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Reports are summaries and analyses of interaction, speech, and external metadata. You can view reports in your browser, print them, or send them via e-mail.

To help you monitor your business, SpeechMiner offers a wide range of standard reports. Most reports are provided as templates that can be customized to better suit your needs. Depending on the type of report, the results may be presented as lists of data and/or in graphic form. In many cases, you can drill-down within a report to see additional details about a particular item.

This section explains how to use the Reports page to create a report, edit saved reports, run reports, and manage report results. For additional information about specific parameters and a list of available report templates, see Standard Reports.

Selecting a Template for a Report

There are a number of ways to select a template for a report.

To learn more about each template before you select one:

  • Refer to Report Templates for an explanation about each report type.
  • Click Reports > Templates and place your mouse pointer over the View link of each template to see a sample of its results.

To select the template on which you want to base your new report:

  • Click Reports > Templates and click the Edit link associated with the template on which you want to base your new report.
  • Click Reports > Edit Report and from the Template drop-down list, select the template on which you want to base your new report.

For additional information about customizing and running the report, see Custom Reports.
For information about customizing reports for display in the Views page, see Managing Widgets.

Creating a Custom Report

This section explains how to use the Reports > Edit Report tab to create and run custom reports.

    Each report template has a different set of fields, but all templates include the following fields:

    Field Description
    Report Name The name of the report in SpeechMiner. This name identifies the report in the list of saved reports.
    Report Title The title of the report, displayed above the report results

    To create a custom report:

    1. Click Reports > Edit Report.
    2. From the Template list select the required template.
    3. On the left side of the screen under Calls Filter, select the Data Set filters.
    4. These filters are configured in the same way New Search filters are configured (except that Text Mode is not available). For additional information about the filters and how to use them, see Common Parameters and Defining Search Criteria.

    5. On the right side of the screen, select the parameters you want to include in the report results.
    6. Click Run Report to create the custom report.
    7. The report appears at the bottom of the screen.

    8. Click Save report settings to save the report.
    9. The saved report will appear in the Saved Reports list.

    To hide or show the Data Set filter panel:

    • In the upper-right corner of the panel, click 15px.

    Report templates that include the Agents Data Set filter can be configured to analyze data for the current user or workgroup rather than a specific workgroup. In this case, when the report runs, the data set used changes depending on which user runs it. For example, if the user is agent 12, the report will only include interactions that were handled by agent 12. This feature will only work if the user's profile includes mapping. If the user is an agent, the mapping gives the name of the agent and reports that are filtered for the "current user" only include data about that agent. If the user is a manager, the mapping gives the name of the manager's workgroup and the reports that are filtered for the current user include data for the entire workgroup. For additional information about user profiles and mapping users to agents or workgroups, see Manage Users.

    Configure a report to analyze data for the current user

    1. Under Calls Filter, select Current User from the Agents list and click Add.
    2. Click Done.
    3. Once the report is configured in this way, different users can create the report to analyze their own data and the report can be shared with other users.

    Once you finalized the customized report configuration you can run the report. Reports can be run in a number of ways:

    • Run the report and view the results in the browser.
    • Run the report and send the results as an e-mail attachment to specified recipients.
      The results are sent as an MHT file. This file is opened in a browser and is linked to the SpeechMiner system. The data drill-down feature can be used in the file.
    • Run the report and export the results using a PDF or Excel file
    You do not have to save a report in order to run it.

    To run the report and view the results in the browser:

    1. Select how to view the report results in the browser:
    • To view the results in a new browser window, at the top of the form select Open in new window at the top of the Edit Report tab.
    • To view the results in the Customize Report tab, below the template form clear the Open in new window checkbox.
  • Click Run (file:smicon_arrow.png).
  • The report runs, and the results are displayed as you requested.

    To run the report and send the results via e-mail:

    1. At the top of the form, click Email report (file:smicon_sessionactionemail.png).
    2. A dialog box opens.

      >li>Under To, fill in the e-mail addresses of the recipients.

      Separate multiple addresses with semi-colons (;).

