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Manage Cache

For performance reasons, many of the fixed elements of the interface, such as the names of Categories and Topics, or the list of metadata types, are stored in a cache. The contents of this cache is automatically reset from time to time, and is also normally reset whenever changes made in SMART are applied in SpeechMiner. Nonetheless, at times you may find it necessary to reset the cache manually. For example, you may wish to do this when a new agent has begun working, so that the agent's name will appear in the system.

You can reset the entire cache or select specific parts of the cache to reset.

To reset part or all of the cache

  1. In the Main Menu, under Tools, select System Admin > Manage Cache.
  2. The Manage Cache screen opens.

  3. In the drop-down list, select the part of the cache you want to reset.
  4. Click Reset.
  5. The selected part of the cache is reset, and a confirmation message appears.

  6. Click OK to close the confirmation message.

See also

Preset Views
Monitor System
Manage Call Queue
Purge System
Interactions Administration
System Configuration
Manage Alerts
System Alerts

This page was last edited on August 12, 2014, at 12:20.
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