[hide]- 1 Gplus Adapter (V.9) for Salesforce
- 1.1 March 25, 2021 (
- 1.2 March 4, 2021 (
- 1.3 January 27, 2021 ( UPDATE)
- 1.4 October 29, 2020 ( UPDATED)
- 1.5 September 17, 2020 (
- 1.6 August 11, 2020 (
- 1.7 July 16, 2020 (
- 1.8 May 14, 2020 (
- 1.9 March 26, 2020 (
- 1.10 January 23, 2020 ( UPDATE)
- 1.11 October 24, 2019 (
- 1.12 September 26, 2019 (
- 1.13 Known Issues
- 1.14 Limitations
Gplus Adapter (V.9) for Salesforce
For information about the latest releases of Gplus Adapter (V.9) for Salesforce, refer to Agent Desktop and Gplus Adapter Release Notes.
Gplus Adapter v9 documentation is available here:
- March 25, 2021 (
- March 4, 2021 (
- January 27, 2021 ( UPDATE)
- October 29, 2020 ( UPDATE)
- September 17, 2020 (
- August 11, 2020 (
- July 16, 2020 (
- May 14, 2020 (
- March 26, 2020 (
- January 23, 2020 ( UPDATE)
- October 24, 2019 (
- September 26, 2019 (
- Known Issues
- Limitations
March 25, 2021 (
What's New
Genesys Smart Failover Support
- Gplus Adapter supports Genesys Smart Failover for disaster recovery scenarios. This feature enables you to switch agents automatically to a backup URL configured in Salesforce in the event that the primary URL is inaccessible.
Resolved Issues
- Gplus Adapter now loads correctly in Internet Explorer 11. Previously, agents using this browser could not progress beyond the login view. (GAPI-26787)
March 4, 2021 (
What's New
Screen pop for Outbound
- Gplus Adapter can now be configured to screen pop Salesforce Records on the Dialing and Established Genesys Interaction events. To enable this feature, configure the Screen Pop for Outbound Calls option in Agent Setup.
Supervisor support updated
- When a supervisor starts monitoring, coaching, and barging-in calls, Gplus Adapter features only occur on the supervised agent's Gplus Adapter.
Salesforce High Velocity Sales support
- Gplus Adapter now supports Salesforce High Velocity Sales.
Salesforce Classic support enhancement
- Chat, email, and workitem channels are now supported for Salesforce Classic.
Resolved Issues
- The Service Client API sample now contains automatic subscription to Agent Desktop events. (GAPI-25901)
January 27, 2021 ( UPDATE)
What's New
Create new record on screen pop
- Gplus Adapter can create and screen pop (display) a new Salesforce record during an interaction. To configure this feature specify Create New Salesforce Record on Screenpop, Salesforce Object API Name, and New Salesforce Record Field Mapping options in Agent Setup.
Gplus notifications in UI
- Gplus Adapter can display notifications when Salesforce Activity Tasks are created, related to a Salesforce record, or updated. This feature is configured by the Notifications setting in Agent Setup.
Gplus in one Browser tab
- Gplus Adapter can prevent loading in more than one browser tab when an agent opens Salesforce in multiple browser tabs. This feature is configured by the Prevent Gplus in Browser Multitab option in Agent Setup.
Resolved Issues
- Agents no longer have to clear the browser cache after an upgrade of the Genesys Web Services platform. (GAPI-24125, GAPI-24985).
October 29, 2020 ( UPDATED)
What's New
Salesforce Activity Task association
- Gplus Adapter now supports Salesforce Activity Task association workflow based on an open Salesforce record. Contact Genesys to enable this feature and specify whether Gplus Adapter associates Activity Tasks to Salesforce objects based on search (default behavior) or based on the open Salesforce record at the time the interaction is completed. Use the Auto Activity Log Association option in Agent Setup to specify whether Gplus Adapter associates Activity Tasks based on Salesforce Search or on the Salesforce Open Record.
- Gplus Adapter introduces the Object Association table into the Gplus Adapter UI for Salesforce Lightning. Gplus Adapter stores opened Salesforce records in the Object Association table. To associate an Activity Task, agents can select a record in the Gplus Adapter UI before the interaction is completed. Use the UI Activity Log Association option in Agent Setup to specify whether Gplus Adapter displays the Object Association table.
September 17, 2020 (
What's New
Salesforce Classic support
- Support for Gplus Adapter in Salesforce Classic for voice, and migration from Gplus Adapter 8.5 to 9.0 in Salesforce Classic.
Salesforce Multiple Search Match support
- When a Salesforce screen pop returns multiple matching records, Gplus now associates the activity log with the active Salesforce object opened by the agent at the time the agent marks the interaction as done.
Resolved Issues
- Gplus Adapter now associates the Salesforce activity log to the Salesforce object from where the click-to-dial Internal call was initiated. Previously, Gplus associated Outbound calls only. (GAPI-23046)
August 11, 2020 (
What's New
Browser cache update
- The agent browser cache is automatically refreshed when Adapter is upgraded.
Screen pop on outbound email creation
- Adapter initiates a screen pop based on whether the Screen Pop on Outbound Email Create setting is selected.
Resolved Issues
- Enabling the SameSite setting in agent browsers no longer results in a disconnection to the server and a loss of interaction channels when an agent logs in to Gplus Adapter. (GAPI-22744)
July 16, 2020 (
What's New
Browser-based WebRTC
- Gplus Adapter supports now WebRTC capabilities of the Chrome and Firefox browsers.
