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Section: dbmp
Default Value: 364
Valid Values: An integer greater than 30
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which weekly Call Summary and IVR Action Summary data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 1095
Valid Values: An integer greater than 30
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which monthly Call Summary and IVR Action Summary data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 7
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which hourly Call Summary and IVR Action Summary data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 90
Valid Values: An integer greater than 30
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which daily Call Summary and IVR Action Summary data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which 5-minute Call Summary and IVR Action Summary data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 7
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which 30-minute Call Summary and IVR Action Summary data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 7
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which call log events (upstream logs) data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which Call Detail Records data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 364
Valid Values: An integer greater than 30
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which weekly operational data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 1095
Valid Values: An integer greater than 30
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which monthly operational data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 7
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which hourly operational data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 90
Valid Values: An integer greater than 30
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which daily operational data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which 5-minute operational data will be retained in the database.


Section: dbmp
Default Value: 7
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately

The number of days for which 30-minute operational data will be retained in the database.


Section: ems
Default Value: 0-16,18,25,35,36,41,52-55,74,128,136-141
Valid Values: Comma separated list of metric values or ranges. A metric value must be between 0 and 159 inclusive. The values '*' and blank are also allowed.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Specifies the default filter for metrics to be delivered "upstream" to the Reporting Server for Call Events reporting. '*' indicates that all metrics will be sent to the sink. Alternatively, '5-10,50-55,70,71' indicates that metrics with IDs 5,6,7,8,9,10,50,51,52,53,54,55,70 and 71 will be sent to the Reporting Server. This filter will be used unless the default has been overridden in the tenant or IVR Application profile to which the given call has been associated.


Section: ems
Default Value: *
Valid Values: Comma separated list of metric values or ranges. A metric value must be between 0 and 141 inclusive. The values '*' and blank are also allowed.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the metrics that are delivered to the Data Collection sink. '*' indicates that all metrics will be sent to the sink. Alternatively, '5-10,50-55,70,71' indicates that metrics with IDs 5,6,7,8,9,10,50,51,52,53,54,55,70 and 71 will be sent to the Data Collection sink.


Section: vxmli
Default Value: $InstallationRoot$/tmp/
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

The directory in which to save tempfiles.


Section: vxmli
Default Value: $InstallationRoot$/tmp/
Valid Values: please specify a valid folder path.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Temp directory that exists on the platform


Section: vxmli
Default Value: $InstallationRoot$/logs/
Valid Values: please specify a valid folder path.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

The directory for logs created from the log element with destination file.


Section: calllog
Default Value: $InstallationRoot$/callrec/
Valid Values: Path to the full call recording directory
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Specifies the default full call recording file path if it is not specified in the VXML page.


Section: mpc
Default Value: $installationRoot$/cache/record
Valid Values: The parameter must be set to a directory path.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

This parameter sets the temporary recording cache directory in case of MSML call recording. Once the recording completes the the recording files are removed from the cache directory after successfully placing them at the final recording destination.


Section: msml
Default Value: $installationRoot$/cache/record/failed
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

While doing MSML call recording the recordings are added to a list if they need to be posted to Amazon S3, Call Recording API, HTTP/HTTPS or SpeechMiner. A separate posting thread wakes up from time to time and works on the list of recordings to be posted. This parameter specifies the directory for storing recording files which encounter irrecoverable errors during the post attempts.


Section: msml
Default Value: file://$installationRoot$
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Path pointing to the root directory for recording media.


Section: msml
Default Value: file://$installationRoot$/record/
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Path pointing to the root directory for CPD recording.


Section: Netann
Default Value: $InstallationRoot$/record
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Path pointing to the root directory of the recorded file.


Section: vxmli
Default Value: $InstallationRoot$/record
Valid Values: Please specify a valid file system path.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

This parameter indicates the base path where the dest/destexpr/filename/filenameexpr attributes of record are based upon.


Section: vxmli
Default Value: $InstallationRoot$/utterance
Valid Values: Please specify a valid file system path.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

This parameter indicates the parent directory where all the recorded utterance files are saved, when the user has specified the sub-directory name using com.voicegenie.utterancedest or vg:utterancedest.

Genesys Voice Platform Support for GDPR

This page describes product-specific aspects of Genesys Voice Platform support for the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in premise deployments. For general information about Genesys support for GDPR compliance, see General Data Protection Regulation.

Disclaimer: The information contained here is not considered final. This document will be updated with additional technical information.

Data Retention Policies

GVP has configurable retention policies that allow expiration of data. GVP allows aggregating data for items like peak and call volume reporting. The aggregated data is anonymous. Detailed call detail records include DNIS and ANI data. The Voice Application Reporter (VAR) data could potentially have personal data, and would have to be deleted when requested. The log data files would have sensitive information (possibly masked), but requires the data to be rotated/expired frequently to meet the needs of GDPR.

Configuration Settings

Media Server

Media Server is capable of storing data and sending alarms which can potentially contain sensitive information, but by default, the data will typically be automatically cleansed (by the log rollover process) within 30 days.

The location of these files can be configured in the GVP Media Control Platform Configuration [default paths are shown below]:

Log files and temporary files can be saved. The location of these files can be configured in the GVP Media Control Platform Configuration [default paths are shown below]:

Also, additional sinks are available where alarms and potentially sensitive information can be captured. See Table 6 and Appendix H of the Genesys Voice Platform User’s Guide for more information. The location of these files can be configured in the GVP Media Control Platform Configuration [default paths are shown below]:

  • ems.log_sinks = MFSINK|DATAC|TRAPSINK
  • metricsconfig.DATAC = *
  • dc.default.metricsfilter = 0-16,18,25,35,36,41,52-55,74,128,136-141
  • ems.metricsconfig.MFSINK = 0-16,18-41,43,52-56,72-74,76-81,127-129,130,132-141,146-152

GVP Resource Manager

Resource Manager is capable of storing data and sending alarms and potentially sensitive information, but by default, the data will typically be automatically cleansed (by the log rollover process) within 30 days.

Customers are advised to understand the GVP logging (for all components) and understand the sinks (destinations) for information which the platform can potentially capture. See Table 6 and Appendix H of the Genesys Voice Platform User’s Guide for more information.

GVP Reporting Server

The Reporting Server is capable of storing/sending alarms and potentially sensitive information, but by default, these components process but do not store consumer PII. Customers are advised to understand the GVP logging (for all components) and understand the sinks (destinations) for information which the platform can potentially capture. See Table 6 and Appendix H of the Genesys Voice Platform User’s Guide for more information.

By default, Reporting Server is designed to collect statistics and other user information. Retention period of this information is configurable, with most data stored for less than 30 days. Customers should work with their application designers to understand what information is captured as part of the application, and, whether or not the data could be considered sensitive.

Data Retention Specific Settings
Identifying Sensitive Information for Processing

The following example demonstrates how to find this information in the Reporting Server database – for the example where ‘Session_ID’ is considered sensitive:

  • select * from dbo.CUSTOM_VARS where session_ID = '018401A9-100052D6';
  • select * from dbo.VAR_CDRS where session_ID = '018401A9-100052D6';
  • select * from dbo.EVENT_LOGS where session_ID = '018401A9-100052D6';
  • select * from dbo.MCP_CDR where session_ID = '018401A9-100052D6';
  • select * from dbo.MCP_CDR_EXT where session_ID = '018401A9-100052D6';

An example of a SQL query which might be used to understand if specific information is sensitive:

[+] View Example Query

This page was last edited on May 24, 2018, at 21:31.
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