Section: log4j
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies the maximum number of backup log files that are kept in addition to the active log file.
Section: gim-export
Default Value: 14
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: On the next run of Job_ExportGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.005
Specifies how many days to store exported files before deleting them.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 600
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None
Specifies the number of days to retain data in the discard tables and audit and history tables.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 400 or days-to-keep-gim-facts
Valid Values: Greater than, or equal to, days-to-keep-gim-facts
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: days-to-keep-gim-facts
Introduced: 8.5.003
Specifies the number of days to retain deleted configuration fact data in GIDB and relevant fact tables. Facts that have an end time that is earlier than the retention period are eligible to be purged. The value of the days-to-keep-cfg-facts configuration options must always be greater than, or equal to, days-to-keep-gim-facts.
For a list of the tables for which this option controls the purge threshold, see Info Mart Tables Purged by the Maintenance Job in the Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 15
Valid Values: An integer in the range 0-30
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.010
Specifies the number of days to retain data in the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table.
The table stores the actual personally identifiable information (PII) that relates to a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) request. For Right of Access (export) requests, the table stores the data that was requested for export. For Right of Erasure ("forget me") requests, the table stores the data that was redacted.
To ensure that this data is ephemeral, the retention period for records in the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table is restricted to a maximum of 30 days.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 14
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None in releases 8.1.0 and 8.1.1; starting with release 8.1.2, days-to-keep-gim-facts
Modified:, 8.1.2 (behavior changed with respect to multimedia interactions)
Related Options: days-to-keep-active-facts
Starting with release 8.1.1, specifies the number of days to retain fact data in GIDB. Facts that have a start time that is earlier than the retention period are eligible to be purged.
Starting with release, the retention period for multimedia facts in GIDB is determined solely by the value of days-to-keep-gidb-facts. For releases through, be aware that, if days-to-keep-gidb-facts is less than days-to-keep-active-facts, user data for active multimedia interactions older than days-to-keep-gidb-facts might not be transformed correctly (see the Known Issue for GIM-13320 in the Genesys Info Mart 8.5.x Release Note).
For multimedia interactions in releases earlier than, this option, together with days-to-keep-active-facts, specifies the retention period for facts in GIDB: The retention period is the greater of the days-to-keep-gidb-facts and days-to-keep-active-facts option values.
In 8.1.1 releases, days-to-keep-gidb-facts specifies the retention period for completed multimedia facts, provided that there are no active facts that have the same (or earlier) start timestamps. If there are active facts with the same (or earlier) start timestamps, the eligible completed facts will not actually be purged until these active interactions have been terminated and, therefore, also become eligible to be purged, as described in days-to-keep-active-facts.
For a list of the tables for which this option controls the purge threshold, see Info Mart Tables Purged by the Maintenance Job in the Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM or Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None in releases 8.1.0 and 8.1.1; starting with release 8.1.2, days-to-keep-gim-facts
Modified: (plays no role in determining purge thresholds); 8.1.2 (dependencies introduced); 8.1.1 (behavior and default value changed)
Starting with release 8.1.1, specifies the maximum number of days to retain active multimedia interactions in GIDB and the dimensional model, including certain Staging tables, after which the interactions become eligible for artificial termination.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 400
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_MaintainGIM
Dependencies: None
Starting with release 8.1.1, specifies the number of days to retain fact data in the dimensional model. Facts that have a start time that is earlier than the retention period are eligible to be purged. Job_MaintainGIM does not purge active fact data, dimension data, or aggregate tables (if aggregation is enabled).
Starting with release 8.1.2, Genesys Info Mart enforces days-to-keep-active-facts < days-to-keep-gim-facts and days-to-keep-gidb-facts < days-to-keep-gim-facts.
Section: schedule
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies whether to run Job_MaintainGIM at the scheduled time, as specified by the maintain-start-time option.
Genesys Info Mart Support for GDPR
Overview of Genesys Info Mart support for GDPR compliance
Starting with the initial 8.5.010 release, Genesys Info Mart processes input JSON files that customers provide to comply with Right of Access ("export") or Right of Erasure ("forget") requests from their customers (consumers). Starting with release, Genesys Info Mart also processes GDPR requests that customers provide from their employees, who are contact center agents and supervisors.
