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Getting Started

This section explains how to log into SpeechMiner and gives an overview of the interface.

Logging into SpeechMiner

In order to work with SpeechMiner, you must log into the system with a username and password that is defined for you by your SpeechMiner system administrator.

When you log in, SpeechMiner automatically checks the roles and groups that are assigned to your account. The roles tell the system what SpeechMiner functions and features you can access. Only those items you have permissions to view are displayed in the interface when you are logged in. The groups tell the system which interaction data is relevant to you. The Interaction Lists, interaction searches, and reports you access in SpeechMiner will only include data from this body of interactions. For additional information about roles and groups, see User Management.

You can log into SpeechMiner from any of the currently supported browsers. For an up-to-date list, consult the Release Notes of the SpeechMiner version you are using.

To log into SpeechMiner:

  1. In a browser, navigate to the SpeechMiner address. The SpeechMiner Login page appears.
    The SpeechMiner address should be given to you by your system administrator. Alternatively, when your account was created, you may have received an automated e-mail notification with this information.
    300px|thumb|center|SpeechMiner Login

  2. Select SpeechMiner if your username and password are managed by SpeechMiner. Select Windows if you log into SpeechMiner using the same username and password you use to log into Windows, or Genesys if you log into SpeechMiner using the same username and password you use to log into other Genesys products. The fields required for the selected option are displayed.
  3. Important
    If you are not sure which option to choose, contact your system administrator.
  4. In the Login and Password fields, type your username and password.
  5. If you selected Windows in step 2, in the Domain field, select your Windows domain.
  6. Click Login. You are logged into the system, and your homepage is displayed.
The first time you log in, the End User License agreement appears before you are logged in. Read the agreement. Then, select I accept and click OK. Your homepage will then be displayed.
If you do not have the correct SpeechMiner access permissions, refer to the Configuring Permissions section in the Administration Guide. In addition, you can choose a different page as your homepage. If you do so, the page you select will open when you first log into SpeechMiner. For additional information, see Editing Your User Profile.

Overview of the Main Window

The SpeechMiner interface is divided into pages from which you can access all of the system's functions. The following pages are included in the interface:

Page Description
Dashboard This page can contain a number of views, each of which can contain a selection of small applications that help you keep tabs on information that is of importance to you.
Explore Searching for interactions and other interactions by their characteristics, listening to interactions in SpeechMiner's multi-featured, proprietary Media Player; viewing the content of interactions and other interactions.
Explore > Trending Identifying unexpected trends and problems by viewing automated analyses of the terms that were found in interaction transcripts and records of other interactions.

Note: Not available in Recording UI mode.

Reports Managing reports by selecting filter criteria, generating reports, and handling the results.
Quality Management of interaction monitoring. This system enables interaction monitors and supervisors to check selections of interactions that meet specified criteria and fill in forms rating the interactions and drawing attention to issues that arise in them.

Note: Only available if the license includes the Quality Management system.

Coaching Management of coaching sessions. Coaching sessions provide managers with extensive tools for helping agents and other personnel to improve their performance. Each session directs the trainee to listen to particular recorded interactions and can include notes on how lessons from these interactions can be implemented by the agents in their work.

Note: Only available if the license includes the Coaching Management system.

Tools Access to system administration tools, including user management, Preset-View management, and system administration.
Help (?) A drop-down menu that provides access to this guide, information about the current version of SpeechMiner, and a form for sending feedback about SpeechMiner to Genesys.

To open a page:

  • Place your mouse pointer over the name of the page in the Main Menu. If a drop-down menu opens, select one of the options in the menu. If no drop-down menu opens, click the name of the page.

About Recording UI Mode

Beginning with version 8.5, SpeechMiner is available in a scaled-down version interactioned Recording UI mode. In this mode, the SpeechMiner browser-based user interface is used for accessing interactions that were recorded by Genesys Interaction Recording system and then imported to the SpeechMiner database. The interface can be used to play back interactions, to search for interactions based on their metadata, to manually create interaction lists, and to perform some other basic actions. In this mode, no recognition-audio processing or content analytics is performed on the interactions. As a result, only a subset of the standard SpeechMiner features are available, because only the features that are relevant to the mode are supported.

In addition, a Recording UI mode license is also available that does not include the SpeechMiner Quality Management features. When this version is in use the Quality menu is not included in the interface..

About Interactions

The basic SpeechMiner package works with audio interactions that are recorded by external recording systems and then imported into the SpeechMiner database for further processing, such as transcription, identification of Topics, and association with Categories. An optional add-on enables SpeechMiner to also process various forms of written texts: e-mails, social interactions (such as posts on Twitter), and chats. When this add-on is activated, SpeechMiner can include interactions and other data in its processing. The general term used in SpeechMiner for data that includes both interactions and other written sources is interactions.

If your system only includes the interaction-processing features, some of the menu items and labels in your SpeechMiner interface differ from those that appear in this manual, because they say interaction or interactions instead of interaction or interactions. In addition, certain options are not included in the interface. For example, since only interaction data is available for searches, you will not see the options that allow you to select the types of interactions to include in a search (see Defining Search Criteria).

If your system includes both interaction-processing and text processing, the menu items, options, and labels in your SpeechMiner interface should match those that appear in this manual. In filters, you can choose the types of interactions to include. For example, you could choose to perform a search for specific terms in interactions and e-mails, but not in social media. In a list of search results, individual items like interactions or e-mails are labeled using icons that identify their source-types. For example, file:Smicon_arrow.png indicates an interaction, file:Smicon_envelope.png an e-mail, and file:Smicon_chat.png an excerpt from a chat.

Interactions that were imported from a Genesys Interaction Recording system may be divided into segments. When they are, the standard interaction icon (file:Smicon_arrow.png) is replaced by a file:Smicon_expand.png .

This page was last edited on April 6, 2015, at 08:10.
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