    3. Under Notes type any text you want to include in the body of the e-mail.
    4. Click Send.
    5. The report runs, and the results are sent to the recipients you specified. A confirmation message appears when the results are sent.

    To run the report and export the results:

    1. At the top of the form, click file:Smicon_runreport.png.
    2. The report is created and appears at the bottom of the screen.

    3. Click either the PDF or Excel icon to export the results to a PDF or Excel file.
    4. A dialog box opens and asks you if you want to open or save the file.

    5. Select the desired option.
    6. If you select Open, the file opens in the application that is configured to open files of the selected type on your computer.
      If you select Save, a Save As dialog box opens.
    7. If you selected Save, navigate to the folder in which you want to save the file, and then click Save.
    8. The file is saved in the selected location.

    Depending on the type of report, the report results may be in the form of a graph, a histogram, or a table. You can drill down to the underlying data on which any graphic component of a report is based (graph bars, lines, or table headers). When you do this, you will be presented with a new report which is based on the data point you clicked on.

    To drill down to the underlying data of a report component:

    • Click the component.

    To play back an interaction from a drill-down list:

    To close the drill-down list and return to the report results:

    • If the report was displayed in the Customize Report tab, at the bottom of the form, click Back (file:smicon_back.png).
    • If the report was opened in a separate window or tab, use the browser's Back button or press Backspace.

    To sort data in a table:

    • Click the heading of the column by which you want to sort the table.

    Save your report to run the report with the same settings in the future.

    You do not have to save a report in order to run it.

    To save a customized report:

    To save the current report settings under a new name:

    Managing Saved Reports

    Saved reports are customized report templates that you can run as often as needed. They can be run on demand, or according to a schedule. You can access saved reports and configure their schedules in the Saved Reports tab.

    To open the Saved Reports tab:

    • In the Main Menu, under Reports, select Saved Reports. The Saved Reports tab opens.
    Unlike the other saved reports in the list, the System alert report is automatically generated and saved by the system. For additional information, see System Alerts.

      The following columns appear in the Saved Reports tables:

      Column Description
      Run Click the Run icon to run the report and display the results at the bottom of the screen. For information about working with the results, see Creating a Custom Report.
      Edit Click the Edit icon to open the report in the Custom Report tab, where you can change the parameters and settings and make use of all of the other features of the Custom Report tab.
      Delete Click the Delete icon to delete the report.

      Note: You can also delete a number of reports at once.

      Name The name of the report
      Template The template on which the report is based
      Created By The name of the user who created the report
      Sharing A Sharing icon appears for reports that you created. A grayed out Sharing icon appears for reports that other users created and shared with you. The names of the groups and users with whom the report is shared appear in the table beside the icon.

      Click the Sharing icon to open a dialog box in which you can select the groups and individual users with whom you want to share the report. The members of the selected groups and the selected users will see the report listed in their Saved Reports tab and will be able to run the report.

      Note: You can only modify reports that you created. If you want to modify other reports, you must save them under new names.

      Schedule Indicates whether the report has a schedule defined for it, and, if so, what kind of schedule. Click the file:sm_calendar.png icon to activate, deactivate, create, or modify the schedule.
      Last Modified The date on which the report settings were last saved
      Permalink Click Copy to create a Permalink to the report. You can copy the link to your clipboard and then paste it elsewhere as needed. Later, you can use a browser to navigate to the Permalink address. When you do, the report will open in the browser. For additional information, see Permalinks.

      Sorting the Columns

      You can choose to sort the tables by any column that contains a report parameter.

      To sort a table by a column:

      • Click the title of the column.
      Click the title a second time to reverse the sort order.

      When the list of saved reports is long, it is divided into pages. The Page field of the page navigator at the bottom of the grid shows which page is currently being displayed. You can use the page navigator to go to a particular page in the list and to select the page size - the maximum number of interactions to display in a single page.
      To navigate to a different page in an Interaction List:

      • In the page navigator. select one of the following:
      Option Description
      file:Sm_firstpage.png Go to the first page
      file:Sm_backpage.png Go back one page
      Page Type the required page number in the field, and then press Enter.
      file:Sm_pageforward.png Go forward one page
      file:Sm_endpage.png Go to the last page

      To select the page size:

      • In the page navigator. in the dropdown list on the right, select the page size. The available options are 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100.

