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Genesys Widgets

For information about the latest releases of Genesys Widgets, refer to Genesys Widgets Release Notes.

As of release Genesys Widgets is no longer available to download through the Genesys Downloads Center. Instead, it can be downloaded as a zip file from the Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Information.png Note: Not all changes listed below may pertain to your deployment.

Product Alerts

  • The following regions have been added to the list of CDN URLs: Canada, UK (London), and Seoul.
  • The legacy version of the Offers Widget has been deprecated as of version Offers is now embedded in the existing Engage Widget. If you're currently using the legacy Offers widget and need help, please reach out to your Genesys representative.
  • As announced in version, customers must migrate to new CDN URLs, as the legacy URLs at app.genesys.cloud are now disabled, and will not be kept up to date with any later versions.

March 31, 2021 (

Resolved Issues

  • This release applies to Genesys Engage on-premises customers only.

March 23, 2021 (

Resolved Issues

  • When using JAWS with widgets, and using the arrow keys to navigate in the form, the screen reader now correctly reads the Genesys logo as "Powered by Genesys logo." Previously, the screen reader did not read the logo correctly. (CXW-233)
  • In the WebChat Widget, when using the JAWS screen reader and receiving the system message to announce the queue position, the message and timestamp are now read separately. Previously, JAWS read the system message and time stamp together, as one item. (CXW-225)
  • In the WebChat Widget, the emoji menu now displays properly in the browser at 400% zoom level. Previously, the emojis were not all appearing in the browser at 400% zoom level. (CXW-218)
  • In the WebChat Widget, users are now able to navigate in the emoji button menu using up and down arrow keys in the JAWS screen reader. Previously, the user was not able to navigate to the previous and next elements with up and down arrow keys using JAWS. (CXW-210)

March 09, 2021 (

Resolved Issues

  • Handlebars.js library version is upgraded to 4.7.4, resolving a security issue. (CXW-205)
  • The title attribute is now added to the textarea element to pass the WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (A) criteria. Previously, this attribute was not present. (CXW-204)

January 25, 2021 (

Resolved Issues

  • In the Callback Widget, the Calendar plugin now correctly generates available time slots. Previously, the Calendar plugin would freeze when a time slot was generated. (CXW-190)
  • In the WebChat Widget, using keyboard navigation now correctly tabs to focus on the Close button in the End Chat dialog box. Previously, the focus was set to the chat container. (CXW-184)

December 15, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • In the Callback Widget, Calendar now only highlights the previously selected time slot when it is reopened. The default time slot is no longer also highlighted. (CXW-166)

November 30, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • In the WebChat Widget, the WebChatService.getTranscript command now returns valid transcript data when the chat ends. Previously, the command returned an empty transcript. (CXW-176)

October 23, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • In the Webchat Widget, using the Firefox browser, the color contrast between the Type your message here placeholder text and the background is now adequate. Previously, the color contrast was not adequate, and did not meet the minimum 3:1 contrast ratio. (CXW-167)
  • In the Webchat Widget, when the user performs minimize/maximize actions by pressing Enter, the screen reader now reads only the widget status. Previously, the form fields were read by the screen reader whenever the widget was minimized/maximized. (CXW-161)
  • In the Callback Widget, form submission is now successful only if the date and time are selected along with other required fields when the immediateCallback configuration option is set to false. Previously, the user was able to submit the form successfully with the same configuration, without providing the date and time. (CXW-131)

October 16, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • In the WebChat Widget, the WebChat.minimize command now works as expected when the minimized option is set to false. Previously, the WebChat.minimize command was ignored when the minimized option was set to false. (CXW-158)

October 06, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • In the WebChat Widget, when users access the VoiceOver screen reader in iOS, unnecessary swipe stops (screen reader focus) on screen reader elements are now removed. Previously, in iOS VoiceOver, when navigating with swipe gestures, extra swipe stops existed for "Emoji picker is opened/closed" and "Type your message here” text area labels. (CXW-144)
  • In the WebChat Widget, "Type your message here” is no longer read by the screen reader (JAWS) when the input container is disabled. Previously, the label was read by the screen reader (JAWS) when navigating with arrow keys, even with the input container disabled. (CXW-141)
  • In the WebChat Widget, the aria label on the emoji picker is now removed. Previously, the aria label was present and deemed unnecessary. (CXW-139)
  • The jQuery plugin in Widgets is now migrated from version 3.4.1 to 3.5.1, which relates to security vulnerabilities in version 3.4.1. (CXW-115)

September 18, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • This release applies to Genesys Cloud customers only.

