Outbound Options
- Default Value: Sounds\Ring.mp3|10|-1
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specify the Outbound callback ringing sound configuration string of a scheduled callback pushed to the agent as a preview, for example: Sounds\Ring.mp3|10|-1
The value has three components that are separated by the character '|':
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder.
- The priority. The higher the integer the higher the priority.
The duration:
- -1 means plays and repeats until an explicit message stops it. For example, the established event stops the ringing sound.
- 0 means play the whole sound one time.
- An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
- Default Value: Answered,NoAnswer,AnsweringMachine,Busy,WrongNumber
- Valid Values: One or more items from the following list: Abandoned (Abandoned), AgentCallbackError (Agent Callback Error), AllTrunksBusy (All Trunks Busy), Answered (Answered), AnsweringMachine (Answering Machine), Busy (Busy), CallDropError (Call Drop Error), DialError (Dial Error), DoNotCall (Do Not Call), Dropped (Dropped), DroppedNoAnswer (Dropped No Answer), FaxDetected (Fax Detected), GeneralError (General Error), GroupCallbackError (Group Callback Error), NoAnswer (No Answer), NoDialTone (No Dial Tone), NoEstablished (No Established), NoFreePortError (No Free Port Error), NoProgress (No Progress), NoRingback (No Ringback), NuTone (Nu Tone), Ok (Ok), PagerDetected (Pager Detected), Silence (Silence), SitDetected (Sit Detected), SitInvalidNum (Sit Invalid Num), SitNoCircuit (Sit No Circuit), SitOperintercept (Sit Operintercept), SitReorder (Sit Reorder), SitUnknown (Sit Unknown), SitVacant (Sit Vacant), Stale (Stale), SwitchError (Switch Error), SystemError (System Error), TransferError (Transfer Error), Unknown (Unknown), WrongNumber (Wrong Number), WrongParty (Wrong Party)
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies the list of call results that are available for the agent to use for an outbound interaction. The call results are displayed in the order in which they appear in the list.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: A valid float separator. Typical float separators are: '.' (period), ',' (comma), and '\' (backslash).
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the separator that is used for floating point numbers in the database for outbound fields. This option should be used when the decimal symbol in the regional settings of the agent workstation is different from the one provided by the database.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies whether a push-preview outbound interaction is automatically accepted and joined when an Interaction Server Invite event is received. This option can be Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: outboundpreview
- Valid Values: A comma separated list of valid media-types.
- Changes take effect: When the application is started or restarted.
- Description: The list of media types that are available for the agent to use for outbound push-preview interactions.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes take effect: When the application is started or restarted.
- Description: Specifies whether the "outboundpreview" channel is combined with the voice channel in the User Interface. If set to true, only the voice channel is presented, and any change in the status of one channel is applied to the other channel.
- Default Value: #FFDFE8F6
- Valid Values: A valid Hexadecimal color code.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies the color of the border of the Record Information view frame of Outbound interactions. Examples: #FFFFBA00 for a Gold color, #FF6F7074 for a Silver color, #FFB8400B for a Bronze color. This option can be Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: #FF15428B
- Valid Values: A valid Hexadecimal color code.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies the color of the foreground of the Record Information view frame of Outbound interactions. Example #FFFFFFFF for white color. This option can be Overriding Options by Using a Routing Strategy.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specify the outbound campaign status updated sound configuration string, for example: Sounds\Ring.mp3|10|-1
The value has three components that are separated by the character '|':
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder.
- The priority. The higher the integer the higher the priority.
The duration:
- -1 means plays and repeats until an explicit message stops it. For example, the established event stops the ringing sound.
- 0 means play the whole sound one time.
- An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
- Default Value: none
- Valid Values: Select one value from the following list: personal, campaign, none.
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the type of treatment to be applied for the outbound record after it is marked as processed. If set to none, no treatment is applied for the outbound record.
This page was last edited on February 19, 2013, at 18:21.
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