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Starting Manually

To start Outbound Contact manually, components must be started in a specific order. For information about starting the Framework components DB Server, Configuration Server, T-Server, and Stat Server, see the Framework Deployment Guide.

For information about starting the Reporting components ICON and CC Pulse+, see the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide and Reporting 8.0 Deployment Guide respectively. Start components in the following order:

  1. DB Server for Configuration Server
  2. Configuration Server
  3. T-Server
  4. All other DB Servers (for Calling Lists)
  5. Stat Server
  6. ICON components for historical reporting
  7. CPD Server (if needed)/CPD Proxy Server (if used)
  8. Outbound Contact Server (OCS)
  9. CC Pulse+ (for real-time and historical reporting)
  10. Outbound Contact Manager (OCM) or Genesys Administrator

Starting Outbound Contact Server


You can start Outbound Contact Server (OCS) manually in three ways:

  • From the Start menu.
  • Open an MS-DOS command prompt and type the directory where Outbound Contact Server is installed, for example, \Gcti\outbound contact\, and use a command line. When starting OCS from a command line, use the following common command-line parameters:
    -host The name of the host on which Configuration Server is running
    -port The Configuration Server port
    -app The exact name of the Application as configured in the Configuration Database
    -l The full path to the license file or host and port of the License
    Manager in the <License Manager port>@<License Manager host> format.
    For example:
    cm_server.exe -host ConfigServer1 -port 2020 -app OCServer1 -l C:\flexlm\license.dat
Note: If you are implementing the client-side port security feature, specify the additional arguments that are described in Client-Side Port Security Configuration.
  • Run batch files, startServer.bat.
    The startServer.bat files are created automatically during installation and located at the same directories as executable files. Basically, these files include some comments and the same options as are used when starting the application from the command line.
    The following is an example of a batch file for OCS:
@echo off
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------
rem Copyright (C) 2009 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc.
rem startServer.bat file for Outbound Contact Server, version
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------
@TITLE Outbound Contact Server v. Application OCServer
cm_server.exe -host lab1 -port 7070 -app OCServer -l 7260@lab1


Starting CPD Server

Start You can start CPD Server manually in three ways:

  • From the Start menu.
  • Open an MS-DOS command prompt and type the directory where CPD Server is installed--for example, \Gcti\cpd_server\—and use a command line.
    When starting CPD Server from a command line, use the following common command-line parameters:
    -host The name of the host on which Configuration Server is running
    -port The Configuration Server port
    -app The exact name of the application as configured in the Configuration Database
    -l The full path to the license file or host and port of the License
    Manager in the <License Manager port>@<License Manager host> format.
    For example:
    cpdserver.exe -host ConfigServer1 -port 2020 -app CPDServer1 -l C:\flexlm\license.dat.
Note: If you are implementing the client-s—Client-Side Port Security Configuration]].
  • Run batch files, startServer.bat.
    The startServer.bat files are created automatically during installation and located at the same directories as executable files. Basically, these files include some comments and the same options as are used when starting the application from the command line.
    The following is an example of a batch file for CPD Server:
@echo off
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------
rem Copyright (C) 2009 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc.
rem startServer.bat file for Call Progress Detection Server, version
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------
@TITLE Call Progress Detection Server v. Application cpdserver

cpdserver.exe -host lab2 -port 7070 -app cpdserver -l 7260@lab2


Starting CPD Proxy Server

Start You can start CPD Proxy Server manually in three ways:

  • From the Start menu.
  • Open an MS-DOS command prompt and type the directory where CPD Proxy Server is installed—for example,
    \Gcti\cpd_proxy\—and use a command line. When starting CPD Proxy Server from a command line, use the following common command-line parameters:
    -host The name of the host on which Configuration Server is running
    -port The Configuration Server port
    -app The exact name of the application as configured in the Configuration Database
    For example:
    cpdproxy.exe -host ConfigServer1 -port 2020 —app CpdProxy
Note: If you are implementing the client-s—Client-Side Port Security Configuration]].
  • Run batch files, startServer.bat.
    The startServer.bat files are created automatically during installation and located at the same directories as executable files. Basically, these files include some comments and the same options as are used when starting the application from the command line.
    The following is an example of a batch file for CPD Proxy Server:
@echo off
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------
rem Copyright (C) 2009 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc.
rem startServer.bat file for Call Progress Detection Proxy, version
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------
@TITLE Call Progress Detection Proxy v. Application cpdproxy

cpdproxy.exe -host lab3 -port 7070 -app cpdproxy


Starting and Logging In to Outbound Contact Manager

Note: For instructions on how to start and log into Genesys Administrator, see the Framework Genesys Administrator Deployment Guide.


  1. To start Outbound Contact Manager, from the Start menu, select All Programs > Genesys Solutions > Outbound Contact > Outbound Contact Manager (OCM).
    Note: When using Windows Explorer, you can also locate the OCM executable in the destination folder of the OCM installation and double-click it.
  2. In the Login dialog box, enter a user name that has permission to use this OCM. Change the user name to match Configuration Manager's user name.
    Note: Persons (non-agents) are added automatically to the Admin Access Group.
  3. Click Details.
  4. Enter the application name. The default application name is blank; this name must be changed to the instance of Outbound Contact Manager as it is registered in the Configuration Database.
  5. Enter the host name of the computer running Configuration Server.
  6. Enter the port number for the network port used by Configuration Server on the host computer.
  7. Click OK.
    Note: Login will fail if Configuration Server is not running or if you do not have permission to log in.
  8. In the Select Tenant window, select a tenant from the list and click Next. (Outbound Contact Manager can work with only one tenant at a time).
    Note: You only see all tenants if you are a Super Administrator.
  9. In the next window, select the Outbound Contact Server to which you would like to connect and click Finish.

Campaigns, Calling Lists, Agent Groups, and Place Groups that have already been defined in the Configuration Database appear the first time OCM is run. If Outbound Contact Server is not running, Outbound Contact Manager still logs in to Configuration Server and the user can work with calling lists.


This page was last edited on July 17, 2020, at 16:13.
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