September 04, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • In Widgets, aria-labels and visible text on the buttons are now identical. Previously, they were different in some cases. (CXW-138)
  • URLs in WebChat messages containing special characters are now properly formatted, and display correctly as links. Previously, the URL link was invalid. (CXW-132)

August 20, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • When the WebChat Widget is minimized, and a new message arrives, the JAWS screen reader now properly announces the arrival and number of new message(s). Previously, the screen reader read the arrival notification improperly.
  • The emoji button is now read correctly by the screen reader.
  • The focus order is now correctly maintained on the window control icons.
  • Disabled content is no longer read by the screen reader. Previously, the text input area was read even if it was disabled.
  • In WebChat, the tab stop for cx-transcript has been removed. Previously, the screen reader read all contents of cx-transcript when focus was placed on it.
  • Decorative SVG icons and the emoji menu are now correctly read by the screen reader.


July 21, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • The scheduled callback time now correctly processes when using the custom registration form with custom input validation in the Callback Widget. Previously, the callback was scheduled as soon as possible and not at the requested time. (CXW-74)

July 08, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • The Agent typing indicator now correctly appears in Internet Explorer 11 and Edge browsers. Previously, the typing indicator in the UI was slightly obscured. (CXW-53)
  • In WebChat, markdown processing is now correctly applied only to messages sent from the business (bot or agent) to the end-user. Previously, markdown processing was applied to all messages. (CXW-37)

June 26, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • The data-icon configuration option in the chatButton.template now functions properly. Previously, it showed the chat icon irrespective of the preferred configured data-icon. (CXW-20)

June 11, 2020 (

What's New

  • This release applies to Genesys Cloud customers only.

June 08, 2020 (

What's New

  • The Cookies sameSite attribute default value is set to strict.

Resolved Issues

  • Images and quick replies now display correctly in WebChat. Previously, in certain instances, they did not appear in the chat transcript. (CXW-80)

May 15, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • Widgets no longer causes excessive CPU usage in iPhones. Previously, there was a problem with a runaway loop that could cause excessive CPU usage when running Widgets in Safari browsers. (CXW-52)
  • Widgets has a larger outline thickness on focusable elements to increase contrast for accessibility requirements. Previously, the outline thickness was not sufficient, causing accessibility issues. (CXW-50)
  • Widgets has improved compatibility with iOS VoiceOver swipe controls to keep the focus within the WebChat widget while it is running in full-screen mobile mode. Previously, the cursor moved outside the widget to the background page. (CXW-49)
  • In the WebChat registration form, the correct field is now the focus after closing a validation error. Previously, the wrong input field would be highlighted and focused after a validation error when submitting the WebChat registration form. (CXW-23)

April 3, 2020 (

Resolved Issues

  • WebChat Widget now displays images correctly when using Genesys Engage V3 API. Previously, any images uploaded in the WebChat Widget or sent by an agent were not displayed. (CXW-2914)

March 31, 2020 (

What's New

  • Genesys Widgets has been optimized for accessibility on the web, adhering to and meeting the WCAG 2.1 Level AA standard. Changes include keyboard accessibility, color contrast, font size adjustments, screen reader support, and more. For more detailed information, visit the new Accessibility section in our Genesys Widgets Deployment Guide.

February 14, 2020 (

What's New

  • Expanded WebChat's markdown implementation to support setting the target for links by following this expanded syntax:


Resolved Issues

  • WebChat Widget now displays properly when multiple messages are sent. Previously, the message timestamp could overlap the avatar of the next message when one rich message appears immediately after another rich message. (CXW-2804)
  • WebChat Widget now displays a download button when a supervisor attempts to send an attachment. Previously, files sent by a supervisor did not present a download button to the customer. (CXW-2793)
  • WebChat Event Lifecycle now treats Bots as agents so that the WebChat.completed event is published after the customer ends the chat with a Bot. Previously, when the customer ended the chat, WebChat.cancelled was published. (CXW-2792)

February 7, 2020 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • The Async WebChat Widget with Genesys Engage v3 API now displays both old and new messages in the correct order. Previously, in some cases, while fetching older messages, the order of messages shown was incorrect. (CXW-2775)

February 5, 2020 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved an issue found in release where Quick Replies would not appear if sent without a text message. (CXW-2800)

January 31, 2020 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Corrected an issue where existing Quick Replies would not appear in the transcript when restoring a chat after a refresh or page navigation is initiated. (CXW-2697)
  • Updated display of Rich Messages within WebChat to include avatar, name, and timestamp of the sender. (CXW-2621)

January 17, 2020 (

What's New

January 3, 2020 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Removed a library that could cause a JavaScript runtime exception on certain website configurations. (CXW-2750)

December 24, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • The WebChat Widget now recovers from a chat session that has been invalidated on the server. Previously, when trying to restore and start an Async chat that no longer exists, WebChat Widget couldn't respond and would freeze. (CXW-2498)
  • The Async WebChat Widget with Genesys Engage v3 API now opens and restores without page refresh or page navigation. Previously, after ending the chat session, a page refresh or navigation was needed to open the WebChat and to show previous chat history. (CXW-2203)

November 29, 2019 (

What's New


  • The new Offers Widget is now redesigned and available with the Engage plugin, which supports multiple layouts and rendering options.

