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Record History Logging

Record History logging provides you with additional reporting options for calling lists. This logging process does not use database access to write logs; instead it uses flat (text) files that the customer defines. With flat files you can selectively turn logging on or off for different calling lists. Flat files must be imported into a database in order to generate reports (see your database administrator for assistance).

Prestart Information

Before you create a Record History Log for your calling list, make sure that you have:

  • Properly configured the destination for your log (see Log Options Defined).
  • Provided a sufficient amount of free disk space on the target drive.

Configuration Options

Two options configure the Record History Logs; they are dial_log_destination and dial_log_delimiter.

Log Options Defined

This topic describes the Record History Log options dial_log_destination and dial_log_delimiter. You must configure the option dial_log_destination to use Record History logging. Then, if the option dial_log_delimiter is omitted, a tab delimiter is used in the log file.

The dial_log_destination option is used to provide the path where a log for the calling list is stored. This option can be placed in the OCS application object or in a specific calling list object. First, OCS looks for this option in the OCServer section in the Options tab of a list; if does not find the option there, it looks on the Options tab (OCServer section) in the application object; if it still does not find this option, then no logging will be performed for the list.

The dial_log_delimiter option is used to create delimiters between the fields of the log for the calling list. Because the files for this option are flat files, delimiters must be added to the log. If the dial_log_destination option is configured, but the dial_log_delimiter is omitted, then tabs are used as the delimiters. By default, if the value of this option is not set, it uses a tab (\t) to delimit fields.

The dial_log_delimiter option can be placed in the OCS Application object or in a specific list. First OCS looks for this option in the OCServer section in the Options tab of a list. If OCS does not find this option there, it looks in the Options tab (OCServer section) in the application object. If it still does not find this option, then OCS will use a <tab> character for the delimiter. For more information about these options, see Outbound Contact Configuration Options.

File Structure

The file structure of a Record History Log is shown in columns that include:

  • Tracking information.
  • Information from Genesys mandatory fields.
  • Information from user defined fields.

Information from only some of the Genesys mandatory fields are included when generating the Record History Log. These fields include:

  • record_id
  • contact_info
  • contact_info_type
  • record_type
  • record_status
  • call_result
  • attempt
  • dial_sched_time
  • call_time
  • daily_from
  • daiy_till
  • tz_dbid
  • agent_id
  • chain_id
  • chain_n

This information is followed by rows of the Actions and Events for a record. The following table shows an example of the Record History log file structure.

Note: The column name that is listed in the history log is not always the same name as it is in the calling list. For example, the contact_info field in the calling list corresponds to the phone field in the Record History Log).
Log File Structure


time action record_handle list_id campaign_id group_id ocs_app_id tenant_id connection_id dn Genesys Mandatory User Defined

For more information about how to configure the user-defined fields so that the data from the user-defined fields will be written into the flat file, see the "Attaching Record Information to Desktop and OCS User Events" section in the Outbound Contact Reference Manual for more information.

Tracking Information

The first ten columns in the log represent the tracking information for each record. The following table shows the tracking fields and their descriptions. These fields are followed by Genesys mandatory fields.

Tracking Information Fields



#time The time logging for the record began.
#action The actions and events logged for the record.
#record_handle The record_handle of the record.
#list_id The DBID of the list.
#campaign_id The DBID of the campaign.
#group_id The DBID of the group.
#ocs_app_id OCS's application DBID.
#tenant_id The tenant ID.
#connection_id The Connection_id of the call.
#dn The dn used for this campaign.

Log Data

The subsequent rows in the Record History Log represent the event data for the record. The following table shows the actions and events that may display in the Record History Log. OCS will log numeric data using numeric values.

The fields in the Record History Log are separated by a dialing_log_delimiter, which is defined with the dial_log_delimiter option.

The data for each record in the log breaks when:

  • The dialing session/campaign group for a campaign stops or starts.
  • The format of the list changes (for example, a send attribute was added or changed).
Actions and Events in Record History Log



DA_RECORD_UPDATED (UpdateCallCompletionStats, means that user data has changed) 10
DA_RECORD_PROCESSEDUsually is associated with a RecordProcessed request from the Desktop or an EventAgentReady when the record is updated in a calling list. DA_RECORD_PROCESSED action can be also triggered by other events--for instance, call abandoned, call released with an unsuccessful call result, record returned to a Calling List database table while the dialing session/campaign group is unloading or a call filter is changing. 11
DA_CALL_COMPLETED (to have an agent's timing statistics, not related to a record N.B. abandoned, cancel, do not call will be logged as DA_RECORD_PROCESSED with the corresponding call result) 12
DA_RECORD_PROCESSED_EVENT (A desktop RecordProcesssed event. In the log file, this event is always followed by DA_RECORD_PROCESSED.) 14

Log File Naming Conventions

OCS creates a name for each Record History Log. Every log file is named according to the following rule:


The angle brackets indicate variables. Substitute the actual values for the type of data named in brackets.

The <DateTime> field uses this format: mmddyy_hhmmss

mm is replaced by a two-digit representation of the month.
dd is replaced by a two-digit representation of the day.
yy is replaced by a two-digit representation of the year.
hh is replaced by a two-digit representation of the hour.
mm is replaced by a two-digit representation of the minutes.
ss is replaced by a two-digit representation of the seconds.

For example:

Generating Record History Log Reports

The flat files generated in the Record History Log file must be imported into a database in order to generate reports. Genesys recommends that you check with your database administrator for assistance with this process.

This page was last edited on July 17, 2020, at 16:13.
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