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Agent Setup

For information on later releases of Agent Setup, click here: Agent Setup

Information.png Note: The updates listed below might not apply to all environments.

March 25, 2021 ( UPDATE)

What's New

  • Bulk Import now supports updating a username by using dbid as the primary key. This new support enhances the user download feature with the ability to also download dbid when exporting all users. (GAPI-26698)
  • Introduced the following new option in the Email tab of the Desktop Options section:
    • Allow Email Resend from History — Enables agents to re-send an email from the interaction history. This option is dependent on the Contact option also being set in Desktop Options. (GAPI-26278)
  • Introduced the following new option in the Voice tab of the Desktop Options section:
    • Allow Alert for Opt-out Recording — Alerts the agent that the current call is not being recorded by a supervisor. (GAPI-26276)
  • Introduced the following new option in the Interaction History Advanced Search tab of the Desktop Options section:
    • Allow Unanswered Outbound Call — When this option is true, an interaction is created in the Universal Contact Server database, even if the outbound call is unanswered by the customer. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in the Configuration Guide. (GAPI-26274)
  • It is now possible to create a statistic definition without mainMask by choosing the statistic category ServiceFactor1. (GAPI-26152)
  • The following improvements have been made to the Agent Setup UI for Favorites:
    • A new Favorites Pool tab has been added to the Agent Desktop section. Through this new tab, you can add, delete, and edit (change the name, type, and category) the global favorites available in your Contact Center.
    • The Global Favorites tab has been updated so that you can manage linked Favorites per level (Contact Center, Agent Group, Agent, and Transaction).
    • Other general enhancements:
      • Improved the way the Favorite's "Attached Data" values are managed.
      • Improved the way duplicate Favorites are detected.
      • Improved the global checkbox logic after the data has been filtered.
  • If using the latest version of Genesys Engage cloud Email powered by our Intelligent Workload Distribution (IWD) solution, you can find new instructions for setting up your email mailboxes in Workload Manager in the IWD Administrator's Guide. If you are still using Email classic, setting up your Email Server in Engage cloud is still done through the Email tab of the Desktop Options section. No changes are required. (GAPI-28753)

