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Preparing to Install GVP Manually on Windows

This topic describes how to install Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) manually on the Windows operating system (OS) by using the executable files in the GVP Installation Packages. It contains the following sections:

Task Summaries

Task Summary: Preparing Your Environment for GVP (Windows)
Objective Related Procedures and Actions
Prepare Your Environment For specific restrictions and recommendations to consider, see Preparing the Hosts for GVP.

    Install Common Genesys Framework

  1. Management Framework.
    • Install the latest Installation Package (IP) for the Genesys Management Framework; and ensure that it is fully operational and running. See the Framework 8.5 Deployment Guide.
    Management Framework is the centralized element management system for all Genesys software.

    Install common Genesys Framework components
  2. Genesys Administrator. Genesys Administrator is the centralized management GUI for all Genesys software.
  3. Net-SNMP.
    • Install and configure Net-SNMP on the same host(s) as the Resource Manager, Media Control Platform, Call Control Platform, Supplementary Services Gateway, CTI Connector, and PSTN Connector components.

    (After Net-SNMP is installed for each GVP component on the respective GVP hosts, you will assign Net-SNMP to each component for which you want to capture alarm and trap information. This is a post-installation activity (see Creating a Connection to a Server). The Genesys Media Server 8.5 DVD includes an MIB Installation Package that can be loaded on the SNMP management console (for example, HP OpenView, BMC Patrol, or IBM Tivoli) in your environment. To install the MIBs, run the setup.exe file, and select the default installation path:
    C:\Program Files\GCTI\gvp\VP MIB 8.5
    Net-SNMP is required if you are capturing alarm and trap information. For more information about the MIBs, see the GVP 8.5 SNMP MIB Reference.

    Install third party software

  4. Third-party hardware and software.
    • If you are using automatic speech recognition (ASR) and/or text-to-speech (TTS), install the third-party Media Resource Control Protocol (MRCP) speech server and ensure that it is operational.
    • For more information about this software, see your MRCP vendor's documentation.
    For information about prerequisite software, see Prerequisites.

    Prepare the host(s)
  5. Stop antivirus software that might be running on systems that will host GVP components. Check the vendor documentation for your antivirus software configuration.
  6. Install the Local Control Agent on the GVP hosts so that they are controlled and monitored by the Solution Control Server (SCS). See Procedure: Installing the Local Control Agent (Windows).

    Complete the prerequisites
  7. Prepare the Windows platform for GVP:
    1. Install Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) on the Windows hosts. See Prerequisites for supported versions of Microsoft IIS.
    2. Configure the required Windows services and settings on the systems that will host GVP components. See Windows Services and Settings.
    In GVP 8.1.3 and earlier 8.x releases, IIS was required to host inline and universal hotkey grammar files that were fetched by ASR. In GVP 8.1.4, IIS is no longer required. The Media Control Platform now transmits these grammars by default in the MRCP requests.
  8. On Reporting Server and Policy Server hosts, install the Oracle JRE / OpenJDK. For more information about the prerequisite software, see Prerequisites or visit the vendor's website.
  9. If you are adding the PSTN Connector to your environment, install Dialogic. To ensure Dialogic functions properly after installation, you must disable the Physical Address Extension (PAE) on Windows. From the command-line interface (CLI), enter:
    • C:\bcdedit /set nx OptOut
    • C:\bcdedit /set pae ForceDisable

    and then restart the server. For more information about how to install and configure Dialogic hardware and software, visit the vendor's website.

The table below, Task Summary: Deploying GVP Manually (Windows), contains a list of tasks required to deploy GVP manually and includes links to detailed information required to complete these tasks.

Task Summary: Deploying GVP Manually (Windows)
Objective Related Procedures and Actions
Configure the host(s)
  1. Configure a new host in the Configuration Database for each computer that is hosting GVP components. See Procedure: Configuring a Host in Genesys Administrator.
Create the Application objects
  1. Create the Application objects:
    1. Import the templates. See Procedure: Importing Application Object Templates Manually.
    2. Create the Application objects. See Procedure: Creating Application Objects Manually.
Install GVP
  1. Install the GVP components using the procedures listed below, each on a separate tab in this topic: Manually Installing GVP on Windows:
    1. Installing the Media Control Platform (on Windows).
    2. Installing the Call Control Platform (Windows).
    3. Installing the Resource Manager (Windows).
    4. Installing the Reporting Server (Windows).
    5. Installing the Supplementary Services Gateway (Windows).
    6. Installing the CTI Connector (Windows).
    7. Installing the PSTN Connector (Windows).
    8. Installing the Policy Server (Windows).
    9. Installing the MRCP Proxy (Windows).
Start the components
  1. Start the components manually (or configure the components to start automatically). See Startup Sequence for the VPS and Starting and Stopping the Components.
Complete the post-installation activities
  1. Configure the GVP components for the functionality you want use in your deployment. See Task Summary: Post-Installation Configuration of GVP.