Genesys Info Mart uses the JSON files customers place in configured, tenant-specific locations (see Input file location). The JSON files identify the consumers or employees who have made GDPR requests to either "export" or "forget" their personally identifiable information (PII). The Info Mart database potentially stores requesting consumers' and employees' PII.
The daily Info Mart database maintenance job, Job_MaintainGIM, processes any "export" or "forget" JSON files that have been added or modified since the last processed JSON file. To execute the requests, the maintenance job uses a SQL script, gdpr.sql or gdpr_partitioned.sql, located in the sql_scripts folder in the installation directory.
- For "export" requests, the applicable PII is reported in a database table, CTL_GDPR_HISTORY.
- For "forget" requests, the data is redacted in Info Mart tables (primarily fact tables), and the PII that was searched for (in other words, the data prior to redaction) is reported in the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table.
The PII is stored in the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table for a configurable amount of time (maximum 30 days). You can query the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table to obtain:
- PII data to satisfy an "export" request (see Example: SQL for export)
- A detailed audit trail of all the fields that were interrogated to satisfy the GDPR requests (see Example: SQL for audit)
To query the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table, you must have read-only privileges for the Info Mart schema.
Data retention policies
A number of configuration options control how long data is retained in the Info Mart database. The following table summarizes the applicability of GDPR to different types of Info Mart data. For more information about the categories of data in the Info Mart database, see the "Genesys Info Mart Database Schema" page in the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model for your RDBMS.
Particularly in multimedia deployments with long-living interactions, Genesys recommends that you reduce the values of certain options that affect purge behavior. See Recommendations for purge-related options for multimedia for more information.
Configuration option | Controls what type of data? | Contains PII? | Included in GDPR processing? |
Never deleted—not configurable | Configuration object data | Yes, for employees | Yes (starting with release |
gim-etl section | |||
days-to-keep-gim-facts | Fact data in the dimensional model | Yes | Yes. Note: Dimension tables in the dimensional model are never purged. Dimensions store low-cardinality data that does not contain PII. |
days-to-keep-active-facts | Active multimedia interaction data in the dimensional model, GIDB, and Staging tables | Yes | Active interaction data in dimensional model fact tables is processed. Active interaction data in GIDB and Staging tables is short-lived and is not processed. |
days-to-keep-gidb-facts | Fact data in GIDB | Yes | No. See Important note, above. |
days-to-keep-gdpr-history (introduced to support GDPR) |
The CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table | Yes | Not considered for GDPR reprocessing, because the data is short-lived (maximum 30 days). |
days-to-keep-cfg-facts | Deleted configuration fact data | No consumer- or employee-related PII | No |
days-to-keep-discards-and-job-history | Discard tables, and audit and history tables | No | No |
gim-export section | |||
days-to-keep-output-files | Files generated by Job_ExportGIM to provide Info Mart data to customers who use Genesys Info Mart's Data Export feature | Yes | No. See Important note, above. Note: Customers are responsible for implementing adequate processes to ensure that any PII in their imported data is handled in accordance with GDPR requirements, including using suitable retention periods or redacting data to comply with "forget" requests. |
log4j section | |||
max-backup-index | Log files | Yes | No. See Important note, above. |
Recommendations for purge-related options for multimedia
Particularly in multimedia deployments with long-living interactions, ensure that the days-to-keep-* options that control retention policies for short-lived data that is not included in GDPR processing provide a sufficient buffer for unexpected delays—for example, if a database purge was not executed because the maintenance job was interrupted. In deployments where the Info Mart database is partitioned, you must also factor in partition sizes, since a partition is not purged until all the data it contains is eligible to be purged.