March 4, 2021 (

What's New

  • Agent Setup now allows migration of statistics without mainMask.
  • Introduced the following new options in the Screen Pop tab of the Gplus Salesforce section:
    • Screen Pop For Outbound Calls — Specifies whether the Adapter initiates screen pop in Salesforce for outbound calls.
    • Create New Salesforce Record on Screenpop — Specifies whether Gplus Adapter creates a new Salesforce record on screenpop. Values include:
      • None: No new Salesforce record is created
      • No Matching Record: A new Salesforce record is created when a Salesforce search returns no matching record
      • Always: A new Salesforce record is created for every screenpop
    • Salesforce Object API Name — Specifies the Salesforce custom object API name. To find the API name, go to Salesforce Setup > Object Manager > Custom Object > Details > API Name.
    • New Salesforce Record Field Mapping — Specifies the name of the configuration section where the mapping is defined. In the section, each key must correspond to an interaction UserData key, and each value must correspond to the name of the Salesforce standard or custom object field.
  • Introduced the following new options for the Agent's WebRTC configuration in the Voice tab of the Desktop Options section:
    • WebRTC Polling Timeout — Specifies, in seconds, a period of time during which WebRTC library waits for the response for a polling request.
    • Expression to capture groups in GWS url — Specifies that Workspace should extract some part of its url to capture some groups containing shared information among services, like the tenant or the region.
    • WebRTC Server URN — Specifies the URN that should be based on the following pattern: WEBRTCGATEWAY_SERVER:WEBRTCGATEWAY_PORT?sip-proxy-address=SIPPROXY_SERVER:SIPPROXY_PORT.
  • Introduced the following new option in the General tab of the Gplus Salesforce section:
    • Prevent Gplus in Browser Multitab — Specifies that Gplus Adapter will not work in multiple tabs.
    • Notifications — Specifies whether Gplus Adapter displays notifications.
  • All users (Agents, Administrators, and Supervisors) can now access Agent Setup however, read and write access depends on the user's role.
  • Agent Setup now provides the ability to configure external URLs at the workspace level and the interaction level in the External URLs tab of the Agent Desktop section.
  • Introduced the following new options in the Activity Log tab of the Gplus Salesforce section:
    • Auto Activity Log Association — Specifies the Salesforce criterion to use to associate the Activity Log Task when the interaction is completed.
    • UI Activity Log Association — Specifies whether Gplus Adapter displays the Object Association table when the interaction is completed.
  • Introduced the following new options in the Outbound tab in the Desktop Options section:
    • Allow View for Fields on Outbound Records — Specifies if the agent can view the fields of the outbound record in the interaction.
    • Allow Update on Outbound Records — Specifies if the agent can update the fields of an Outbound Record that are configured as editable.
  • Introduced the following new options in the Contact tab of the Desktop Options section:
    • Allow Check for Duplicate Contact — Enables workspace to alert agents when creating a duplicate contact. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in the Configuration Guide.
    • List of Contact Attributes for AND rule — Specifies the list of contact attributes, each of which are added as an AND clause in the search query to retrieve potential duplicate contacts from UCS during contact creation in Workspace.
    • List of Contact Attributes for OR rule — Specifies the list of contact attributes, each of which are added as an OR clause in the search query to retrieve potential duplicate contacts from UCS during contact creation in Workspace.
    • Allow Tree View for Threaded Interactions — Enables agents to swap the interaction display format from grid view to tree view and inversely.
    • Tree View - Contact History Displayed Columns — Specifies the list of interaction fields that are displayed in the Contact History screen for tree view.
    • Tree View - My History Displayed Columns — Specifies the list of interaction fields that are displayed in the My History screen for tree view.
    • Tree View - All Interactions Displayed Columns — Specifies the list of interaction fields that are displayed in the Interaction Search screen for tree view.
  • A new Desktop Views tab has been added under the Desktop Options section, providing sixteen new options:
    • Default view in Region NavigationBarRegion — Specifies, in precedence order, the view selected by default in the Navigation Bar Region.
    • Views order in Region NavigationBarRegion — Specifies the order (left to right, top to bottom) in which the views are displayed in the Navigation Bar Region.
    • Default view in Region ConnectRegion — Specifies, in precedence order, the view selected by default in the Connect Region.
    • Views order in Region ConnectRegion — Specifies the order (left to right, top to bottom) in which the views are displayed in the Connect Region.
    • Default view in Region MonitoringRegion — Specifies, in precedence order, the view selected by default in the Monitoring Region.
    • Views order in Region MonitoringRegion — Specifies the order (left to right, top to bottom) in which the views are displayed in the Monitoring Region.
    • Default View In Region ContactRegion — Specifies, in precedence order, the view selected by default in the Contact region.
    • Views order in Region ContactRegion — Specifies the order (left to right, top to bottom) in which the views are displayed in the Contact Region.
    • Default view in Region HistoryInteractionDetailsRegion — Specifies, in precedence order, the view selected by default in the History Interaction Details Region.
    • Views order in Region HistoryInteractionDetailsRegion — Specifies the order (left to right, top to bottom) in which the views are displayed in the History Interaction Details Region.
    • Default view in Region CaseSideRegion — Specifies, in precedence order , the view selected by default in the Case Side Region.
    • Views order in Region CaseSideRegion — Specifies the order (left to right, top to bottom) in which the views are displayed in the Case Side Region.
    • Default view in Region InteractionDetailsRegion — Specifies, in precedence order, the view selected by default in the Interaction Details Region.
    • Views order in Region InteractionDetailsRegion — Specifies the order (left to right, top to bottom) in which the views are displayed in the Interaction Details Region.
    • Default view in Region WorkbinInteractionDetailsRegion — Specifies, in precedence order, the view selected by default in the Workbin Interaction Details Region.
    • Views order in Region WorkbinInteractionDetailsRegion — Specifies the order (left to right, top to bottom) in which the views are displayed in the Workbin Interaction Details Region.

Resolved Issues

  • Reconfigured the list of SIP Phone types available in the Users tab. SIP Phone types are now listed as:
    • Disable CTI
    • Genesys Softphone / Genesys 420HT / AudioCodes 4xxHD / Polycom
    • Obsolete Genesys Softphone with embedded DTMF support
    • Generic phone
    • Genesys SoftPhone with WebRTC
    For details on when to use each type, see SIP Phone Types.


  • Introduced a new sorting functionality for Toast Data. (GAPI-25487)
  • Fixed an issue with Bulk Import hanging during validation when an error in the data file is encountered. Now Agent Setup automatically clears the data file and requires the user to re-select and re-validate the data file once it's been corrected. (GAPI-25192)
  • Changed the default Agent Setup mode in the backwardCompatibility option from v2(8.5) to v3(9.0). (GAPI-25134)
  • Fixed an issue in the Case Data where long Business Attribute names would not display in full in the Select Business Attribute list. (GAPI-24073)
  • Added the ability to sort the names of all Dispositions alphabetically, in ascending or descending order. (GAPI-15440)
  • The User Role names are now renamed as the following:
    • The "Agent" role is now called "Agent Desktop Agent"
    • The "Supervisor" role is now called "Agent Desktop Supervisor"
    • The "Admin" role is now called "Agent Setup Admin"


