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Field Object

The Field object defines a field in a Calling List database table. Fields are single pieces of data (for example, a telephone number) within a record.

There are two types of fields in a calling list:

  • Genesys mandatory fields--These fields must exist in all Calling List tables. See "Identifying Mandatory Fields" in the "Formats" topic in Framework Genesys Administrator Help (Provisioning Your Environment < Outbound Contact Objects > Formats). This topic contains a list of mandatory fields and associated data types, as well as a short description for each field.
  • User-defined fields--These custom fields contain business-related data.

Creating a New Field Object


  1. In Genesys Administrator, go to Provisioning > Outbound Contact > Fields.
  2. Click New.
  3. On the Configuration tab, define the fields as described in the following subsection.
  4. On the Options tab, define option(s) in the default section.
  5. Click Save and Close.


Field Object--Configuration Tab Fields


Required; the default value is [Field]. The field name is the name of the column in the database table. This value must be unique within the tenant. Depending on the database management system (DBMS), the field name in this object has to conform to the same rules as the field's name in the database table.


Automatically populated by the system.

Data Type

Required; the default value is [Unknown Data Type]. You must select a value other than default for this object. The type of data stored in this field corresponds to a data type supported by the relational database management system.

The Campaign Data Type Values table provides information on data type values. The DATETIME formats table provides information on DATETIME formats.

Campaign Data Type Values

Data Type Value


char Character string with a fixed length
datetime Date and time1 Data for the DATETIME field type is presented in the specific format of the Calling List when it is populated. This format is database dependent.
float Real number
int2 The maximum value for this field with this data type that OCS can handle is 4294967295, which is 232-1. Integer
varchar String of variable length
[Unknown Data Type] Default value. You must change this default value and replace it with another value from this table.
DATETIME formats


Data type for Date/Time User Field

Required Format


MSSQL DATETIME YYYY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss 2003.04.15 11:32:56
Sybase DATETIME YYYY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss 2003.04.15 11:32:56
Oracle DATE MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS /15/2003 23:32:56
Informix DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss 2003-04-15 12:32:56
DB2 TIMESTAMP yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn 2003-04-15-


Optional; the default value is [Blank]. A brief description of the field.


Required for char and varchar data types only; not used for any other data types. The default value is [0]. The length of the field in the database.

Field Type

Required; the default value is [Unknown Field Type]. You must select a different value than the default for this object. Outbound business-specific information is stored in this field. The Field Type Values table provides information on field type values.

Field Type Values

Field Type Value


Agent Login ID of the last agent who handled an outbound call associated with this record.
Application Unique Application identifier (DBID).
Call Time Time of the actual dialing attempt.
Campaign Campaign database identification number (DBID) with which this record is associated.
Chain ID of records that are linked in a chain. All records associated with one customer account have the same chainID.
Contact Info Contact telephone number (home, work, cell), FAX number, or e-mail address. Contact Info in 7.1 was Phone Number in 6.5.1.
Contact Info Type Type of contact information, such as telephone, FAX, or e-mail address. Contact Info Type in 7.1 was Phone Type in 6.5.1.
Dialing Result Result of a dialed call.
From Earliest time after midnight to dial a call.
Group Unique Agent Group or Place Group identifier (DBID).
Number in Chain Priority assigned to a given record in the chain. The smallest number is processed first.
Number of Attempts Number of dialing attempts.
Record ID Unique ID number for the current record.
Record Status Status of the record.
Record Type Type of record, such as General, Scheduled, Personal CallBack, NoCall
Scheduled Time Time at which scheduled call should be dialed
Switch ID Unique Switch identifier (DBID).
Time Zone Time-zone database identification number (DBID) of the record.
To Latest time after midnight to dial a call.
Treatments History History of applied treatments for the given chain (see the treatment_sched_threshold option).
User-Defined Field An optional field that contains custom business data.
[Unknown Field Type] Default value. You must replace this value with another value from this table.

Default Value

Optional; the default value is [Blank]. The default value for the field. All formats that include the field will use this default value. The value should be consistent with the data type of the field. For example, if the data type is integer, the default value should be an integer value only. When Genesys Administrator imports records from an ASCII file in which a field is missing or has no value, Genesys Administrator populates the field with this default value--if the nullable checkbox is not selected. If the field is nullable, Genesys Administrator accepts a blank value. See also Framework Genesys Administrator Help (Provisioning Your Environment > Outbound Contact Objects > Calling Lists > Overview).

Primary Key

Optional; the default is unchecked. The checkbox indicates whether the field is a primary key in a database table. In Outbound Contact, the only primary key fields are chain_id and chain_n. For more information about these fields, see Framework Genesys Administrator Help.


Optional; the default is unchecked. The checkbox indicates whether the field value is unique within the table.


Optional; default is unchecked. The checkbox indicates whether the field value can be set to NULL.

State Enabled

Required; default is checked. Unchecking this checkbox disables the entire format object. Do not change the default.

Editing Fields in the Field Object

Default and Description are the only fields in the Field object that you can edit after you save the object. To modify the Default and Description of a field, double-click the Field object. A field cannot be deleted as long as it is associated with at least one format. Field objects are closely related to Format, Table Access, and Calling List objects. Refer to the "Calling List Objects" and "Format Objects" topics in this chapter for more information.

This page was last edited on June 6, 2013, at 13:32.
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