Genesys recommends that you base option settings on the following calculations:
- days-to-keep-active-facts = 30 – <buffer> – "partitioning-interval-size-gidb-mm"/24/3600
- days-to-keep-gidb-facts = 30 – <buffer> – max("partitioning-interval-size-gidb", “partitioning-interval-size-gidb-mm”, “partitioning-interval-size-gidb-ocs”)/24/3600
If the partition size for multimedia interactions in GIDB has been increased to the nondefault value of one week (partitioning-interval-size-gidb-mm=604800), the partition size for Outbound Contact–related data in GIDB has been increased to the nondefault value of ten days (partitioning-interval-size-gidb-ocs=864000), and you want to allow a buffer of three days for unexpected delays, set:
- days-to-keep-active-facts = 30 – 3 – 604800/24/3600 = 20
- days-to-keep-gidb-facts = 30 – 3 – 864000/24/3600 = 17
Input file location
You specify the location for each tenant’s JSON files in the [gdpr].gdpr-directory option on the Annex tab of the Tenant configuration object. Genesys has no special requirements for the location of the directory. The gdpr-directory option must simply specify a valid path that both Genesys and you can get to.
All Genesys products use the same tenant-specific directory for the input and, if the product provides them (Genesys Info Mart does not), output files for that tenant. You are responsible for maintaining this directory.
JSON input files
There are separate input files for Right of Erasure and Right of Access requests:
- forget-<DDMMYYYY>-<any optional content>.json
- export-<DDMMYYYY>-<any optional content>.json
The date part of the file name (<DDMMYYYY>) indicates the date the file was created, to maintain file uniqueness. Using timestamps in the file system, Genesys Info Mart processes any files added or modified for that tenant since the last time Genesys Info Mart processed GDPR requests.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the request does not conflict with other regulatory or legal obligations.
File specification
The JSON specification for the forget and export files for GDPR requests is identical.
- "caseid" — (Optional) Holds customer case numbers, for possible use by Customer Care to supplement customer self-service.
- "consumers" — (Required for consumer requests) Holds an array of individual "consumer" elements, so that GDPR requests from multiple consumers can be processed at the same time.
- "consumer" — (Required) An individual consumer for whom a GDPR request is being submitted. Each consumer may be identified by one or more of the following attributes, specified in an array:
- "phone" — Phone number, without separators
- "email" — Email address
- "fbid" — Facebook ID
- "twid" — Twitter handle
- "wcid" — WeChat ID
- "name" — Given name
- "ipaddr" — IP address
- "consumer" — (Required) An individual consumer for whom a GDPR request is being submitted. Each consumer may be identified by one or more of the following attributes, specified in an array:
- "employees" — (Required for employee requests) Holds an array of individual "employee" elements, so that GDPR requests from multiple employees can be processed at the same time.
- "employee" — (Required) An individual employee for whom a GDPR request is being submitted. Each employee may be identified by one or more of the following attributes, specified in an array:
- "username" — (Required) Username of the person object in Configuration Server and/or Outbound Engagement configuration
- "employeeid" — Employee ID of the person object in Configuration Server
- "name" — Given name
- "employee" — (Required) An individual employee for whom a GDPR request is being submitted. Each employee may be identified by one or more of the following attributes, specified in an array:
- "gim-attached-data" — (Optional) Used by Genesys Info Mart to target custom user data attached to interactions and custom Outbound Contact Server (OCS) fields used in Outbound Contact campaigns. Custom user data and custom fields contain data for which customers configured customized storage in the Info Mart database.
- "kvlist" — Holds an array of the custom user data KVPs and custom OCS fields that might contain PII.
{"name":"John Doe"},
{"name": "John Q. Doe"},
{"name":"Dan Akroyd"},
{"fbid":"Dan Akroyd"}
{"kvlist": ["AcctNum", "SSN"]
{"name": "Sue Smith"},
Right of Access ("export") requests
Genesys Info Mart uses the GDPR input files named export-<DDMMYYYY>-<any optional content>.json as the input for "export" processing. See Input files for details about the JSON file requirements. The PII that Genesys Info Mart will report is specified in the input JSON files in:
- The phone and email attributes that identify the requesting consumer
- The username attribute that identifies the requesting employee
- Custom user data KVPs and custom Outbound Contact Server (OCS) fields customers might specify in the "gim-attached-data" element
While custom KVPs and fields are included in the GDPR output, Genesys Info Mart searches only on the phone or email address in order to find fact table records associated with the requesting consumers. Similarly for employee requests, while employee ID, name, and other attributes in the configuration record (for example, email address) are included in the GDPR output, Genesys Info Mart searches only on the username in order to find configuration object and fact table records associated with the requesting employees. For details about the specific tables and fields that are searched, see the description of the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table in the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model for your RDBMS.