      You can use filters to limit the saved reports that are displayed in the list to those that meet criteria you specify. The filter controls are located at the top of the list. The following filters are available:

      Filter Type Description
      Name Enter a sequence of characters. Only those saved reports whose names contain the sequence you enter are displayed.
      Template Select the report templates to include in the list, and then click Close to activate the filter. Only those saved reports that are based on the selected templates are displayed.
      Created By Select the users to include in the list, and then click Close to activate the filter. Only those saved reports that were created by the selected users are displayed.
      Sharing Select My Reports to display only those reports that you created, or Shared Reports to display only those reports that were created by other users and shared with you. Click Close to activate the filter.

      You can schedule reports to run automatically at specified times or in response to specified Events. The results are automatically sent via e-mail to the recipients you specify. The current schedule setting of each saved report is indicated in the Schedule column as follows:

      • Deactivated: The report does not run on a schedule.
      • Time Based: The report runs automatically at specified times.
      • Event Based: The report runs automatically when specified Events are detected
      You can only create or modify the schedules of reports you created.

      You can create reports schedules individually for specific reports or globally for a number of selected reports. You can also deactivate active schedules in either of these ways.

      To configure the schedule for a single report:

      • In the report table, in the report's row, click Schedule (file:sm_calendar.png). The scheduling dialog box opens. Follow the instructions below to select the schedule options you require.

      To configure the schedule of a group of reports:

      1. Select the checkbox to the left of each report you want to include in the schedule. To select all of the reports in the list, select the checkbox in the column title.
      2. At the top of the list, to the right of the filters, click Schedule (file:sm_calendar.png). The scheduling dialog box opens (see below). Follow the instructions below to select the schedule options you require.

      Scheduling Reports to Run at Specified Times

      If you want to see report results on a routine basis, you can schedule the reports to run at specified intervals.

      To schedule the selected reports to run at specified times:

      1. At the top of the scheduling dialog box, select Active. The scheduling settings in the dialog box become available.
      2. In the Schedule tab, under Schedule Type, select Time Based. The options for configuring the schedule are displayed.
      3. Under Date Range, select the start and end dates for the schedule to be implemented.
      4. Select the time period - Hour, Day, Week, Month, Once - you want to use to schedule the reports. For example, if you want to run the reports every weekday, or on Mondays and Thursdays, select Day.
      5. In the box beside the units, fill in the desired schedule.
      6. Fill in the Recipients tab and save the settings.

      Scheduling Reports to Run in Response to Events

      Event-based scheduling enables you to keep track of potentially significant trends and/or to be alerted when significant changes in agent or customer behavior occur. In this context, the term Event does not refer to an individual occurrence of an Event but to a specified number or percentage of interactions in which the Event was detected. For example, the detection of caller agitation in more than 10% of interactions could be an Event that causes a report to be generated.

      To schedule the selected reports to run in response to Events:

      1. At the top of the scheduling dialog box, select Active. The scheduling settings in the dialog box become available.
      2. In the Schedule tab, under Schedule Type, select Event Based. The fields required to configure the schedule are displayed.
      3. 300px

      4. In the Condition line, under Categories select the Categories that must be identified in the interactions. For additional information about using the Multi-Select box, see Defining Search Criteria.
      5. In the next field, select one of the following:
        • Exceeds (>) if you want the selected reports to run when the selected Categories are identified in more than a specified number or percentage of interactions.
        • Equals (=) if you want the selected reports to run when the selected Categories are identified in a specified number or percentage of interactions.
        • Drops Below(<) if you want the selected reports to run when the selected Categories are identified in fewer than a specified number or percentage of interactions.
      6. Under Values, fill in the number or percentage of interactions.
      7. In the next field, select Calls if the value refers to a number of interactions, or % of interactions if the value refers to a percentage of interactions.
      8. Under Duration, fill in the number of time periods (of the unit specified in the next field) in which the condition must be met. For example, type "2" if the condition must be met within a 2-day period (and then select Days in the next field).
      9. Select the unit of time for the duration value you entered in the previous field.
      10. Fill in the Recipients tab and save the settings.