Resolved Issues

  • Callback, and other Widgets, now display correctly on mobile devices. Previously, while a Widget was opened and minimized on a mobile device, opening a new Widget didn't display anything.
  • The WebChat Widget now shows the PushURL message as a clickable URL that is sent from Agent Workspace Web Edition. Previously, when using the WebChat Widget with Genesys Engage V3 API, PushURL messages were not shown. (CXW-2679)
  • The WebChat Widget now avoids making duplicate start chat requests when starting a new chat session. Previously, multiple start chat API requests were made when opening WebChat in lazy load mode, along with autosubmit. (CXW-2673)
  • Active WebChat sessions are now supported across multiple browser tabs at the same time. Previously, when using the WebChat Widget with Genesys Engage V3 API, opening the same WebChat session in a new browser tab resulted in some unexpected browser console errors. (CXW-2594)

November 12, 2019 (

What's New


Resolved Issues

  • Adding new lines in WebChat messages now works properly using Shift + Enter. Previously, new lines in messages would not display properly in the transcript when markdown was disabled.

November 6, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • The WebChat Widget now displays the size of the file uploaded by the agent. Previously, the file size did not appear in the agent's message. (CXW-2601)

October 11, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • The character count of the WebChat Widget now listens to mouse events and correctly updates the remaining character count when pasting text using the mouse. Previously, the remaining character count was not updating correctly. (CXW-2576)
  • WebChat Widget now avoids making any duplicate file download requests. Previously, in some cases, the file downloaded twice when the user clicked the download button. (CXW-2574)
  • Error messages due to file upload failure now display correctly. Previously, after a page refresh, the file upload failure error was not shown. (CXW-2587)

September 27, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • WebChat's character counter now correctly resets after clicking Send and the focus returns to the text area. (CXW-2546)
  • WebChat Widget now correctly sends emojis and text messages when using the maxMessageLength configuration property. Previously, if the last character in a message using the maximum character length was an emoji, the customer wouldn't receive the message. (CXW-2496)
  • SVG spinner animation now functions as expected on Safari browsers of iOS devices. Previously, on some Safari browsers, the spinner appeared as a static icon. (CXW-2524)
  • WebChat no longer counts sent messages as new incoming messages when a chat window is minimized. Previously, in some cases, WebChat incorrectly counted a sent message as a new unread message if the client sent the message and minimized the chat window simultaneously. (CXW-2550)
  • SVG graphics now render properly in Safari browsers. Previously, in some cases, SVG graphics were improperly scaled. (CXW-2492)

September 6, 2019 (

What's New


  • Widgets has been localized into the following languages: Spanish, Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Chinese. Language support is integrated into the Installation Package; there are no separate Language Packs to install.

New configuration option

  • Added new pluginMap configuration option for CXBus that allows you to override the target JS files for a given plugin namespace. CXBus loads the configured JS files from the pluginMap option instead of from the default location. This can be used to replace a standard widget with your own or to disable a widget entirely by mapping it to false. This feature only works when you utilize the Lazy-Loading method of running and loading Genesys Widgets. If you use the all-in-one bundle, you cannot override the plugins included in the bundle.


  • WebChat Widget now supports Chat Bot avatar icon with Genesys Engage Chat.
  • WebChat Widget now supports adding new lines in the input text area using the shift+enter key combination.
  • WebChat metadata now contains a unique lifecycle "id" property. This helps identify an instance of a Chat session and its associated events.

Resolved Issues

  • Callback Widget now supports the localization of an "office closed" error message. Previously, this type of error code response could not be localized. (CXW-2468)

August 9, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • In the Callback Widget, the selected Immediate Callback option is now correctly sent in the request. Previously, after selecting a date and time and then switching back to the Immediate Callback option, the previously selected date and time continued to be sent in the request. (CXW-2436)
  • The Estimated wait time 'Available' status now correctly displays in the ChannelSelector Widget. Previously, the 'Available' status did not display when the wait time was 0. (CXW-2430)
  • Cookie values are no longer duplicated in the WebChat Widget. Previously, when navigating between pages during an active WebChat session, certain cookie values of the WebChat Widget were duplicated in the browser. (CXW-2428)

July 26, 2019 (

What's New


  • Widgets has been localized into the following languages: French, German (Germany). Language support is integrated into the Installation Package; there are no separate Language Packs to install.
  • The WebChat markdown feature can now be enabled or disabled using the markdown configuration option.