  • The following functionalities are now accessible to all Users who have the required roles and permissions set in Access Groups:
    • Audit action
    • Export action
    • Delete User and Delete multiple Users actions
    • Edit multiple Users action


  • The .csv structure for an empty Annex field has now been changed to "Annex: <>". (GAPI-25193)
  • Fixed an issue where, in certain instances, the Recording Hierarchy user interface was inadvertently disabled. (GAPI-24489)
  • The Enable Standard Response Library option's default value is changed to false in the v3(9.0) version. (GAPI-23896)
  • The Skills user interface is updated to now properly reflect the latest changes made by the user. (GAPI-23638)
  • Fixed an issue where the Business Attribute (BA) folder displayed incorrectly. Previously, if a child folder and a BA had the same ID in the parent folder, the folder's BA list would generate incorrectly in the UI. (GAPI-23419)
  • Fixed an issue where Corporate Favorites could not be added to Agent Groups unless one corporate favorite had first been added through the Platform Administration. (GAPI-23243)

September 17, 2020 (

What's New

  • Introduced the following new option in the Outbound tab of the Desktop Options section:
    • Outbound Treatment on Reschedule — Specifies the list of disposition codes that can be set for an outbound interaction, enabling the Outbound Contact Server to receive outbound treatment for campaign records marked as Done, after a reschedule.
  • Introduced the following new options in the Contact tab of the Desktop Options section:
    • Allow Contact Interactions to be Open from Queue — Enables agents to open in-progress interactions from their workbin history.
    • Allow Contact Interactions to be Open from Personal Workbins — Enables agents to open in-progress interactions that are in another agent's workbin history.
    • Allow Contact Interactions Workflow State — Enables the use of the interaction workflow state in an interaction's details.
  • Introduced the following new options in the Voice tab of the Desktop Options section:
    • Voice SIP Preview Ringtone Type — Allows the selection of a ringtone type from the default tone types.
    • Voice SIP Preview Ringtone Priority — Specifies Voice SIP ringing priority between different channels.
    • Voice SIP Preview Ringtone Duration — Specifies the Voice SIP preview duration.
    • SIP Preview Interactions — Specifies the path of the sound file that plays when the SIP Preview is ringing.
  • Introduced the following new option in the Standard Response Library tab of the Desktop Options section:
    • Enable favorite standard response — Enables agents to use favorites for standard responses. These changes take effect after the next platform configuration refresh interval.
  • Introduced the following new option in the Activity Log tab of the Gplus Salesforce section:
    • Activity Log Field Mapping — Specifies the name of the configuration section where the mapping is defined.

Resolved Issues

  • Only users with sufficient view permissions (administrator or supervisor) are able to login into the Agent Setup UI. (GAPI-22834)
  • Fixed an issue where the Edit Transaction page did not display the required configuration information when opened in a new tab. (GAPI-22530)
  • Fixed an issue where the Category field was incorrectly made mandatory when creating a Global Favorite. (GAPI-20619)

August 11, 2020 (

What's New

  • The user browser cache is automatically refreshed when Agent Setup is upgraded
  • Introduced the following new option in the Screen Pop tab of the Gplus Adapter for Salesforce section:
    • Screen Pop on Outbound Email Create — Specifies whether the adapter initiates a screen pop in Salesforce immediately after creating an email.
  • You can now disable and enable agent groups and virtual agent groups with the State setting in the Agent Group view.
  • The UI for the Users > User > Access Groups page was redesigned to make it easier to use.
  • Agent Setup has improved the Users > User view with the following enhancements:
    • Search based on skill and agent groups from the user sidebar.
    • A tool-tip for the sidebar sections was added.
    • Switch information was removed.
  • Edit User improvements:
    • Added a new Save button that saves the changes and stays on the Edit User screen.
    • Renamed the Update button to Save and Close. Click this button to save your changes and return to the agent list.
  • Agent Setup now supports inserting standard responses using a short keyword. Use the following options on the Desktop Options > Standard Responses page to configure this feature:
    • Standard Response Shortcuts.<keyword> - The template option you can clone to specify the association between a keyword and a standard response defined in Knowledge.
    • Shortcuts Prefix - Specifies a prefix to identify a keyword associated with a standard response.
    • Use Shortcuts filter - Enables an agent to filter Standard Responses in the Standard Responses tree view to show only those with shortcuts.

