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Automatic Provisioning


You can create all the configuration information related to Genesys Web Engagement in Configuration Server by running the Provisioning Tool, located in the Web Engagement installation directory\tools\provisioning directory. The tool is run automatically as part of the installation process, but you can also run the tool to modify your configuration information after Genesys Web Engagement is installed. You don't usually need to do this, but it can be necessary when you change things like the application name or your Configuration Server parameters.

Note that you can run the tool under Windows or Linux.

Created (or Corrected) Objects

The Provisioning Tool connects to Configuration Server and reads the configuration for the Web Engagement applications. It creates Genesys objects used by the Web Engagement Servers and edits the configuration files required to launch the Web Engagement Servers.

The following objects are created or corrected when you run the Provisioning Tool:

Agent Groups

Provisioning creates a "default" Agent Group: Web Engagement Chat. This group is used in the default engagement and chat routing strategies provided by Genesys Web Engagement. It is also used to provide input for the pacing algorithm.

Location in Genesys Administrator: Provisioning > Accounts > Agent Groups

Provisioning does not create Agent objects, so make sure you add agents to your new Agent Groups after running the tool.


Genesys Web Engagement includes an out-of-the-box sample application playground. Provisioning creates category objects to support this application:

  • playground sample application — categories start with the PlayGround- prefix.

Location in Genesys Administrator: Provisioning > Routing/eServices > Business Attributes > Web Engagement Categories > Attributes Values

Interaction Queues

Provisioning creates Interaction Queue objects that serve as the entry points for the Engagement Logic SCXML strategy and the Chat Routing SCXML strategy. Provisioning also creates Interaction Queues to support real-time reporting using CCPulse and Pulse templates. Provisioning creates the following queues:

  • Engagement Logic SCXML strategy (and also for real-time reporting): Webengagement_Qualified
  • Chat Routing SCXML strategy: Webengagement_Chat
  • Real-time reporting:
    • Webengagement_Qualified (also used as the entry point for the Engagement Logic SCXML strategy)
    • Webengagement_Engaged
    • Webengagement_Accepted
    • Webengagement_Missed
    • Webengagement_Rejected
    • Webengagement_Timeout
    • Webengagement_Failed

Location in Genesys Administrator: Provisioning > Routing/eServices > Interaction Queues (or Provisioning > Environment > Scripts)

Interaction Queue Views

For each Interaction Queue object the Provisioning Tool creates, it also creates an Interaction Queue View object. Provisioning creates the following Interaction Queue View objects:

  • Webengagement_Qualified.EngagementLogic.View
  • Webengagement_Chat.ChatRouting.View
  • Webengagement_Engaged.Clean
  • Webengagement_Accepted.Clean
  • Webengagement_Missed.Clean
  • Webengagement_Rejected.Clean
  • Webengagement_Timeout.Clean
  • Webengagement_Failed.Clean

Location in Genesys Administrator: Provisioning > Environment > Scripts

Enhanced Routing objects

Provisioning creates a set of Enhanced Routing objects to work with the previously created Interaction Queues.

  • The Webengagement_Qualified.Routing object is used to provide the Engagement Logic SCXML strategy for Orchestration.
  • The Webengagement_Chat.Routing object is used to provide the Chat Routing SCXML strategy for Orchestration.

The tool also creates the following Enhanced Routing objects, which are used for cleaning purposes (for example, to clean interactions that for some reason were stuck in one of the statistical-related Interaction Queues):

  • Webengagement_Engaged.Routing
  • Webengagement_Accepted.Routing
  • Webengagement_Missed.Routing
  • Webengagement_Rejected.Routing
  • Webengagement_Timeout.Routing
  • Webengagement_Failed.Routing

Location in Genesys Administrator: Provisioning > Routing/eServices > Orchestration (or Provisioning > Environment > Scripts)

Case Data

Provisioning creates a pair of attributes under Case Data Business Attribute to support functionality in the Genesys Web Engagement Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition.

Provisioning only adds attributes to existing Case Data Business Attribute, but does not create the attribute if it is absent. The Case Data Business Attribute should be created during the Workspace Desktop Edition installation process.

The tool creates the following attributes:

  • WebEngagement.CurrentWebPage (display name is Current Web Page)
  • WebEngagement.EngagementStartPage (display name is Engagement Start Page)

Location in Genesys Administrator: Provisioning > Routing/eServices > Business Attributes > Case Data > Attributes Values

Genesys Chat Server application

Provisioning corrects the Chat Server application connected to the Web Engagement Cluster application. It creates an option in the [endpoints:Web Engagement Server Tenant ID] section of the Chat Server application with the following value:

  • Option name: webme
  • Option value: Webengagement_Chat
The connection to the Chat Server application does not have to be direct - it can be through a Genesys application with the type Application Cluster. See Configuring a Connection to a Cluster of Chat Servers (Optional) for details.

Location in Genesys Administrator: Provisioning > Environment > Applications

Genesys Stat Server application

Provisioning adds some statistics and filters into the options of the Stat Server application connected to the Web Engagement Cluster application.

If absent, the following statistics are added:

  • Chat_Interactions_Abandoned
  • Chat_Interactions_Accepted
  • Chat_Interactions_Processed
  • Chat_Interactions_Processing_Time
  • Chat_Interactions_Reactive_Total_Entered
  • Chat_Total_Entered_Queue
  • Interactions_Average_Waiting_Time
  • Virtual_Queue_Abandoned
  • Webengagement_Total_Entered_Queue

If absent, the following filters are added:

  • Webengagement_chat_filter
  • Webengagement_filter
  • Webengagement_rule_TEMPLATE

Location in Genesys Administrator: Provisioning > Environment > Applications

Genesys Web Engagement Server application

  • The queueKey in the [chat] section is populated with the Web Engagement Server Tenant ID:webme value. For example, 1:webme. This change is paired with changes in the connected Chat Server.

Location in Genesys Administrator: Provisioning > Environment > Applications

Running the Provisioning Tool


  • The configuration applications for the Web Engagement servers are created in Configuration Server.
  • The connections for the Web Engagement Server application include Interaction Server, and the Stat Server applications.
    See Creating a Node Application for details.


  1. Navigate to the Web Engagement installation directory and open the Web Engagement installation directory\tools\provisioning folder.
  2. From the command line, run the following command: webengagement_provisioning.bat -host Configuration Server host name or IP address -port Configuration Server port -user user ID login into Configuration Server -password password for the specified user ID -app Application name for Web Engagement Server
    For Linux, use the same command line, but instead of webengagement_provisioning.bat, specify webengagement_provisioning.sh.
    User and password options may be optional, according to your Configuration Server settings.

    You can also run provisioning with the overwrite option. In overwrite mode, the provisioning tool replaces old objects with new objects. Already existing GWE-specific objects will be removed and new objects will be created instead. You will lose any changes you have made manually on GWE-specific objects. The command will look like this:

    webengagement_provisioning.bat -host Configuration Server host name or IP address -port Configuration Server port -user user -password password -app Application name for Web Engagement Server -overwrite

    User and password options may be optional, according to your Configuration Server settings.
  3. The provisioning script starts. If the provisioning is successful, the following message is displayed: Provisioning script successfully finished his work


Note: The webengagement_provisioning.bat and webengagement_provisioning.sh files contain usage information that is printed when you run them. If you execute these files without parameters, this information will still be printed, but you will also receive an execution error.

This page was last edited on October 31, 2019, at 20:28.
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