Resolved Issues

  • Custom defined strings in the WebChat Widget can now be localized. Previously, custom defined strings for System Messages would not display. (CXW-2409)
  • Fetching previous Chat history messages using the keyboard now only happens when using the UP arrow and PAGEUP keyboard keys. Previously, some minor scrolling would happen even with normal characters keys, resulting in the Chat transcript needlessly fetching previous messages. (CXW-2363)

July 3, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • An estimated wait time alert icon is no longer displayed for unavailable channels in the ChannelSelector widget. (CXW-2373)
  • The mobile device browser detection when using the Common.getBrowserandOS() method has been corrected and enhanced. (CXW-2367)
  • The Calendar.showAvailability command now works as expected allowing proper updates to Calendar timeslots. (CXW-2360)
  • Alert dialog boxes in the Callback Widget can now be dismissed. Previously, in some IOS devices, Widget controls were disabled when a dialog box was displayed. (CXW-2284)

June 24, 2019 (

What's New


  • Added a new avatar icon for chat bots to WebChat.
  • Added support for Markdown text formatting in WebChat.

Resolved Issues

  • Localization text is now available for the Wait Time units in the Channel Selector plugin. (CXW-2279)
  • When a Chat is ended due to user inactivity, the "idle close" message now displays as expected. (CXW-2295)
  • WebChat Widget now supports displaying contentType notification messages as normal text messages. (CXW-2318)
  • The input label "When should we call you?" in Callback Widget now displays correctly. Previously, in some scenarios, this label would not display. (CXW-2326)
  • Fixed the link to launch Co-browse from the CallUs widget. Now it correctly starts a Co-browse session when the link is clicked. (CXW-2337)
  • When using the soft scrollbar in the Async WebChat window, the user scroll is now properly detected. Previously, old messages could not be fetched when scrolling. (CXW-2341)
  • The colors of the Warning and Alert icons for the Estimated Wait Time now display correctly in Channel Selector. (CXW-2370)

June 7, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Widgets Lazy Load bundles now integrate properly with websites that use Webpack. Previously, in certain instances, errors in the console would appear when using Webpack.

May 24, 2019 (

What's New


  • Invites created by the Engage plugin can now be programmatically revoked after they have been presented.

Mobile Devices

  • WebChat Widget can now restore in a minimized state during a new page load on mobile devices.

Cookie options

  • A new configuration option, cookieOptions, has been added that enables you to modify Widgets cookie options at the global level.

Resolved Issues

  • In WebChatService, the AgentConnected and AgentDisconnected events are now always correctly published. (CXW-2303)
  • The Callback and ClicktoCall widgets now correctly display the form when maximized. Previously, when maximized to full screen after device re-orientation, the form was not * * In mobile devices, the Callback Widget now correctly shows only the available time slots when hideUnavailableTimeSlots configuration option is enabled. Previously, this configuration option in the Calendar plugin was ignored and the unavailable time slots were still displayed. (CXW-2276)

May 14, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • The WebChat.submitted event now contains the form metadata object. Previously, the form data was missing in the submitted event. (CXW-2275)

April 17, 2019 (

What's New


  • Widgets are now available via new Public Content Delivery Network (CDN) regional URLs. The previous CDN URLs are deprecated and are no longer accessible. Customers must migrate to new CDN URLs, as the legacy URLs at app.genesys.cloud are now disabled, and will not be kept up to date with any later versions. (CXW-2145)


  • The new Engage Widget is now available to support use cases for Proactive Engagements triggered by Altocloud.

Resolved Issues

  • Callback Widget now correctly displays one error dialog box at a time. Previously, in some cases, multiple dialog boxes would appear at the same time. (CXW-2224)

March 27, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Localization strings are now correctly applied to the chat invite triggered by the command WebChat.invite. (CXW-2182)
  • The Chat Widget no longer auto-zooms in the iOS mobile Safari browser when a user taps on any input field. (CXW-2158)

March 21, 2019 (

What's New

Offers Widget

  • Offers Widget is updated with new features, layouts, and improvements.