Resolved Issues

  • The Add Statistic window for Agent Statistics now includes all statistics objects in the list of available statistics. (GAPI-22048)
  • Agent Setup no longer deletes the interaction-workpace section configuration when you delete all External URLs for an Agent Group. (GAPI-22018)
  • The Mailbox Name field now supports the "@", "_", and "." special characters. (GAPI-21772)
  • The From Addresses option now uses the emailAddress Business Attribute as a value.(GAPI-21506)

July 16, 2020 (

What's New

Desktop Options

Gplus Salesforce Options

  • Introduced the following new options in the General tab of the Gplus Salesforce section:
    • Run Salesforce Apex on Interaction Events — Specifies the interaction event which triggers Salesforce Apex to run.
    • Apex Class Name — Configures the name for a Salesforce custom apex class.
    • Salesforce Message Channel Name for Service Client API — Specifies the name of the message channel in Salesforce for Service Client API.
  • Introduced the following new options in the Activity Log tab of the Gplus Salesforce section:
    • Chat Include Transcript in Description — Specifies whether the adapter saves the chat transcript, as part of the activity description in Salesforce.
    • Chat Transcript Custom Field Name — Specifies the name of a custom activity field in Salesforce.

Audit Trail

  • Introduced a new Download Audit Data button, enabling Agent Setup to support the ability to export audit logs.

May 14, 2020 (

What's New

SAML Configuration

Resolved Issues

  • The following Bulk Import issues are now fixed:
    • The CSV file import now supports a place name in the “Default place" field. (GAPI-20165)
    • Bulk Import now permits the "+" symbol in the extension number field. (GAPI-19996)
    • Bulk Import now permits the "'@" symbol in the "Places" field, and the "?" symbol in the "Annex" field. (GAPI-20229)
  • Now SAML can be enabled without first uploading any IdP-metadata into the "Region Name" field. (GAPI-19510)
  • The "Export" functionality has been optimized to take less time and resources for data collection. (GAPI-19092)

March 26, 2020 (

What's New

CRM Adapter

  • The following Salesforce options have been added for the CRM Adapter:
    • Salesforce Object Type
    • Salesforce Object Name
    • Salesforce Object Key
    • Keep Alive Sync
    • Salesforce Activity Log Status
    • Open Media Activity Log
  • The following Screen Pop options have been added for the CRM Adapter:
    • Screen Pop on Open Media Invite

Desktop Options

  • The following options have been added to the Global Login section in the Desktop Options:
    • Invalidate Auth SSO session on Workspace logout—When this option is selected, the Auth SSO session along with the Agent Desktop session is invalidated when an agent logs out of the Workspace Agent Desktop. When this option is cleared, only the Agent Desktop session is removed and the GWS Auth SSO session is kept alive.
    • Show Change Account Link—Specifies whether or not to display the "Change login account" link on the login error page and the second step login page. This option is not used when the "Invalidate Auth SSO session on Workspace logout" option is selected.
  • The following option has been added to the Voice Options section in the Desktop Options:
    • Two-Step Voice Conference—Enables two-step voice conferencing.

Renamed Menu Items

  • Menu items have been renamed from "CRM Adapter" to "Gplus Salesforce" for better alignment of functionality. A new "General" tab under the "Gplus Salesforce" section includes Salesforce Click-to-Dial Preprocessing Rules, Salesforce Object Type, Salesforce Object Name, Salesforce Object Key, and Keep Alive Sync. A new "Activity Log" tab includes all items from the current Salesforce tab except as listed above.

Contact Center Settings

  • The following option has been added to the Screen Pop tab in the Gplus Salesforce section:
    • Use DNIS in Screen Pop Search—Specifies whether the screen pop search uses the DNIS.
  • The following option has been added to the Activity Log tab in the Gplus Salesforce section:
    • Activity Log on Screen Pop—When a screen pop occurs on inbound or external calls, specifies whether the adapter creates an activity in Salesforce and modifies the logged activity when the interaction is marked done.

Chrome v80+ SameSite Cookie Support

  • The Chrome v80+ SameSite cookie attribute processing changes are now supported by Agent Setup.

New Screen Pop Object Types

  • Gplus Adapter for Salesforce now supports the following object types for screen pop:
    • URL
    • LIST
    • SEARCH
    • FLOW

