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Screen Recording Service

For information about the latest releases of Screen Recording Service, refer to Screen Recording Service Release Notes.

Information.png Note: Not all changes listed below may pertain to your deployment.

March 30, 2021 (8.5.370.93)

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • If a screen recording is long enough to be sliced, Screen Recording Service (SRS) now correctly records all subsequent slices. (GIR-30151, GIR-30152)
  • On Windows 10, if the screen recording is paused and then resumed, the screen recording is no longer lost. (GIR-30144)
  • When the maxWidth and maxHeight parameters are set, Screen Recording Service now correctly applies the settings. Previously, it used the default resolution that was set in the display settings. (GIR-27591)
  • Screen Recording Service no longer crashes when Data Execution Prevention and Validate heap integrity are enabled in Windows Defender's Exploit Protection for GenesysServiceHandler.exe. (GIR-29369)

December 7, 2020 (8.5.370.85)

What's New

Citrix Virtual Loopback support

  • The Screen Recording Service (SRS) can now be configured to listen on loopback addresses other than This enables SRS to work in an environment where the Citrix Virtual Loopback Feature is being used. (GIR-30165)

September 29, 2020 (8.5.370.82)

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • An issue that caused Screen Recording Service (SRS) to stop responding if Data Execution Prevention and Validate heap integrity are enabled in Windows Defender's Exploit Protection for GenesysServiceHandler.exe is now corrected. (GIR-29369)
  • The SRS uninstaller now removes the root certificate that is created when a self-signed certificate is generated during the SRS installation process.
    Note: This fix takes effect starting with upgrades subsequent to this release. The issue still applies when upgrading to this release. (GIR-29666)

April 24, 2020 (8.5.370.78)

What's New

Proxy server support

  • The Screen Recording Service (SRS) now supports the use of a proxy server to act as an intermediary between SRS and Interaction Recording Web Services (RWS).

Resolved Issues

  • An issue that caused cookies associated with cross-site resources to have the SameSite=None and Secure attributes set when using HTTP is now corrected. (GIR-29182)
  • If the Screen Recording Service is uninstalled, the certificates it created during installation are now removed from the Windows Certificate store. (GIR-28531)

December 20, 2019 (8.5.370.68)

What's New

Browser compatibility support

  • The Screen Recording Service (SRS) is updated to set the SameSite=None and Secure attributes for cookies associated with cross-site resources. This is to support forthcoming releases of Chrome (starting with v80) and other browsers that will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with these attributes. (GIR-28630)

September 3, 2019 (8.5.370.63)

What's New

Third-party libraries

  • Several third-party libraries have been upgraded to mitigate security vulnerabilities. (GIR-23212)

May 8, 2019 (8.5.366.12)

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Screen recordings now complete when the recording is paused or resumed. Previously, in version 8.5.365.01 or higher, SRS encountered an error and failed to complete a recording when the recording was paused or resumed. (GIR-26010)
  • Encryption certificates are now stored using shorter filenames. Previously, SRS could encounter I/O errors due to long filenames of encryption certificates. (GIR-25628)
  • The VLC HTTP timeout has an increased default value of 10 seconds. Additionally, the vlcHttpTimeout parameter is introduced to allow users to adjust this timeout. Previously, SRS failed to complete a recording due to a VLC Http stop failed with ConnectTimeout error. (GIR-25170)
  • SRS no longer encounters a recorder.pyc error. Previously at times, SRS did not record an agent's screen when there were back-to-back login and logout requests. (GIR-26155)

January 4, 2019 (8.5.365.01)

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Screen Recording Service now supports HTTPS mode in Firefox 58 and later versions. (GIR-24283)

February 2, 2018 (8.5.351.06)

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • The Screen Recording Service (SRS) no longer encounters a large number of missing frames in the screen recording on slow machines when the preLoadVlc parameter is enabled. Previously, some frames were missing in the screen recording on slow machines. The dummyRecordingDuration parameter can be set to a value less than 60 seconds to launch VLC for the configured time; this helps to cache the recorder DLL files for a faster response. (GIR-16951)

December 15, 2017 (8.5.350.65)

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Screen Recording Service now supports new parameter called "isVlcSlowCapture" to enable/disable update of startTime with recording file creation time. Earlier, in slow machine there was misalignment between actual start time of video and the start time in metadata. (GIR-15643)
  • The SR Service no longer stops uploading recordings after it fails to upload a recording due to authentication errors. The SR Service now skips the problematic recording and continues to upload the next agent recording. (GIR-12110)
  • The Screen Recording Service (SRS) now displays the "Genesys Screen Recording Service, Version : <ipversion>" message in the Windows "Services" application. (GIR-12553)
  • Screen Recording Service installer now installs SRS in the HTTPS mode when the default "Standard" installation option is chosen. Previously, the SRS installer installed SRS in the HTTP mode. (GIR-6611)
  • Screen Recording Service installer UI now shows additional option to reboot the machine by detecting the presence of rra files during upgrade. Earlier, if the SRS service is not stopped when the setup.exe is running during the SR Service (SRS) upgrade, there may be rra files created in the SRS installation folder. Workaround: Reboot the machine for the upgrade to complete properly. (GIR-5945)
  • Screen Recording Service no longer supports update of "certificate" parameter value with an api request from the agent desktop clients. (GIR-6615)
  • SRS now properly adds the certificates to the Firefox certificate store during the installation. (GIR-11072)
  • The Screen Recording Service (SRS) no longer displays a security pop-up window from Internet Explorer if you are using a self-signed certificate generated during the SRS installation process. Previously, Internet Explorer displayed a security pop-up window in all the Windows operating systems other than Windows 10. (GIR-13109)

Known Issues

  • Screen recordings may be truncated by a few seconds at both the start and end of the recording. (GIR-30605)
  • When playing back a screen recording in SpeechMiner using Internet Explorer the screen and voice may be slightly out of sync. (GIR-30611)
  • If VLC crashes, SRS may fail to create screen recordings afterwards due to a problem with VLC. This would be shown in the logs with a log message like "The recording file size is too small (0 bytes)". (GIR-30594)
    Workaround: Delete %APPDATA%\vlc and restart Screen Recording Service. To restart Screen Recording Service, stop and then start the Genesys SRS Service Windows Service.
  • When upgrading SRS on a Windows 10 machine, the upgrade might fail. If this happens, restart the machine and try again. (GIR-29547)
This page was last edited on March 11, 2022, at 16:57.
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