoft.com/xsi">

This page was last edited on March 26, 2013, at 12:34.
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