Resolved Issues

  • The "Action Search" filter on the Audit Trail page now functions as expected. Previously, the search result also included the records that contained the action keyword in the message text. (GAPI-18200).
  • The value of the "Interaction ID" attribute has been changed from "Id" to "id" for the All Interactions Displayed Columns option. (GAPI-18570)
  • Before applying new SAML settings, Agent Setup now cleans up the corresponding old ones. Previously, outdated settings could cause outages. (GAPI-18399)
  • Agent Setup now delays refreshing SAML settings until all data is fully replicated to secondary regions. (GAPI-18361)
  • On the Agent Groups > Custom Agent States tab, you can now set an empty value for the After Call Work and Not Ready options. (GAPI-16946)
  • Agent Setup now lets you:
    • Create a custom business attribute of type "Email Address" and manage its values.
    • Select any previously created custom business attribute as the Root Business Attribute.
    • Set the email.from-addresses option to the values present in the custom business attribute of type "Email Address" that is selected as the Root Business Attribute.
  • The default value for the following options has changed to None.
    • Chat Message Ringtone Type
    • Chat Message Sound Priority
    • Chat Message Sound Duration
    • Chat Interaction Ringtone Duration
    • Chat Interaction Ringtone Priority
    • Chat Interaction Ringtone Type
  • Import of the Time for Statistics Reset option now functions as expected. Previously, a bulk import of this option resulted in an incompatibility error. (GAPI-17809)
  • Statistics creation for Agent Desktop V.9 now behaves as follows:
    • The notificationFrequency option default value is equal to 60.
    • The notificationMode option with the Periodical value is created.
    • The empty parameters and extensions options are not created.
  • When creating a new agent, you can now enable the Multimedia Agent option. Previously, this option was disabled until after the agent account was created and saved. (GAPI-17463)
  • When defining Favorites, you can now use spaces in attached data keys. (GAPI-17383)
  • The User Search by Skills filter now functions as expected. Previously, the filter would not work when using an Internet Explorer browser. (GAPI-17321)
  • Field labels on the SAML Single-Sign-On (SSO) configuration page in Agent Setup have been updated. Refer to the Enable Single-Sign On page for more information. (GAPI-17299)
  • The Agent Group Supervisor dropdown list is now correctly updated after a change is made. Previously, an Agent Setup caching issue resulted in unsaved changes. (GAPI-17262)
  • A user no longer receives a misconfiguration error when the Genesys Softphone with WebRTC option is enabled. Previously, when this option was enabled, Agent Setup incorrectly enabled two conflicting options, resulting in the misconfiguration error. (GAPI-17206)
  • Users can no longer switch between tabs when Agent Setup is disconnected from the server. (GAPI-16964)
  • Agent Setup now displays an error message when a user lacks the necessary permissions to perform a specific bulk import operation, such as a directory update. Previously, the import would begin and then freeze, without indicating an error. (GAPI-15395)
  • The "Transactions" page now supports pagination. (GAPI-4649)
  • Audit logs now record SAML settings changes. (GAPI-11119).
  • Agent Setup now removes workspace.web-content and interaction.web-content options when all corresponding External URLs are deleted. (GAPI-18822)
  • Agent Setup now properly displays only the last search request result when utilizing the search field from the User tab. (GAPI-19186)

November 7, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Agent Setup now supports pagination for the Single Sign-on -> SAML -> Access Groups drop-down menu. This eliminates the need to scroll through a long list of Access Groups when configuring SAML. (GAPI-16247)
  • On the Audit screen, the To Date Search field in the Search section now defaults to Now, meaning the current date and time. (GAPI-16851)
  • On the Agent Groups -> Agents tab, when you search for an agent, the agent's username now appears next to the agent's first and last name in the search results. Previously, only the agent's first and last name appeared in the search results.(GAPI-16852)

October 24, 2019 (

What's New

Capacity Rules

  • Agent Setup now supports Capacity Rules. Capacity Rules allow you to define an agent’s ability to handle multiple interactions concurrently for different channels. When those limits are reached, the agent stops receiving calls/interactions. Refer to the Capacity Rules page in the Agent Setup Help manual for more information.

External URL templates

  • The following option has been added to the External URLs configuration templates to enable the use of attached data values in labels or URLs:
    • $AttachData.KVPName$

WebRTC options

  • The following options have been added to the Genesys Softphone section of Agent Setup:
    • Can Use WebRTC - Enables WebRTC in Workspace. Depends on 'Voice - Can Use Voice Channel'.
    • Can change speaker volume - Allows an agent to change speaker volume. Depends on 'Voice - Can Use Voice Channel' and 'WebRTC - Can Use WebRTC'.
    • Can mute microphone - Allows an agent to mute and unmute the microphone. Depends on 'Voice - Can Use Voice Channel' and 'WebRTC - Can Use WebRTC'.
    • Can mute speaker - Specifies if DTMF is available for WebRTC calls. Depends on 'Voice - Can Use Voice Channel' and 'WebRTC - Can Use WebRTC'.
    • Can send DTMF- Specifies if DTMF is available for WebRTC calls. Depends on 'Voice - Can Use Voice Channel' and 'WebRTC - Can Use WebRTC'.
    • Quality request interval - Specifies the voice channel ringing sound-configuration string. It consist of three options:
      • WebRTC Ringtone Type - Set WebRTC call ringing sound. Depends on 'Voice - Can Use Voice Channel' and 'WebRTC - Can Use WebRTC'.
      • WebRTC Ringtone Priority - Set WebRTC call ringing priority between different channels. Depends on 'Voice - Can Use Voice Channel' and 'WebRTC - Can Use WebRTC'.
      • WebRTC Ringtone Duration - Set WebRTC call ringing duration. Depends on 'Voice - Can Use Voice Channel' and 'WebRTC - Can Use WebRTC'.

