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Interaction Server Release Notes

Interaction Server is part of 9.x starting in
Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Mac Solaris Windows
03/31/21 General X X

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Interaction Server now includes the following new health monitoring-related metrics:
    • New agent-related metrics:
      • the number of the logged-in agents
      • the number of the agents capable of handling media type per media type
      • the number of the agents ready to handle media type per media type (agent capacity is not taken into account because this information is absent in Interaction Server)
      • the number of the agent parties taking part in interaction handling per media type
    • The number of the interactions in the router plus those being handled separately by agents, per queue, per media type. In previous releases, only the sum of these metrics was provided. (IXN-5881)
    • The number of the connected clients per client type (Agent Application, Reporting Engine, and so on). In previous releases, only the overall number of the connected clients was provided in metrics. (IXN-5984)

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Interaction Server now correctly handles errors on initialization. Previously, it did not process any incoming requests when it was not able to initialize correctly on the first attempt. For example, when connection to Configuration Server was lost during initialization. This regression was introduced in the 8.5.302.12 release. (IXN-6147)

Interaction Server now correctly resets the handling timeout when a secondary invited party rejects or misses the invitation. Previously, the timeout was incorrectly set to seconds instead of minutes. This regression was introduced in the 8.5.307.02 release. (IXN-6140)

Interaction Server now saves empty strings in custom properties mapped to the custom columns in the database as an empty string. Previously, empty strings were saved as NULL values when Interaction Server was configured to work with the database through ODBC. (IXN-6067)

This change affects Postgres and MSSQL only. Oracle writes empty strings as NULLs (refer to Oracle documentation) and this behavior cannot be changed by Interaction Server.

Interaction Server now correctly reports Database (DB) related errors. Previously, if a DB request timed out, all subsequent DB related errors were incorrectly reported as DB request timeouts. (IXN-5645)

For the custom interaction properties, Interaction Server can now store up to 8 KB of data in text columns (of varchar and nvarchar types). Previously, these columns were limited to 512 bytes. (IXN-5539)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on March 31, 2021, at 09:22.
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