Preinstallation Activities

Before you begin the preinstallation activities, ensure that the Local Control Agent (LCA) is installed on each GVP host and that the hosts are configured in the Configuration Database. See Preparing the Hosts for GVP.

To install the Genesys Voice Platform components, create an Application object in the Configuration Database for each application you are installing.

Each object that is created in the Configuration Database requires an object template. The templates are imported from the GVP installation DVDs or from a shared network directory. After a template is imported, it can be used for subsequent instances of the same component. For example, if you are installing more than one Media Control Platform host, you can use the same template for each Media Control Platform Application object.

As a best practice, when you are using these manual procedures, import all of the Application and Speech Resource object templates that you require before you begin to deploy the components.

See Table: GVP Component Templates and Metadata and Table: Speech Resource Templates and Metadata for the names and locations of the templates on the installation DVDs.

Creating Application Objects in the Configuration Database

This section describes how to create Application objects in the Configuration Database either by using a wizard in Genesys Administrator or by using a manual procedure. To create Application objects manually, you must first import an Application object template, and then use it to create Application objects. This section contains the following:

Procedure: Using the Create New Application Wizard

This procedure creates Application objects in the Configuration Database for each GVP component.

The Create New Application Wizard in Genesys Administrator imports the Application object templates and creates the Application objects for you. If you use the Genesys Deployment Wizard to install GVP, you can omit this procedure, because the wizard imports the GVP component Application object templates and creates the Application objects for you.

  1. Verify that the GVP Installation Packages you need are accessible from the DVD or from a shared network directory.
  2. Log in to Genesys Administrator.
  3. On the Provisioning tab, click Environment > Applications.
  4. In the Task pane, select Create Application.
    The Create New Application Wizard appears.
  5. Click Browse for File to import a template.
    If the templates were previously imported, you can use an existing template by selecting Browse for Template.
  6. Click Add to navigate to the directory that contains the template (.apd) files.
  7. Click Next to specify the metadata.
  8. Click Browse > Add to import the metadata for the Application object your are creating.
  9. Click Next to configure the application parameters.
  10. In the Host field, click the Browse icon to select the host where you will install the application.
    In Genesys Administrator, the mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.
    In the wizard, all fields on the Application Parameters page are populated automatically, except the Host field.
  11. After the host appears on the Application Parameters page, click Create.
    The Results page appears, to confirm the Application object is created.
  12. Click Finish.

Procedure: Importing Application Object Templates Manually

Import the appropriate Application object templates to the Configuration Database manually before you install the Application object.

Use this procedure only if you are manually creating Application objects; otherwise, you can use the Genesys Administrator Create New Application Wizard. If you use the Genesys Deployment Wizard to install GVP, you can omit this procedure, because the wizard imports the GVP component Application object templates and creates the Application objects for you.

  1. Verify the GVP hosts are prepared for deployment. See Preparing the Hosts for GVP.
  2. Log in to Genesys Administrator.
  3. On the Provisioning tab, click Environment > Application Templates.
  4. In the Tasks pane, click Import Application Template.
  5. In the dialog box that appears, click Add.
  6. In the Choose File dialog box, navigate to the directory that contains the GVP or Speech Resource Application object templates.
    The table below lists the file names and locations of the GVP Application object templates.
    Table: GVP Component Templates and Metadata
    Application object File name
    Location: <Genesys Solutions Dir>\Templates\<file_name>
    Resource Manager VP_ResourceManager_85x.apd


    Media Control Platform VP_MediaControlPlatform_85x.apd


    Call Control Platform VP_CallControlPlatform_85x.apd


    Reporting Server VP_ReportingServer_85x.apd


    Supplementary Services Gateway VP_SupplemetaryServicesGateway_85x.apd


    CTI Connector VP_CTIConnector_85x.apd


    PSTN Connector VP_PSTNConnector_85x.apd


    Policy Server VP_PolicyServer_85x.apd


    MRCP Proxy VP_MRCPProxy_85x.apd


    GVP Reporting Plugin for GAX VP_ReportingPlugin_GAX_MF810_850.apd


    Call RecordingServer VP_CallRecordingServer_850.apd


    The table below lists the file names and locations of the Speech Resource Application objects.