Dynamic polling

  • WebChat's GMS REST mode now utilizes dynamic polling instead of a fixed 3-second poll rate. The poll rate increases when the user sends messages and decreases over time as they become idle. This increases responsiveness for the user without overburdening the server. (CXW-2167)

Resolved Issues

  • Chat arrow bubbles and messages now display correctly in the WebChat Widget during an active chat session. Previously, in some scenarios, they appeared misaligned. (CXW-2162)

February 4, 2019 (

What's New

Genesys Engage cloud v3 API

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where Quick Replies would not appear due to a JavaScript error. Previously, the error "SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'toLowerCase'" would appear when attempting to generate quick replies. (CXW-2077)
  • WebChat bubble arrows are now displaying correctly by properly pointing to either the Agent or the Customer in the active Chat transcript window. Previously, the bubble arrows were slightly misaligned. (CXW-2071)

January 28, 2019 (

What's New

Resolved Issues

  • Callback Calendar time slots now display correctly based on the availability. Previously, when choosing between days, some of the available time slots were shown as disabled. (CXW-2124)

December 20, 2018 (

What's New

Public CDN URLs

  • Widgets are now accessible via Public CDN URLs. This includes both All-in-one and Lazy loading bundles.

Resolved Issues

  • WebChat Widget now correctly listens to the inactivity timeout event from the Chat Server and ends the chat session. Previously, the chat session could not be ended at the right time when the inactivity timeout had occurred. (CXW-1920)
  • The custom form in WebChat Widget now opens correctly in the Lazy Load mode. Previously, when opening the WebChat for the first time, it would not display the configured custom form. (CXW-1947)

October 25, 2018 (

What's New

Deployment IDs

  • Genesys Widgets now supports Deployment IDs. This allows you to specify multiple configurations, each with a unique deployment ID that prevents cookies and other session data from carrying over to a page with a different deployment ID. For example, you can use one deployment ID for your public site and one deployment ID for users who are logged in, to prevent an authenticated chat from restoring after the user logs out.

Resolved Issues

  • Callback Widget now correctly shows the selected country code for the phone number field. Previously, deleting a phone number from the callback entry would also remove the country code and it could not be re-added. (CXW-1828)
  • The originalMessage sub-property now contains the original, unaltered message data from the server. Previously, the event WebChat.messageReceived returned the wrong value for the sub-property. (CXW-1907)
  • Cross-browser compatibility has now been optimized for Callback Widget. (CXW-1889)

September 26, 2018 (

What's New

API compatibility

Resolved Issues

  • Offers Widget now functions correctly according to its configuration documentation. (CXW-1815)

September 5, 2018 (

What's New

Estimated wait time

  • Genesys Widgets now supports fetching estimated wait time (EWT) for a single virtual-queue or for a group of virtual-queues.


  • A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is no longer required for cookies to persist across page refreshes. Test environments like localhost or direct IP addresses are now compatible with our cookies. Previously, cookie-based features like WebChat restore would not function on a site without a FQDN.

Resolved Issues

  • The Authorization header is now passed correctly when lazy-loading Genesys Widgets. (CXW-1793)

July 27, 2018 (

What's New

Lazy-load plugins

  • Genesys Widgets can now automatically lazy-load plugins from separate files, instead of loading one large file containing all plugins.


  • Improved scrollbar usability across platforms.

Before method

  • A new "before()" method in CXBus plugins allows you to trigger actions before a chosen command executes, manipulate options passed to the command, or block execution of the command.

Toaster plugin

  • The Toaster plugin has a new event, Toaster.opened, that is published when a toast is opened.

Resolved Issues

  • The SendMessage widget now correctly displays the OK button in alert dialogs. Previously, this button might have displayed as EmailOk. (CXW-1735)
  • JavsScript use strict mode no longer triggers an error when using a dropdown in a custom form. (CXW-1734)
  • This release disables the plugins configuration array in _genesys.widgets.main. Previously, using this array might have caused unexpected JavaScript errors. (CXW-1731)
  • Dropdowns and textareas no longer reset to text inputs when using the custom form feature. (CXW-1710)
  • Genesys Widgets now correctly collects and transmits user agent details for Microsoft Internet Explorer 10/11 and Edge browsers. This allows chat sessions to receive more accurate user agent details for these browsers. (CXW-1697)

Known Issues

When running the same chat session across multiple browser tabs, the unread message counter may show improper values.

ID: CXW-100 Found In: Fixed In: 

When activating WebChat's close button with the spacebar in FireFox, it may trigger twice, causing it to accept the successive confirmation dialog unexpectedly. This is caused by a known issue in FireFox: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=816437.

ID: CXW-101 Found In: Fixed In: 


[+] Click to show archived release notes

This page was last edited on April 9, 2021, at 15:17.
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