Prints the version of the utility and its usage.
-cshost hostname
Mandatory. Configuration Server host name.
-csport portnumber
Mandatory. Configuration Server port number.
-csuser username
Mandatory. Username of user.
-cspassword password
Mandatory. The password of the user.
-csappname application_name
Mandatory. Application name of the interface used to access Management Framework (that is, Genesys Administrator or Genesys Administrator Extension).
-scshost SCS_host_namea
Optional. Solution Control Server host name.
-scsport SCS_port_namea
Optional. Solution Control Server port number.
-timeout seconds
Optional. Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that the utility will wait for SCS to perform the requested action. If SCS does not respond within the specified time, the utility will return an error. Minimum value permitted = 10 seconds. Default value = 60 seconds. If the specified value is less than 10, the command will use the default value.
Optional. Specifies that a secure connection should be used by clients when connecting to SCS.
-cert certificate
Optional. Use only if -secure is used.
On Windows, specifies the security certificate thumbprint; on UNIX, specifies the path to the host's security certificate.
-key key
Use only if -secure is used.
On UNIX, specifies the path to the file with the private key; not used on Windows.
-ca-cert ca-cert
Use only if -secure is used.
On UNIX, specifies the path to the file with the CA certificate; not used on Windows.
WARNING! Specify only one of the following command parameters and any associated sub-parameters in a single invocation of the utility command.
Requests the object type, DBID, status, DBID of the Alarm Condition, time it was triggered, time it expires, and message text of all active alarms.
Requests the DBID, status, and runmode of all applications.
-getappstatus Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Requests the status of the application specified by Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-getappstatus-runmode Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Requests the status and runmode of the application specified by Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-gethoststatus Host Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Requests the status of the host specified by Host Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-getsolstatus Solution Name |DBID [-usedbid]
Requests the status of the solution specified by Solution Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-clear-app-alarms Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Clears all active alarms raised by the Application specified by the Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-clear-cond-alarms (-dbid Alarm Condition DBID) | (-name Alarm Condition Name)
Clears all active alarms raised on behalf of the Alarm Condition with a DBID specified by Alarm Condition DBID or with the name specified by Alarm Condition Name.
-startapp Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Starts the application with the specified Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-start-initapp Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Starts the application with the specified Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified, without waiting for the status to change to Initializing/Running.
-stopapp Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Stops the application with the specified Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-switchapp Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Switches over the application with the specified Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-stopapp-graceful Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Gracefully stops the application with the specified Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-startsol Solution Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Starts the solution with the specified Solution Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-stopsol Solution Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Stops the solution with the specified Solution Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-stopsol-graceful Solution Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Gracefully stops the solution with the specified Solution Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-get-app-performance {Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]} [-result xml file name]
Requests information about a given process of an application with the specified Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
The information, including CPU Usage for each thread, is stored in an XML file named
application name_Performance_time stamp.xml, if xml file name is not specified, or <xml file name>.xml if it is.
Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Sends custom commands to the application with the specified Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
Must be used with one or both of the -custom-subcommand and -custom-data parameters.
-custom-subcommand subcommand where subcommand is a number
-custom-data path where path is the path to a data file
Use only with the -custom-command option.
Both of these options specify the content of a custom data packet as follows:
- If the -custom-subcommand option is used, the subcommand value is converted to a 4 B value (network byte order) and added to the custom data packet.
- If the -custom-data option is used, the contents of the file given by path is added to the custom data packet.
The custom data packet is then sent to the application with a custom command.
-custom-response path
Use only with the -custom-command option.
Specifies the path to the file in which the response to the custom command is to be stored. If this parameter is not used, the response is discarded.
Use only with the -custom-command option.
Specifies that the first 4 B of the custom response must be converted from network byte order into a decimal format and sent to the standard output.