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Call Control Platform

The Call Control Platform is an optional GVP component that is required only for configurations that use CCXML.

The Call Control Platform supports the execution of CCXML 1.0 applications in SIP-based environments. Therefore the Call Control Platform services are defined by applications written in CCXML.

CCXML is not a media/dialog language like VoiceXML, so it does not provide any dialog resources on its own. Instead, it supports moving calls around and connecting them to dialog resources. Therefore, the Call Control Platform frequently makes use of Media Control Platform services.

This section provides an overview of the following topics:

Call Control Platform Components

The Call Control Platform is composed of a core executable file and the CCXML Interpreter (CCXMLI), which runs in-process in the Call Control Platform.

The Fetching Module, previously a separate component, is integrated with the Call Control Platform and communicates directly with the CCXMLI.

For information about installing the Call Control Platform, with a basic configuration, see Specifications and Standards.

Call Control Platform Functions

The Call Control Platform conforms to the W3C CCXML standard for call control to accept, reject, join, or redirect calls.

The Call Control Platform performs the following functions:

  • Initiates conferencing.
  • Initiates VoiceXML dialogs on the Media Control Platform through the Resource Manager.
  • Creates outbound calls through an IP/Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) gateway.
  • Applies implicit transcoding through the Media Control Platform Media Server.
  • Starts new CCXML sessions when:
    • It receives requests from an incoming call.
    • It receives requests from an HTTP client on its HTTP interface.
    • An existing CCXML session creates a new CCXML session by using createccxml.
  • Logs data and produces metrics.
  • Supports MSML dialog requests.
  • Supports IPv6 in SDP.

To receive requests from, and send requests to, the GVP components, the Call Control Platform acts as a SIP back-to-back user agent (B2BUA). The Call Control Platform achieves call control by sending a request to the Resource Manager to acquire access to the resource. When the request is received, the Resource Manager finds the appropriate resource for example, the Media Control Platform or a bridging server and forwards the request.

The Call Control Platform uses the NETANN and Burke Draft SIP messaging standards for requests for service.

An HTTP interface enables external entities to use HTTP POST to initiate a new CCXML session through the create session event I/O processor.

For more information about how the Call Control Platform performs its functions, see How the Call Control Platform Works.

Session Data

The Call Control Platform maintains the current, peak, and total count data and exposes it to a GUI for monitoring. Data is captured for the following objects:

  • CCXML connections
  • CCXML dialogs
  • CCXML conferences
  • Conference participants
  • Bridging server participants
  • CCXML sessions
This page was last edited on July 31, 2019, at 05:35.
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