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Subject Areas

Genesys Info Mart contains several subject areas that are of interest for contact center historical reporting. Each subject area is presented as a star schema that contains a central fact table surrounded by the dimension tables and views that describe it.

Creating Queries

Use the lists of related tables/views on the Subject Area pages to determine how best to query the information that is stored by Genesys Info Mart. For example, to report information on the history of each place in a place group:

  1. Review the Place_Group subject area list of related tables/views. The PLACE_GROUP_FACT_ table is related to dimension tables and dimension views that describe it. (As described in Dimension Views, this document provides information about the PLACE_GROUP_FACT view, not the PLACE_GROUP_FACT_ table.)
  2. Construct a query that constrains the facts that are queried, based on the attributes of the dimension tables and views in the Place_Group subject area.

You can create queries that retrieve information from a single subject area. For example, you can query the tables in the Resource_Group subject area in order to retrieve information about the history of agent group membership. You can also create queries that combine information from multiple subject areas. For example, to determine how many interactions a particular agent group handles on a given day, you can create a query that combines information from the Resource_Group and Interaction_Resource subject areas.

As shown on the Facts subject area page, some fact tables contain direct references to other fact tables. Information from related fact tables can be used in combination. In addition, information from the following fact tables and views, which do not have direct references to each other, can be used in combination:

Please refer to the specific tables and views for each subject area for complete descriptions of all the columns. The related tables and views are listed on each subject area page, or see Info Mart Tables and Info Mart Views for a complete list of links.

List of Subject Areas

The Info Mart dimensional model includes the following subject areas.

Subject Area Description
Calling_List_Metric Represents a snapshot of outbound campaign calling list metrics.
Calling_List_To_Campaign Represents the associations between calling lists and campaigns.
Campaign_Group_Session Represents campaign groups as they are being loaded and unloaded.
Campaign_Group_State Represents campaign groups from the perspective of states they go through, such as “Loaded", "Started", and "Unloading".
Campaign_Group_To_Campaign Represents the associations between agent groups or place groups and campaigns.
Contact_Attempt Represents outbound campaign contact record attempts. An attempt may or may not include dialing.
Facts Represents the relationships between subject area facts.
Interaction Represents interactions from the perspective of a customer experience.
Interaction_Resource Represents a summary of each attempt to handle an interaction. It encompasses the mediation process that is required to offer the interaction to a target handling resource, as well as the activities of that target handling resource.
Interaction_Resource_State Allows facts to be described by the state of the associated agent resource. Each row describes one distinct media-specific agent state.
Mediation_Segment Represents interaction activity from the perspective of contact center ACD queues, virtual queues, interaction queues, and interaction workbins, as well as groups thereof.
Place_Group Represents the membership of places among place groups.
Resource_Group Represents the membership of contact center resources among resource groups.
Resource_Skill Represents the skill resumes of agent resources.
Summary_Resource_Session Represents agent resource media sessions from login to logout, summarized to the media type.
Summary_Resource_State Represents agent resource states, summarized to the media type.
Summary_Resource_State_Reason Represents agent resource state reasons, summarized to the media type.
This page was last edited on October 2, 2020, at 12:23.
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