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Searching for Interactions

This section explains how to search for interactions, events or screen recordings by specifying their parameters.

To perform a search, you use filters to specify which types of interactions, events or screen recordings you want to see. When you run the search, SpeechMiner combs the database for interactions that match the filter settings you selected, and displays the results in a grid. You can sort the results by date or by relevance (how well the item matches the search parameters).

Search criteria are defined in the New Search tab, in the Filter Panel. Once you have defined the criteria, you can run the search and see the results in a grid that appears in the New Search tab.

Sets of search criteria can be saved as Saved Searches or Queues, and can then be easily used again. A Permalink to a set of search criteria can also be created and search results can be exported.

You can export or forward calls from the list of search results, or add the calls to an interaction list. For additional information about these options, see Using an Interaction Grid.

Create a New Search

  1. In the Main Menu, under Explore, select New Search.
  2. A list of interactions associated with your previous search appears.

  3. In the left corner of the screen select the type of interactions you want to view and search for (as shown in the following image).
  4. The interaction list is automatically updated with your selection.


    Searches for Events can only be performed on calls. Other types of interactions are not included in Event searches.
  5. Click Search Filters 20px.
  6. The search filter window is opened.

    If you selected to view and search for Events the following filter window is automatically opened.


  7. Configure the filter options in accordance with the interactions you want to find
  8. Click one of the following:
    • Search: update the current search results according to the new filter configuration.
    • Save: save the changes you made as a new Saved Search. You can run the saved search at a later time..
    • Clear Filters: clear the current filer configuration.

Choosing the Sorting Method

During a search, SpeechMiner continues searching for items that match your search criteria until one of two things occurs:

  • All the items in the database are checked for matches with the search criteria.
  • The processing limit (defined in the system's database configuration settings) is reached. For example, if the processing limit is 1000, the first 1000 calls that match the search criteria are retrieved and the search ends.

You can choose the sorting method that is employed during the search. This can be significant if the database contains more items that match your search criteria than the processing limit. Two sorting methods are available:

  • By date—The newest items that match your search criteria are retrieved
  • By relevance—The items that most closely match your search criteria are retrieved
Initially, the search results are sorted in the grid based on the sorting method. You can then choose to sort the results based on any column. Sorting by column changes the order in which the items that were found are displayed, but does not affect which items are included in the list. When you choose a sorting method, the items that are included in the list may be effected.

The current sorting method appears as plain text at the top of the grid. Beside it is a link that activates the alternative method. (See #3 in the illustration above, in which the current selection is Sort by date.)

To choose the sorting method of the search:

  • At the top of the grid, select Sort by date to retrieve calls in chronological order, or Sort by relevance to retrieve calls in order of relevance. The search runs again, and the new results appear in the grid.

Related Searches

When a search includes Terms, the results may include a "related search" that is suggested by the system. For example, if you search for the term "account," the list of results includes interactions in which "account" appears. If the system finds that another term is often found in these same interactions, it may suggest a new search for interactions in which both terms appear. In the example below, the system has found that the term "confirming" is related to "account" in this way, and suggests performing a search for interactions in which both "account" and "confirming" appear.

When the system suggests a related search, the suggestion appears above the Interaction Grid after the initial search is performed.

To run a related search:

  • In the related-search suggestion, click the suggested term or terms. (For example, click the "account confirming" link.) The search runs and the results are displayed in an Interaction Grid.

Spelling Corrections

When a search includes Terms, the system may determine that one or more of the terms was spelled incorrectly. In this case, it attempts to correct the apparent errors, and performs the search using the corrected terms. When this occurs, the spelling correction is indicated by a note above the Interaction Grid.

To repeat the search with the original terms you typed:

  • In the spelling-correction note, click the original terms.

Active Search

You can choose to reprocess calls in order to see if they contain terms that were not sought in their original processing. When you do this, SpeechMiner reprocesses the calls and, as it does so, it gives added weight to the terms listed in the Terms field of the search form. This helps to ensure that more occurrences of the term will be found if they exist. Reprocessing is performed after an initial search for the required terms has been performed using the results of the original call processing.

Active Search is not available in Recording UI-mode or Analytics and Recording UI-mode systems.

To reprocess calls:

  1. Type the terms you want to search for in the Terms field.
  2. Fill in the other search parameters as required.
    If the Language filter appears in the Filter Panel, make sure to select one of the languages. Active Search is not available unless a language is selected.
  3. Click Search. The search is performed and the results appear in the grid on the right side of the screen.
  4. At the upper-right of the grid, click Active Search. A dialog box opens and prompts you to provide a name for your new query.
  5. Type a name for the query, and then click OK. The query begins to run, and is also saved as a Saved Search. When the processing of the query is completed, the results appear in the grid.
    You can see the status of the Active Search as it runs in the Saved Search screen.

Hiding the Filter Panel

To specify search criteria and run a search you must open the Filter panel and change the relevant options.

To open the Filter Panel:

This page was last edited on August 12, 2014, at 12:19.
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