      Recipients Tab

      Regardless of which type of schedule you create, you must specify the recipients of the reports.

      To specify the recipients of scheduled reports:

      1. In the scheduling dialog box, in the Recipients tab, fill in the fields as follows:
        Field Description
        To The e-mail addresses of the report recipients. Separate multiple addresses with semi-colons (;).
        From The sender's address.
        Subject The text that should appear in the subject line of the e-mail.
        Report Format Select Web archive to format the results as an MHT file (which can be opened in Internet Explorer). Select PDF to format the results as a PDF file.

        Note: If the Schedule Report does not produce expected results refer to the Configuring the Reporting Services in the Administration Guide.

        Priority Select the desired priority level for the e-mail message.
      2. Click Schedule. The reports are scheduled as specified in the Schedule tab and the recipients are set as specified in the Recipients tab.

      Deactivating a Schedule

      If you want to stop running one or more active schedules, you can deactivate them.

      To deactivate active schedules:

      1. At the top of the scheduling dialog box, clear the Active check box.
        If you selected a group of saved reports before you opened the scheduling dialog box, the Active check box is cleared already when the scheduling dialog box opens.
      2. Click Schedule.

      You can run a report and view the results in the Saved Reports screen. Once the results are open, you can drill down to view additional details, as you would if you ran the report in the Edit Report screen. You can also e-mail the results or export them as PDF or Excel files. To run the report and view the results in the browser:

      To drill down to the underlying data of a graphic report component:
      • Click the component. .
      To play back an interaction from a drill-down list: To close the drill-down list and return to the report results: To e-mail the displayed results:
      1. At the bottom of the list of saved reports, click E-mail (file:smicon_sessionactionemail.png). A dialog box opens.
      2. Under To, fill in the e-mail addresses of the recipients. Separate multiple addresses with semi-colons (;).
      3. Under Notes, type any text you want to include in the body of the e-mail.
      4. Click Send. The report runs, and the results are sent to the recipients you specified. A confirmation message appears when the results are sent.
      To export the displayed results:
      1. At the bottom of the list of saved reports, click file:smicon_pdf.png to export the results to a PDF file or file:smicon_excel.png to export the results to an Excel file. A dialog box opens and asks you if you want to open or save the file.
      2. Select the desired option. If you select Open, the file opens in the application that is configured to open files of the selected type on your computer. If you select Save, a Save As dialog box opens.
      3. If you selected Save, navigate to the folder in which you want to save the file, and then click Save. The file is saved in the selected location.

      You can delete reports individually for a specific report or globally for a number of selected reports.

      You can only delete reports that you created.

      To delete a single report:

      1. In the report table, in the report's row, click Delete (file:smicon_delete.png). You are prompted to confirm you want to delete the report.
      2. Click Yes. The report is deleted.

      To delete a group of reports:

      1. Select the checkbox to the left of each report you want to delete. To select all of the reports in the list, select the checkbox in the column title.
      2. At the top of the list, to the right of the filters, click Delete (file:smicon_delete.png). You are prompted to confirm you want to delete the reports.
      3. Click Yes. The reports are deleted.

      MRS Library

      The MRS Library is a dll that provides support for various report features. If you are having problems running reports, it is worthwhile to ensure that the correct version of the MRS Library is deployed in your system. You will not generally have to do this unless Genesys technical support asks you to.

      To find verify the MRS Library version number:

      1. In a browser, navigate to the Report Manager page.
      2. This page is accessed on the report server at the URL http://[report server]/reports. (Replace [report server] with the name of your report server.)

      3. Select the database folder.
      4. A list of the contents of the folder opens.

      5. Select MRSLibrary_Version.
      6. The MRS version number is displayed.

      This page was last edited on April 6, 2015, at 08:11.
      Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!