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How do I use formulas to customize reports?

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When a report template doesn't provide the statistics that you want, you can use a formula to retrieve specific key performance indicators (KPIs).

Who can create these statistics? If you can create and edit Genesys Pulse templates, you can use formulas.

Once you know how to use the formulas, you can use the function library for Genesys Pulse standard templates.

Where can I add my formula?


From the statistic detail pane while editing a widget or template, you can create or customize statistics by creating a formula.

The formula uses a javascript-based syntax, which lets you calculate expressions with values given by other statistic and use functions provided by Genesys for more specific calculations. For example, you can calculate the ratio of the calls abandoned to the calls offered in your queue to measure the percentage of abandoned calls in your queue.

How can I display percentages in my reports?


Let's say you want to display percentages based on two metrics. Just copy the following example using the statistics you want.

In this example, we want to retrieve the percentage of outbound calls out of the total of both inbound and outbound calls. The formula can access any statistic within a template with the following syntax: Data.Statistic-Alias.Value. The formula must return a valid Result value.

In the following formula, we assume the outbound calls are defined by a statistic alias Outbound and the inbound calls are Inbound.

Formula: Calculate a Percentage

if ((Data.Outbound.Value + Data.Inbound.Value) != 0) 
Result = 100 * Data.Outbound.Value / (Data.Outbound.Value + Data.Inbound.Value); 
else Result = 0;

How can I display Agent Status KPIs?


Let's say you want to display KPIs for agent status. Just use the Current_Status statistic.

[+] How the Current_Status statistic is defined.
This page was last edited on October 2, 2020, at 12:32.
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