In the initial implementation, Genesys Info Mart does not provide an output JSON file. Instead, the PII data is reported in the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table.
Example: SQL query for "export"
The following is an example of SQL you can use to retrieve PII for export. The example returns distinct occurrences of consumer PII data for phone number 5551212. The same query specifying CONSUMER_ID = 'jsmith' will return distinct occurrences of employee PII data for the agent with username jsmith.
AND CONSUMER_ID = '5551212'
Right of Erasure ("forget") requests
Genesys Info Mart uses the GDPR input files named forget-<DDMMYYYY>-<any optional content>.json as the input for "forget" processing. See Input files for details about the JSON file requirements. Genesys Info Mart processing of "forget" requests parallels "export" requests, except that any PII that is found is redacted in the applicable Info Mart database tables, with the PII that was searched for (in other words, the data prior to redaction) recorded in the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table.
As is the case for "export" requests, the PII that Genesys Info Mart will redact is specified in the input JSON files in:
- The phone and email attributes that identify the requesting consumer
- The username attribute that identifies the requesting employee
- Custom user data KVPs and custom Outbound Contact Server (OCS) fields customers might specify in the "gim-attached-data" element
While custom KVPs and fields are redacted, Genesys Info Mart searches only on the phone or email address in order to find fact table records associated with the requesting consumers. Similarly for employee requests, while employee ID, name, and other attributes in the configuration record (for example, email address) are redacted, Genesys Info Mart searches only on the username in order to find configuration object and fact table records associated with the requesting employees. For details about the specific tables and fields that are searched, see the description of the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table in the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model for your RDBMS.
Audit and tracking
The Genesys Info Mart log tracks the progress of GDPR processing.
In addition, there are two log events that report the status of GDPR request processing, by tenant: STANDARD-level log messages 55-20172 (GIM_ETL_GDPR_ERROR) and 55-20173 (GIM_ETL_GDPR_SUCCESS). (In Genesys Info Mart releases earlier than, GIM_ETL_GDPR_SUCCESS was a TRACE-level message, 55-31406.) Genesys recommends setting an alarm on message 55-20172, to alert you to problems that are preventing completion of GDPR processing. You can use log message 55-20173 (or 55-31406 in pre- releases) to cancel the alarm.
The CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table as audit report
Genesys Info Mart does not provide an execution report in the form of an output file. Instead, the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table provides details about the PII data associated with “export” or “forget” requests. The table also provides a detailed audit trail of all the fields that were interrogated to satisfy a particular GDPR request. NULL values indicate that the field was evaluated for a particular instance of PII and was found to be empty.
Consider the following example:
- An input JSON file for a specific tenant indicates that the consumer with phone number 5551212 wishes to see PII data related to that phone number. The input JSON file also specifies custom user data keys, which, based on business practices in the customer's environment, might be associated with PII data.
- To satisfy this request, Genesys Info Mart interrogates interactions to or from 5551212, as well as related facts, such as user data related to those interactions. CTL_GDPR_HISTORY would have a row for each table/column searched.
- Say there were no interactions to or from 5551212. In this case, the row for each table searched for this phone number would have a NULL FACT_ID and a NULL KEY_VALUE.
- Say there were interactions to or from 5551212. However, in an associated record, a field populated by one of the keys specified in the JSON file is empty. In this case, the row for that table and column would have a NULL KEY_VALUE.
Example: SQL query for audit
The following is an example of SQL you can use to see the PII data for phone number 5551212, along with a full audit trail of the search for this PII, showing both the presence and the absence of this instance of PII data in tables and columns included in the search.
AND CONSUMER_ID = '5551212'