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How Treatments Work

This section contains a basic description of treatments. The other topics covered in this chapter contain more complex treatment information for those who create and change treatments in Genesys Administrator.

A Treatment object tells Outbound Contact Server (OCS) how to respond to an unsuccessful call result (a call that does not reach the intended party).

A treatment sequence (sometimes called a linked sequence) is a general term describing a series of treatment actions, each assigned a unique sequence number -- and applied to the same unsuccessful call result.

After Treatment objects are created and then applied to Calling List objects in Genesys Administrator, a treatment processing method is implemented by the treatment_sched_threshold option.

Outbound Contact Server stores the information that is required to restore the treatment application sequence properly in a dedicated treatments field for each chain. This information is stored as a string in the following format:
<CfgTreatment DBID>@lgt;Cycle attempt number>@<Chain number>@<Treatment sequence number>

  • <CfgTreatment DBID> is the DBID of the last treatment applied.
  • <Cycle attempt number> is the number of cycle attempts within the current treatment starting from 1.
  • <chain number> is the chain number value of the record which is to be dialled when the chain is retrieved by OCS.
  • <treatment sequence number> is the number of cycle through the chain of records (for more details see Repeat the Treatment Cycle through the Chain of Records).

OCS retrieves and processes treatments history from the database only for records of types CampaignRescheduled, PersonalRescheduled, CampaignCallback, or Personal Callback. For other types of records (for example, General), the treatments history field is ignored. When the chain is selected, Outbound Contact Server retrieves information about the last applied treatment from the field treatments and use it to determine the next treatment action that should be applied.

This page was last edited on July 17, 2020, at 16:12.
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