    Table: Speech Resource Templates and Metadata
    Speech Resource Object File name
    Location: <Genesys Solutions Dir>\Templates\<file_name>
    MRCPv1 ASR


    MRCPv1 TTS


    MRCPv2 ASR


    MRCPv2 TTS


  1. Double-click <template_filename>.apd,
    where <template_filename> is the file name of the template that you want to import. The template is imported, and the Configuration tab appears.
    Some of the Speech Resource Application object templates are vendor-specific. Ensure that you are using the correct template, based on the vendor. See Table: Speech Resource Templates and Metadata.
  2. Click Import Metadata.
  3. In the Waiting dialog box, click Add.
  4. In the Choose File dialog box, navigate to the directory that contains the Application object templates.
  5. Double-click <template_file_name>.xml,
    where <template_file_name> is the name of the file that contains the metadata. The metadata for the template is imported and the Configuration tab appears.
  6. In the General section, enter the information that identifies the template, as shown in the table below.
    Table: Application Template Properties
    Field Description
    Name Enter a descriptive name for the template. For example, GVP_FM_template.
    Type From the drop-down list, select the template type:
    • For the GVP Application objects select the template with the same name. For example, for the Resource Manager, select GVP Resource Manager.
    • For all Media Resource Control Protocol (MRCP) Client objects and Recording Servers, select Resource Access Point.
    Version Enter the template version number. For example, 9.0 or select it from the drop-down list.
    State enabled Insert a check mark in the checkbox to indicate Enabled.
    For each GVP component or MRCP speech resource you want to install, add a GVP or Speech Resource Application object template before you begin the installation.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Create the required Application objects in the Configuration Database. See Procedure: Creating Application Objects Manually.

Procedure: Creating Application Objects Manually

Use this procedure...

  • ...to create an Application or Speech Resource object manually in the Configuration Database for the application or speech resource that you are installing.
  • ...only if you are manually creating Application objects, otherwise you can use the Genesys Administrator Create New Application Wizard.

If you use the Genesys Deployment Wizard to install GVP, you can omit this procedure, because the wizard imports the GVP component Application object templates and creates the Application objects for you.

  1. Verify that an Application or Speech Resource object template is imported for the type of object that you are installing. See Procedure: Importing Application Object Templates Manually.
  2. Log in to Genesys Administrator.
  3. On the Provisioning tab, select Environment > Applications > New. The Browse..\Application Templates\ dialog box appears, displaying the contents of the Application Templates directory.
  4. Click the object template for the GVP or Speech Resource Application object that you want to create. See Table: GVP Component Templates and Metadata and Table: Speech Resource Templates and Metadata for a list of template file names. The Configuration tab appears, with some of the fields in the General section populated and disabled.
  5. In the Name field, enter the name of the application.
  6. In the State field, retain the default value: Enabled.
  7. In the Server Info section, enter the information as shown in the table below.
    The table below lists only the required fields that is, those fields that have an asterisk in front of the field name. The required fields must be populated before you can save the configuration.
    Table: Application Object Properties
    Field Description
    Host: Enter the name of the computer that is hosting the application. For example, GVP-host1 or browse to select from a list of available hosts.
    Working Directory: Enter any value in these fields as temporary placeholders. For example, a backslash (\).

    These characters are replaced by the proper values when the component is installed.

    Command Line
    StartUp Timeout Enter the time interval, in seconds, during which the User Interaction Layer should expect this application to start.

    The default is 90 seconds. If the application is configured with the Autostart configuration option set to true, this is also the time that Solution Control Server waits to start this application after initialization or a system restart.

    ShutDown Timeout Enter the time interval, in seconds, during which the User Interaction Layer should expect this application to shut down. The default is 90 seconds.
    Redundancy Type From the drop-down list, select the type of redundancy in which you want this application to run.
    Timeout Enter the time interval, in seconds, that the client application should wait between reconnect attempts if the initial attempt to connect to the server does not succeed. The default is 10 seconds.
    Attempts Enter the number of times that the client applications should attempt to reconnect to this server before trying to connect to the backup server. The default value is 1.
    This value must be 1 or higher and it makes sense only if you specify a backup server for this server.
    Auto Restart From the drop-down list, select true (the recommended setting) or false (the default setting).
    • Select True (recommended) to specify that the User Interaction Layer automatically restarts the application after it fails.
    • Select False to disable the User Interaction Layer from automatically restarting the application after it fails.
    Although the Configuration Database does not use the parameters in Table: Application Object Properties when Speech Resource Application objects are created, the required fields must be populated before you can save the configuration. If you are creating Speech Resource Application objects, retain the default values for the StartUp Timeout, Shutdown Timeout, Redundancy Type, Timeout, Attempts, and Auto Restart fields.
    1. Click Save.
    2. Install the GVP components. See Manually Installing GVP on Windows.
This page was last edited on June 24, 2020, at 04:07.
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