[hide]Manage Alerts
You can configure SpeechMiner to send email alerts to specified people when groups of interactions have certain unusual or significant characteristics. For example, you can check for changes in the number of interactions containing interactioner agitation, or how many interactions each agent handled per week.
The following types of alerts are available:
- Change Alert: This type of alert is designed to tell you when the number of interactions that meet a certain condition has changed significantly from one time period to the next. For example, you could define a Change Alert to notify you when the number of interactions dealing with a particular Topic is more than ten percent higher that it was the previous week.
- Threshold Alert: This type of alert is designed to tell you when a significant number of interactions meet a certain condition. For example, you could define a Threshold Alert to notify you when the number of interactions handled by an agent falls below 1000 in a given week.
- Trend Alert: This type of alert is designed to find significant changes over time in the numbers of interactions that meet a certain condition. For example, you could define a Trend Alert to notify you when the number of interactions dealing with new accounts decreases significantly for four weeks straight.
- On Event Alert: This type of alert is designed to tell you when a particular type of event takes place in a specific number of interactions. For example, you could define an On Event Alert to notify you when your competitors are mentioned in more than ten interactions.
Change, Threshold, and Trend alerts are generated by the system once a day. That is, at a set time every day, the system checks the preceding day's data to see which of the alert conditions were met, and sends notifications for those alerts that were generated. On Event Alerts are generated whenever their conditions are met. The same On Event alert could be generated multiple times in the same day, if the conditions were met multiple times.
Create a New Alert=
- In the Main Menu, under Tools, select System Admin > Alerts.
- Below the list of alerts, click New.
- Select the type of alert you want to create, and then click Next.
- Under Details, in the Alert field, type a name for the alert.
- Under Trigger the alert if, select the interaction-property conditions, as follows:
- Fill in the fields on the next line as follows.
- Under When triggered, send an email to, specify the recipients of the alert by selecting any combination of roles and groups, and adding individual users and email addresses, as follows:
The Alerts screen opens and displays a list of the currently defined alerts.
The Alert Type dialog box opens.
An Alert Parameters window opens. The fields vary slightly depending on the type of alert you selected.
Field | Description |
Agent (Not available in Threshold Alerts) | If you want to limit the alert to interactions that were handled by particular work groups or agents, open the Agent list and add the work groups and/or agents to the list of selected agents.
For additional information about using the Agent multi-melect box, see Defining Search Criteria. |
Categories/Topics | If you wish, you can limit the alert to interactions that belong to particular categories or that contain particular topics. To do this, in the drop-down list, select either categories or topics, and then, select the relevant categories or topics in the drop-down list to the right. For additional information about using the Agent multi-melect box, see Defining Search Criteria. |
The fields vary depending on the type of alert.
Change Alert
Field | Description |
Change Value | Enter the percentage of interactions or the number of interactions that should activate the alert. For example, if you want the alerts to be sent out when the number of interactions that match the conditions during the current time period is 20% lower this week than it was last week, enter 20. Alternatively, if you want the alerts to be sent out if the number of interactions matching the conditions during the current time period is lower by 100 this week than it was last week, enter 100. |
Interactions / % | If the Change Value is a number of interactions, select interactions. If it is a percent change, select %. |
Time Period | In the first field, enter the quantity of days, weeks, or months to include in each time period. For example, if the time period is two weeks, enter 2. In the second field, select the type of time period: day(s), week(s), or month(s). |
Threshold Alert
Threshold Position | In the first field, select Above if the threshold you want to define is above a specified value, or Below if it is below a specified value. For example, if you want the alerts to be sent out if the percentage of interactions matching the conditions during the current time period is greater than 20%, select Above. Similarly, if you want the alerts to be sent out if the number of interactions matching the conditions during the current time period is greater than 100, select Above. In the second field, enter the threshold value (e.g., 20 for 20% or 100 for 100 interactions). |
Interactions / % | If the Threshold Position is a number of interactions, select interactions. If it is a percent change, select %. |
Time Period | In the first field, enter the quantity of days, weeks, or months to include in the current time period. For example, if the time period is two weeks, enter 2. In the second field, select the type of time period: day(s), week(s), or month(s). |
Trend Alert
Trend Direction | Select Up if you want the alerts to be sent out when an upward trend is identified, or Down if you want to find downward trends. For example, if you want to be notified of an increasing number of interactions involving agitated interactioners, select Up. Alternatively, if you want to be notified when there is an apparent decrease in interactions about a particular Topic, select Down. |
Time Period | Enter the quantity of days, weeks, or months to include in the trend test. For example, if you want to test for monthly trends over the past six-months, enter 6. |
Consecutive | Select the type of time period: day(s), week(s), or month(s). For example, if you want to see trends over the past six months, comparing month to month, select month(s). |
On Event Alert
Send alert when | Enter the number of interactions in which the event must occur before an alert is sent. |
- Under Roles, select the roles that should receive the email alerts. For example, if you select Administrator and Power User, any user with either of these roles will receive the alert.
- Under Groups, select the groups that should receive the email alerts. Any user who belongs to one or more of the selected groups will receive the alert.
- Under Type email or User name, enter the email address or user name of the person that should receive the email alerts. As you type, the system automatically displays a list of all usernames that contain the entire sequence of characters you have typed thus far. If the user name you want to add appears in the list, select it and it is automatically entered into the field. When the email address or user name appears in its entirety in the field, click Add to add it to the list of recipients. The email address or user name is added to the list of recipients that appears below the field.
See also
Preset Views
Monitor System
Purge System
Manage Cache
Interactions Administration
System Configuration
System Alerts
|-| Edit an Alert=
- In the Alerts screen, in the list of alerts, click the name of the alert.
- Modify the settings as necessary.
- Click Save. The changes are implemented.
The alert parameters window opens.
To remove an individual user name or email address from the list of recipients, select it in the list and then click Clear.
See also
Preset Views
Monitor System
Purge System
Manage Cache
Interactions Administration
System Configuration
System Alerts
|-| Delete an Alert=
- In the Alerts screen, in the Delete column, select the check box of each alert you want to delete.
- Below the list, click Delete.
- Click Yes.
You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the selected alerts.
The selected alerts are deleted.
See also
Preset Views
Monitor System
Purge System
Manage Cache
Interactions Administration
System Configuration
System Alerts