Run Salesforce Apex
- Gplus Adapter can execute Salesforce Apex initiated by the Genesys interaction events. Configure this feature by using the Run Salesforce Apex on Interaction Events option in Agent Setup.
Service Client API support
- Gplus Adapter supports the Service Client API for custom integrations between Salesforce and Genesys. Configure this feature by using the Salesforce Message Channel Name for Service Client API option in Agent Setup.
Activity log record from Click-To-Dial
- Gplus Adapter obtains the Salesforce Object ID from a Click-To-Dial outbound call and then creates and associates an activity log record with the object from which the call was dialed.
May 14, 2020 (
What's New
Status display
- The Gplus Adapter button in the Salesforce Lightning Utility Bar now displays the current status of an agent obtained from Workspace Agent Desktop. If Gplus Adapter is minimized, it still reflects changes to the current status.
March 26, 2020 (
What's New
Salesforce object search by DNIS
- Gplus Adapter passes DNIS (the number that the caller dialed) from the voice interaction to search the Salesforce objects and screen pop matching record. This feature is configured by Use DNIS in Screen Pop Search in Agent Setup.
DNIS pre-processing and screen pop
- Gplus Adapter pre-processes DNIS (the number that the caller dialed) before searching the Salesforce objects This feature is configured by Use DNIS in Screen Pop Search and Screen Pop Preprocessing Rule in Agent Setup.
Activity log on screen pop
- Gplus Adapter creates an activity log on screen pop in the matching Salesforce record. This feature is configured by Activity Log on Screen Pop in Agent Setup.
Chrome v80 SameSite cookie support
- Gplus Adapter now supports the Chrome v80 SameSite cookie attribute processing changes.
Custom status when creating task
- Gplus Adapter can now save a custom value in the Salesforce activity log status field. This feature is configured by Salesforce Activity Log Status in Agent Setup.
Screen pop by Object Type
- Gplus Adapter can now screen pop different object types for voice interactions. This feature is configured by Screen Pop object type in Agent Setup. Available object types are:
- FLOW: Specify Screen Pop Flow.
- URL: Specify Screen Pop URL.
- OBJECTHOME: Specify Screen Pop Object Home section name.
- LIST: Specify Screen Pop List section name.
- SEARCH: Specify Screen Pop Search section name.
- NEW_RECORD_MODAL: Specify Screen Pop New Record section name.
January 23, 2020 ( UPDATE)
What's New
Search for Salesforce objects
- The search for Salesforce objects to link a new activity log to has been improved.
October 24, 2019 (
What's New
Open Media activity history
- Adapter allows you to specify Open Media (Workitem) interaction type to enable or disable activity history entries creation in Salesforce.
Gplus Adapter with Salesforce Single sign-on (SSO) identity provider
- Simplify your agent login process by using Salesforce as your single sign-on (SSO) identity provider (IDP). Now your agent only has to provide their Username to log in to Gplus Adapter after they have logged into Salesforce.
September 26, 2019 (
What's New
Initial Release
- Gplus Adapter now integrates the new Agent Desktop.
- Gplus Adapter is compliant with Salesforce Lightning Open CTI.
- Gplus Adapter agents can now handle voice interactions through the Genesys Softphone in Connector Mode.
- Gplus Adapter keeps the session established between Genesys Server and Salesforce by verifying the session at regular intervals.
- The following features are supported for voice interactions:
- Screen pop for making and receiving calls, consultations, transfers and conferences.
- Screen pop on ringing and established event.
- Creating activity history in Salesforce record for voice interactions on Mark Done.
- Saving Salesforce Object attributes to Genesys key-value pairs (KVP) on Mark Done.
- Click-to-Dial from Salesforce Phone fields.
- Associating voice interactions with Genesys Contacts Server.
- Supports custom Subject field for voice activity history with templates.
- The following features are supported for chat interactions:
- Screen pop on chat event invite and chat acceptance.
- Creating activity history in Salesforce record for chat interactions on Mark Done.
- Associating chat interactions with Genesys Contacts Server.
- Supports populating chat transcript in a custom activity field.
- Supports custom Subject field for chat activity history with templates.
- Integration with Genesys Digital Channels Asynchronous chat.
- Screen pop on chat event invite and chat acceptance.
- Creating activity history in Salesforce record for chat interactions on Mark Done.
- Associating chat interactions with Genesys Contacts Server.
- Supports populating chat transcript in a custom activity field.
- Supports custom Subject field for chat activity history with templates.
- The following features are supported for email interactions:
- Screen pop on email event invite and email acceptance.
- Creating activity history in Salesforce record for email interactions on Mark Done.
- Storing the email body as part of activity description.
- Associating email interactions with Genesys Contacts Server.
Outbound Campaign
- The following features are supported for Outbound campaign interactions
- Screen pop for Push and Pull Previews.
- Creating activity history in Salesforce record for Outbound calls established through the Push and Pull Preview modes.
Open Media
- The following features are supported for open media interactions:
- Screen pop on workitem event invite and workitem acceptance.
- Creating activity history in Salesforce record for workitem interactions on Mark Done.
- Genesys iWD workitems are saved to workbins, activity history, and so on.
Genesys Interaction Recording
- Gplus Adapter features are supported for Genesys Interaction Recording for voice.
If you're looking to migrate to Gplus Adapter 9.0, follow the steps explained in the migration procedure.
Known Issues
- Agents cannot download attachments from email interactions. Attachments must be view in the Agent Desktop view. (GAPI-26537)
- Due to a Salesforce limitation, Task Association cannot be created for consultation calls because the "Call type" (Salesforce pick list) Task field does not support the Consult value.