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The Queues page is used to create and manage sets of search criteria for use by quality managers. The system automatically generates lists of calls for each set of criteria, so that the quality analyst can listen to them. The generated lists are randomized. That is, the system does not just take the first calls in the database that match the search criteria; rather, it randomly selects calls from all those calls that meet the criteria. For example, if the quality analyst needs to listen to a random selection of calls that belong to a particular program, and a random selection of calls that were handled by each agent, you would create two queues, one for the calls from the program and another for calls per agent.

The Queues page is designed to be used in conjunction with the My Queues and the Recently QAed widgets on the Views page. The queues are created and managed in the Queues page; the quality analyst works with the generated lists in the My Queues widget, and the supervisor can keep tabs on what calls have been dealt with in the Recently QAed widget.

A new queue is automatically assigned to the person who created it, and appears in that person's My Queues list. You can choose to share a queue you create with one or more other users. When you do this, the queue appears in the Queues page in read-only form, and in their My Queues widget. Supervisors can assign queues to quality managers by sharing the queues with them. Thus, for example, if you want Joe to handle Queue 1 and Ellen to handle Queue 2, you would share Queue 1 with Joe and Queue 2 with Ellen.

To open the Queues page:

  • In the Main Menu, in the Quality dropdown menu, select Queues.


The Queues page lists all of the queues that you created and that were shared with you. You can only edit, share, or delete the queues that you created. The checkbox and Action links of queues that someone else created and shared with you are not available.

Using the Queues Page

Managing Queues

If you created a queue, you can edit it, share it with other users, delete it, or make a copy of it.

To edit a queue's settings:

  1. Select Quality > Queues.
  2. In the Queues List, under Action, click the Edit icon15px associated with the queue you want to change.
  3. The Edit Queue dialog box opens, with the name of the queue in its title and the quota and search settings displayed below:


  4. Modify the quota settings and description as required.
  5. Click Save to save the changes.

To edit a queue's search filter:

  1. Click Edit Queue Filter to edit the queue's search criteria.
  2. The Search Filter page is opened. The top of the page contains the name of the queue and the filter settings.

  3. Configure the search filter criteria.
  4. Click Update Queue.
  5. The queue search filter is updated.

If you want to assign responsibility for a queue to other users, you must share the queue with them. When you share a queue with someone, the queue appears in their Queues screen in read-only form, and in their My Queues widget. When anyone sharing a queue reviews an interaction in the queue, the queue record (interactions reviewed/left) is updated for all of those sharing the queue. To share a queue:

  1. In the Queues screen, in the Queues List, under Action, click Share 15px. The Share Queue dialog box opens, with the name of the queue at the top:

  2. To share the queue with one or more groups, select the groups.
  3. To share the queue with one or more users, select the users.
  4. To search for specific users, type the user name in Share with users text box.

  5. Click Share.
  6. The queue is shared with the selected groups and users.

To delete a single queue:

  1. Select the queue you want to delete.
  2. In the corresponding row under Action, click Delete 15px.
  3. Click Yes when prompted to confirm that you want to delete the queue.
To delete multiple queues:
  1. Select the queues you want to delete.
  2. In the top right corner of the screen, click Delete.
  3. Click Yes when prompted to confirm that you want to delete the selected queues.

To create a new copy of an existing queue:

  1. Select the queue you want to copy.
  2. # In the corresponding row under Action, click Copy 15px.
  3. Enter an name when prompted to do so and click OK.
A copy of the queue is added to the list of queues.
Once you have created a queue by copying an existing one, you can modify it as you would any other existing queue, as explained above.

Creating a New Queue

In addition to a name and optional description, each queue consists of two parts:

  • Search criteria
  • Quota

The search criteria are defined using a standard Search form.

To create a new queue:

  1. Select Quality > Queues.
  2. In the Queues screen, click Add Queue.
  3. The Search Filters screen opens.

  4. Define a filter for the interactions you are searching for and click Search
  5. In the left column, select the interactions that should be included in the queue.
  6. For additional information, see Defining Search Criteria.

    If you specify a time period in the quota definition (see below), the date range defined in the call search criteria is overridden.
  7. At the upper-right corner of the screen, click More 15px.
  8. Select Save as Queue.
  9. The New Queue dialog box opens.

  10. Under Name, enter a name for the queue.
  11. Under Quota Type, select the type of quota, as follows:
    Quota Type Description
    Opportunity No quota: When the quality analyst chooses to review a call that matches the search criteria, the system retrieves an appropriate call, but there is no specific requirement for how many calls to review.
    Calls in date range per agent For each time period, the system retrieves the required number of calls for each agent. The fields required to define the settings are added to the dialog box.
  12. If you selected Calls in date range per agent from the Quota Type list, under Calls, enter the number of calls from the specified time period that should be reviewed. (This is the number per agent, not the total number.).
    The Per Agent field is not currently in use.
  13. Under Description, enter a description for the queue (optional).
  14. Click Save. The queue is added to the Queues List and in your My Queues widget.
    If you want to assign the queue to other users, you must share it with them (see Sharing a Queue).

Columns in the Queues List

The Queues List contains the following columns:

Column Description
Queue The name of the queue
Description The description of the queue
Quota The number of calls that should be reviewed, per agent in each time period specified by the queue
Action Click one of the links to select an action (see Managing Queues).

Sorting the Columns

You can sort the rows of the Queues List by any of the columns (except the Action column).

To sort the list by a column:

  • Click the column heading. (To reverse the sort order, click the column heading again.)

This page was last edited on August 12, 2014, at 12:20.
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