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Apply to Call Outcome

When creating a Treatment object in Genesys Administrator, you can assign an Apply to Call outcome for three call results: Answering Machine Detected, Fax Detected, and with SIP Server 8.1 or later, Silence. See Rules for Call Results for additional information. Also see Manually Configure and Install Outbound Applications for configuration instructions.

Note: The Apply to Call treatments work when in Transfer mode.

The Apply to Call treatments are:

  • Drop
  • Connect or Transfer

These treatments are described in the following sections.

Drop Treatment

This is the default treatment if no treatment is specified. OCS drops the call and logs the call result in the database as Answering Machine Detected, Fax Detected, or Silence.

Connect or Transfer Treatment

This treatment can be user-assigned only to Answering Machine Detected, Fax Detected, or Silence call results. OCS transfers calls to the specified DN.

Note: Connect or Transfer of a Silence call result works only with SIP Server. In a VoIP environment, the call is connected or transferred to an alternative destination. In a non-VoIP environment, the call is connected or transferred to a Voice Transfer Destination.

Automatic transfer is possible only in the following cases:

  • When dialing via a T-Server that supports automatic transfer to the alternative destination. Refer to the Deployment Guide for your particular T-Server to verify that the TMakePredictiveCall request supports alternate destinations in the request Extensions.
  • When CPD Server is used as a dialer.19 CPD Server performs the transfer after the call is established on a CPD port.
  • In VoIP dialing modes when dialing from a Trunk Group DN with SIP Server.19OCS performs the transfer after the call is established on a Trunk Group DN.

If T-Server does not support automatic transfer of calls with an Answering Machine Detected call result to an alternative destination, and if you are using URS to route calls from a Voice Transfer Destination, you can use a custom strategy to route calls with Answering Machine Detected or Fax Detected call results to alternative destinations. For example, calls with the call result Answering Machine Detected in a custom Universal Routing Server strategy can be identified by having the following characteristics:

Attribute CallState 9 (Answering Machine)
Attribute UserData 'AnswerClass' 'AM'

These calls can then be routed via the strategy to the desired alternative destination instead of routed to agents.

Determining if Call has Reached Answering Machine

For the Answering Machine Detected and Fax Detected call results, OCS checks both the 'AnswerClass' data and the call state data to determine if a dialed call has reached an answering machine. This process eliminates problems with some switches. For more information, see Rules for Answering Machine Detected or Fax Detected. This treatment does not apply to the Silence call result.

Routing to an Alternate Destination

In a VoIP environment, when dialing on behalf of the Trunk Group DN, OCS can transfer a call with the Silent call result to an alternative destination. For more information, see VoIP-Only Functionality: Transferring a Call with the Silence Result to an Alternative DN.

Rules for Apply to Call

There is one rule for Apply to Call:

The default value is [Unknown Action code]. Do not change this default unless you are creating a treatment for Answering Machine Detected, Fax Detected, or Silence call results and have created and configured a Destination DN for this purpose.

Note: Treatments using the Apply to Call action can not be sequenced. Set the Number in Sequence value to 1, as OCS always identifies this action with a sequence value of 1 even if another value is specified.
This page was last edited on June 11, 2013, at 13:04.
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