Resolved Issues

  • You can no longer define a Skill level while creating or editing a Person template if you don't select that particular Skill. Previously, you could define a level for a Skill that wasn't selected for the template. (GAPI-16395)
  • The Audit Trail screen in Agent Setup now includes a Refresh Logs option. (GAPI-16374)
  • For Corporate Favorites, the attached data key now supports the <","> characters. (GAPI-16370)
  • The option to assign a supervisor to a virtual agent group has been removed from the Agent Setup application because this option is not supported. (GAPI-16191)
  • Agent Setup no longer throws an error when a supervisor is added to an agent group. (GAPI-16165)
  • Agent Setup now correctly applies changes made to the Agent Page Limit and Agent Page Refresh settings. Previously, Agent Setup did not honor any updates made to these settings. (GAPI-16101)
  • On the Users tab > Advanced Search, the State field no longer contains the Valid and Not Valid options because Agent Setup has disabled client side caching. (GAPI-15868)
  • Agent Setup users can now set an empty value in the Business Attributes option for Agent Desktop. Previously, Agent Setup did not support this behavior. (GAPI-15823)
  • The following issues with Bulk Import have been resolved:
    • Bulk Import now supports the @ symbol in a user's name.
    • Errors now contain more descriptive error messages. (GAPI-14580)
  • On the Users tab, the Advanced Search filters are now presented as dropdown menus, allowing for multiple selections. (GAPI-13462)
  • The following issues with External URLs have been resolved:
    • Agent Setup no longer throws an error when you try to create multiple External URLs using the same URL yet different labels.
    • Agent Setup now correctly identifies the mode being used for the External URL – INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, BACKGROUND, or HIDDEN. (GAPI-11806)
  • A new Add button has been added to the Agent Groups -> Agents tab to allow you to manually assign one or more agents to the agent group. (GAPI-11664)
  • Improvements have been made to the Audit Trail information collection process. (GAPI-15133)

September 26, 2019 (

What's New

Agent Desktop V.9 support

  • The Timed Preview Auto Dial option for Agent Desktop is now available in the Outbound section of Agent Setup. This option specifies the method in which calls are dialed for agents in Preview, Push Preview, or Reschedule campaigns.The options are as follows:
    • The agent can manually dial a record.
    • The record is auto-dialed as soon as the record is accepted.
    • The record is auto-dialed after a specified number of seconds.
This option can be set at the Contact Center, Agent Group, and User level.

Resolved Issues

  • Agent Desktop options can now contain a blank Value field. Previously, the Value field could not be blank if a default value was defined.(GAPI-15920)
  • Mailbox sorting and pagination issues have been resolved. Previously, mailbox entries did not display in alphabetical order, and the scroll bar was out of view. (GAPI-15754)
  • Updates have been made to confirmation windows for operations related to deleting and unassigning Favorites. (GAPI-15715)
  • A bulk import CSV file can now contain both an Agent account and an Admin account. (GAPI-15625)
  • Stability improvements have been made to the agent export functionality. (GAPI-15436)
  • Agent Setup no longer deletes Agent Desktop options that contain blank Value fields. (GAPI-15384)
  • TheMy Team Workbins and Access to Interaction Management options no longer depend on theWorkitem channel. Previously, the Workitem channel had to be enabled in order to access the My Team Workbins and Access to Interaction Management options. (GAPI-15349)
  • Display and navigation issues on the Skills tab have been corrected (GAPI-14884)
  • The following option has been deprecated:
    • Voice Forward (GAPI-14420)
  • The Email Address Regular Expression option has been added to the Email section of Agent Setup. This option can be set at the Contact Center, Agent Group, and User level. (GAPI-14189)
  • SAML can no longer be enabled in Agent Setup if SAML configuration is incomplete. (GAPI-13897)
  • When you modify a Standard Response' option for Agent Desktop, the confirmation window now includes the standard response prefix with the name of the option being modified (GAPI-13039)
  • Agent Setup no longer requires a minimum browser width of 1280 pixels to view all onscreen elements in a single view (GAPI-12837)
  • For bulk exports, you can now view the number of users being exported. (GAPI-12448)
  • The Team Communicator Exclude from Groups option has been added to the Global Login section of Agent Setup. When you enable this option, the agents from excluded groups are not visible in Team Communicator, Favorites, or Statistics. (GAPI-11772)
  • When you modify an agent group (for example, add or remove agents; create, modify, or delete business attributes; update desktop options), a new confirmation dialog window appears with a summary of the changes. (GAPI-11663)
  • Agent Setup no longer throws an error when you use bulk import to create a virtual agent group for a chat virtual queue. (GAPI-7056)
  • Agent Setup now returns an error if a user attempts to perform a bulk import without the required permissions. (GAPI-5847)
  • In the Audit Trail, the UPDATED action now reports on the following activity related to agent groups:
    • The name of the user added to an agent group.
    • The name of the user who made the update. (GAPI-15546)

