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Genesys Engage cloud APIs

Information.png Note: Not all changes listed below may pertain to your deployment.

March 25, 2021

What's New

Workspace API

  • The Workspace API now updates the callState property on the call resource when a voice call is released due to no answer or redirection. The callState property can be either Redirected or NoAnswer to indicate those scenarios; otherwise, the property is not present. The call resource is updated with this property when CallStateChanged is sent for the release event.

March 4, 2021

What's New

Resolved Issues

Provisioning API

  • The Provisioning API now populates SIP Softphone details and place data when creating a new user. (GAPI-25825)

August 11, 2020

What's New

Resolved Issues

Service Client API for Agent Desktop

  • In Service Client API, you can now distinguish the Ready State Reason of an agent. (GAPI-22168)

July 16, 2020

What's New

Service Client API for Agent Desktop

  • The Service Client API can now accept or reject a SIP Preview when ringing in Agent Desktop.

May 14, 2020

What's New

Resolved Issues

Provisioning API

  • The Provisioning API now returns an error message when you make a GET /objects/users request with a valid filterName and don't include a value for filterParameters. (GAPI-19949)

Service Client API for Agent Desktop

  • The Service Client API now correctly handles attached data for interactions that contain values "0" or blank. Previously, key-value pairs containing these values were not included in the attached data. (GAPI-19419)
  • The Service Client API now returns only one ACCEPTED event for an interaction and all following events are of type PROPERTY_CHANGED. Note: The PROPERTY_CHANGED events are hidden in the API iframe. (GAPI-19815)
  • The Service Client API now initializes correctly. Previously, on a slow network, it could appear that initialization failed. (GAPI-19912)

March 26, 2020

What's New

Cloud intelligent Workload Distribution API

  • The Cloud iWD API lets you create, update, delete or find workitems that come from existing enterprise software applications (such as ERP, BPM, DCM, Salesforce) as well as homegrown legacy systems. The API also supports two-way REST API messaging between Cloud iWD and multiple source systems. See Cloud intelligent Workload Distribution in the Administrator's Guide for details about implementing this solution.

Resolved Issues

Provisioning API

  • The /users endpoint is deprecated and the Provisioning API now supports a new /objects/users endpoint you can use to create, read, update, and delete users.
  • The GET /objects/users request now returns a maximum of 100 users.

June 6, 2019

What's New

Service Client API for Agent Desktop

  • The Service Client API can now retrieve provisioning data for Agent Desktop through the new Configuration namespace.

Resolved Issues

Workspace API

  • The delete from conference operation is now available when using a single-step conference through a route point. (GAPI-13424)

May 23, 2019

What's New

Provisioning API

  • The Provisioning API's /provisioning/v3/objects/{object_type} endpoint can now return Access Groups and Skills.
  • The Provisioning API now enables you to set the recording hierarchy when creating or updating a user.

Resolved Issues

Service Client API for Agent Desktop

  • The Service Client API now populates the CALL_RECORDING_STATE_CHANGED event. Previously, the API triggered the ATTACHED_DATA_CHANGED event when the call recording state changed. (GAPI-13256)

April 4, 2019

What's New

CX Contact Service API

  • The CX Contact Service API enables users to create, manage, and execute outbound events. Specific capabilities include the following:
    • Create and manage outbound campaigns
    • Create contact lists and manage the records within them
    • Create and manage compliance rules
    • Manage contact suppression lists and record exclusion rules
    • Create administration tasks

Consumer Messaging API

  • The Consumer Messaging API provides support for custom applications to create chat sessions, send and fetch messages, manage participants, send mobile push notifications and update userdata.

Genesys Task Routing API

  • The Genesys Task Routing API lets you submit workitems to Genesys from third-party applications. You can use other Genesys applications to route submitted workitems to agents, get interactions that were processed by agents, and view reports about those interactions. See Genesys Task Routing in the Administrator's Guide for details about implementing this solution.

Engagement Service API

  • Support for Web or mobile callback — Public API-driven from mobile apps, Web sites, or the Genesys Widgets for Callback.
  • Support for Click-To-Call-In — A mobile app requests call-in details provided immediately or when an agent becomes available.
  • Support for Queue Estimated Wait Time (EWT) and office hours availability.

Cloud Data Download Service API

  • The Cloud Data Download Service API enables secure export and download of contact center data. The exported data files are encrypted and stored for a maximum of 30 days, during which time they are available for download. After 30 days, the files are deleted from storage. The initial release supports contacts and interaction-based data sourced from Universal Contact Server (UCS).

September 27, 2018

What's New

Workspace API

  • The Agent (Workspace) API now supports Chat.

Service Client API for Agent Desktop

  • The Service Client API now supports email and chat.

August 30, 2018

What's New

Workspace API

  • The Workspace API (also referred to as Agent API) supports development of custom agent applications that integrate with Genesys. These applications can include features such as:
    Inbound voice
    • Manage agent state
    • Perform basic call control
    • Perform conferences and transfers
    • Enable supervisor monitoring
    • Create, read, update, and delete user data
    • Enable call recording

Statistics API

  • The Statistics API supports access to contact center statistics. The API provides two models of access:
    • Subscribe/Notify model - Create a subscription and receive notifications
    • One-time retrieval - Retrieve the current values of statistics

Provisioning API

  • The Provisioning API supports creating users, modifying configuration data, and retrieving configuration data. Specific supported actions include:
    • Create, read, update, and delete users
    • Get skills for a user
    • Import and export users
    • Get DNs or agent groups
    • Create, read, update, and delete application options

Authentication API

  • The Authentication API provides authentication and authorization for client endpoints using OAuth 2:
    • Authenticate users, generate access tokens from grants, validate access tokens for resource services
    • The Authentication API is required as a prerequisite for accessing other APIs

Service Client API for Agent Desktop

  • It is possible to configure Agent Desktop to embed other web client business applications to improve overall user experience by removing the need for users to manage multiple application windows. Developers can extend the UI integration by using Service Client API to customize how your web application or website integrates with Agent Desktop. Genesys provides this window.postMessage based API so that your application can communicate cross domain with Agent Desktop while maintaining secured isolation. By monitoring various events provided by Agent Desktop, you can use the Service Client API to perform the following actions from third-party applications:
    • Get and set agent and media state
    • Enable click-to-dial
    • Control call recording such as start, pause, resume, and stop
    • Answer, hold, resume, and hang up voice calls
    • Mute/unmute Genesys Softphone microphone and speaker
    • Create, update, and delete attached data
    • Invoke a toast in Agent Desktop
    • Control case selection
    • Block and unblock the agent Mark Done operation

Known Issues

  • The Service Client API does not support the EXTERNAL mode with Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Reference Material

This page was last edited on April 19, 2021, at 12:13.
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