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Interaction Server Release Notes

Interaction Server is part of 9.x starting in
Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Mac Solaris Windows
12/14/22 General X X

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Interaction Server now supports PostgreSQL 13 (as of February 03, 2023). See the eServices page in the Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported operating systems, browsers, web server applications, and databases. (IXN-7371)

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Interaction Server no longer adds an inccorrect timestamp to the attr_itx_moved_to_queue_at attribute of the EventPartyRemoved, EventPlacedInQueue, EventPlacedInWorkbin reporting events. IPreviously, after placing the interaction back to the same queue, reporting events were sent with the attr_itx_moved_to_queue_at attribute set to the last time when interaction was placed in queue instead of the time when it was moved to the queue the first time. (IXN-7273)

Interaction Server now correctly handles the value of the settings/agent-session-restore-timeout parameter for all interactions. Previously, in rare cases, some interactions could be moved to the queue immediately on agent disconnect regardless of the settings/agent-session-restore-timeout parameter value. (IXN-7248)

Interaction Server now can log a database request warning timeout message before a database request error timeout. Previously, Interaction Server did not generate a database query warning when the settings/database-request-timeout parameter was set to a positive value, regardless of the value of the settings/database-request-warning-timeout parameter. (IXN-7226)

Interaction Server no longer terminates unexpectedly when starting up in utility mode. Previously, IXN Server terminated unexpectedly when it unpacked the flexible properties database field to custom database fields or packing custom database fields to flexible properties database field in utility mode. This regression was introduced in the release. (IXN-7174)

Interaction Server now clears the memory correctly on shutdown. Previously, in rare cases, there were some memory leaks during the shutdown process. (IXN-5997)

Upgrade Notes

The slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar file must be explicitly specified in the section java-options, option -Djava.class.path if using Groovy Event Logger, JMS Event Logger/Capture Point, and Kafka Event Logger/Capture Point. (IXN-7299)

This page was last edited on April 19, 2023, at 07:34.
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