August 29, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Scripts are no longer removed when a Group Favorite is added to a Virtual Agent Group. (GAPI-14725)
  • The Chat timer tracking the response time to a customer comment now works correctly. (GAPI-15053)

August 1, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • You can now include spaces in the First Name or Last Name fields when importing. Previously, spaces in these fields caused an error during imports. (GAPI-14815)
  • Audit events now display in the local time zone. (GAPI-14166)
  • You can now save more than one URL on the Screen Recording Server. (GAPI-13977)
  • Voicemail numbers are now updating correctly. (GAPI-13839)
  • Using the "'Export All"' option in the Users tab no longer duplicates users in the exported XML file. (GAPI-12318)
  • You can now unassign skills using the /d option in the skill field during an import. Previously, skills were not removed when using the /d option. (GAPI-13870)
  • You can now include spaces in the folder name during an import. Previously, spaces in the folder name caused an error during imports. (GAPI-14448)
  • The reset time for statistic definition now saves correctly. (GAPI-14203)

June 6, 2019 (

What's New

Agent Desktop V.9 support

  • Auto-focus options on inbound interactions for the new Agent Desktop are now available among the Global Login options in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections.
  • Agent Setup now supports the configuration of Voicemail options for the new Agent Desktop.

Resolved Issues

  • The "Time for Statistics Reset" option has been moved from the Global Login section to the Statistics section in Desktop Options. (GAPI-13587)
  • The Bulk Import page now times out when the page is inactive, except during an active import session. (GAPI-12800)
  • Audit messages are improved for better readability. (GAPI-12765)
  • Audit now displays changes made to Agent Groups and the affected users. (GAPI-11919)

May 23, 2019 (

What's New

Agent Desktop V.9 support

  • A Voice option allowing calls to be released while they are on hold is now available for the new Agent Desktop in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections.

Genesys Altocloud support

  • Altocloud can now be enabled as a Channel and its options can be set in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections.
  • The Altocloud user privilege is now available as an export and import column.

Resolved Issues

  • When removing an extension from an agent's profile, you now have the option to keep the extension for other users or delete the extension from the system. (GAPI-12240)

May 13, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • A third-party component is updated to improve security within the session-handling mechanism. (GAPI-11984)

May 2, 2019 (

What's New

Single Sign-On

Agent Desktop V.9 support

  • Outbound options for the new Agent Desktop are now available in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections.
  • Email options for the new Agent Desktop are now available in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections. These options include:
    • Click to Dial from email
    • Delete email
    • Move to Workbin
    • Reply and Reply All to email
    • Save and send email
    • Add attachments to email
    • Enable and toggle HTML formatting
  • The following new options for Supervisors are now available for the new Agent Desktop in Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users section:
    • Allow Supervisor access to interaction management
    • Allow Supervisor to move interactions to workbin
    • Allow Supervisor to move interactions to queue
    • Allow Supervisor to see workbins for their agents

Resolved Issues

  • The Allow Reject Call option is deprecated, because Reject Call is no longer supported. (GAPI-13015)
  • When deleting shared favorites, a confirmation is now displayed. (GAPI-12490)
  • Attached data for Favorites exceeding column widths are no longer cut off. (GAPI-12487)

April 18, 2019 (

What's New

Agent Desktop V.9 support

  • Chat options for the new Agent Desktop are now available in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections. These options include:
    • One-step transfer
    • Auto-disconnect
    • On-hold Queue
    • Warning time
    • Decline
    • URL push
    • Interaction disposition
  • Facebook can now be enabled as a Channel and its options can be set in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections.
  • Twitter can now be enabled as a Channel and its options can be set in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections.
  • Workitems can now be enabled as a Channel and its options can be set in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections.
  • Options to handle Workitems for Genesys Task Routing are now available in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections.
  • Options to enable Performance Tracker and Dashboard, as well as manage the Sidebar Region, for the new Agent Desktop are now available through Global Login in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users sections.

Resolved Issues

  • Audit Trail now tracks changes to the Desktop Options, CRM Adapter, and Recording sections. (GAPI-11065)

April 4, 2019 (

What's New

Export enhancement

  • Export files now only list skills with values equal to zero or greater.

Resolved Issues

  • A cache update message is now displayed in the application bar when updating a User's skills. (GAPI-12083)
  • Skill names no longer cut off when exceeding 38 characters. (GAPI-11972)
  • The application screen now resizes correctly with all browsers. (GAPI-11963)
  • Usernames containing (') now display correctly. (GAPI-11962)
  • The Audit section is now correctly updating. (GAPI-11869)
  • Agent Setup no longer redirects to Contact Center Settings after saving edited User profiles. (GAPI-11494)

March 14, 2019 (

What's New

Skill levels

  • A skill level can now be entered when adding a new skill to an Agent.

Agent Groups

  • An Agent Group with one or more agents assigned to it can no longer be deleted. You must unassign all agents from the Agent Group before deletion.

Resolved Issues

  • When the Service Client option for "Auto Login" is selected, the agent is placed in their earlier login state if they are unexpectedly logged out. (GAPI-11748)
  • A Digital Management menu is now available for Email Server Mailbox configurations. Mailbox options now allow predefined values for mailbox servers and security protocols. (GAPI-10730)
  • Passwords for mailboxes now update correctly when saved. (GAPI-9813)

February 28, 2019 (

What's New

Audit Trail

  • The Audit Trail allows you to track user changes made in the application, such as logins, logouts, created accounts, deletions, updates, and imports.
    For more information, see the Audit Trail documentation.

Resolved Issues

  • When using the Advanced filter while searching for users, the correct results are now displayed. (GAPI-11211, GAPI-11283, GAPI-11304, GAPI-11190)
  • The table in the Users section now resizes properly when the web browser is reduced. (GAPI-9895)
  • The login page now shows "Agent Setup" as the application name. (GAPI-11201)
  • Session authentication now provides protection against login conflicts with an additional verification to ensure users belong to the correct tenant. (GAPI-11593, GAPI-11558)

January 31, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Assigned skills are now visible when editing a user. (GAPI-11017 )
  • An error message is now presented to unauthorized users when they attempt to access Agent Setup. (GAPI-10131)
  • Agent Setup is once again compatible with Internet Explorer 11. (GAPI- 11002)

January 17, 2019 (

What's New

Remove objects during import

  • Use the new /r option to unassign phone numbers, places, and default places from user accounts during a bulk import. These objects are not deleted from the environment.

From email addresses

  • You can now configure additional From email addresses for agents to use in Agent Desktop.

DN Groups

  • You can now create DN Groups for Virtual Queues and Route Points through the Routing Manager menu.

November 8, 2018 (

What's New

Application timeout

  • Application timeout has been introduced to log off users after 15 minutes of inactivity.

Menu condensed

  • You can now expand and collapse the left-side option menu in the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups, and Users sections.

Resolved Issues

  • Issues causing Agent Setup to be unresponsive have been resolved. (GAPI-9464)

October 25, 2018 (

What's New

Team Communicator

  • The include and exclude drop-down lists of Agent Groups for Team Communicator now include Virtual Agent Groups.

Resolved Issues

  • Agent Groups are now displayed in the quick-view panel in the Users section. (GAPI-8585)
  • The Genesys Softphone options Use Headset and URI are now available at the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups, and Users levels. (GAPI-8581)

October 11, 2018 (

What's New

  • External URLs can now be configured at the Agent Group and User levels.
  • Service Client API options for Agent Desktop can now be set at the Contact Center Settings, Agent Group, and User levels.
  • Genesys Softphone with Web-RTC can now be provisioned for users.

Resolved Issues

  • Agent Setup's performance is now improved when exporting a large amount of user records. (GAPI-8626)
  • Agent Setup no longer truncates External URLs when you paste them into the entry field. (GAPI-8731)

September 27, 2018 (

What's New

Genesys Email

  • You can now configure email mailboxes using Genesys Email.

Resolved Issues

  • Supervisors can now log in to Agent Setup. (GAPI-8518)
  • Setting the Reset Password flag now properly prompts the user to change the password the next time the user logs in. (GAPI-7620)

September 13, 2018 (

What's New

User interface

  • The user interface has changed to reflect Genesys Corporate UX standards, including the following:
    • The login page has been changed to the new corporate application page.
    • The navigation bar logo has been changed from white to Genesys red.
    • The navigation bar active item color has been changed from blue to Genesys red.
    • The fonts and color palette has changed for buttons, tables and alerts.

Voice options

  • The following options are now available at the Contact Center Settings, Agent Groups and Users levels:
    • Allow Reject Call
    • Show Post Call Duration
    • Show Hold Indication Timer
    • Allow Pending State in My Channel

CRM Adapter

  • The following options have been deprecated from the CRM Adapter section:
    • CRM Adapter Provisioning
    • CRM Adapter Interaction
    • Voice and Chat Track Agent's Navigation

Resolved Issues

  • When removing an Agent Group from a user's profile, the warning message has been improved to say remove instead of delete. (GAPI-7182)


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This page was last edited on April 6, 2021, at 13:44.
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