Core Schema
The Core Schema is the largest and most complex of the Interaction Database (IDB) schemas. Because of the size and varied nature of the tables in the Core schema, this chapter further subdivides its schema into six groupings.
Core Schema Groupings
- Configuration-related tables
- Call- and party-related tables
- Attached data-related tables
- Login- and session-related tables
- Service- and dictionary-related tables
- Log- and system-related tables
For diagrams that depict the groupings, see Core Schema Diagrams.
Configuration-Related Tables
Configuration-related tables are the largest grouping of Core Schema tables. These tables store information, mostly derived from the Configuration Server database, that fall into two groups:
- Object tables, whose names are all prefixed by GC_
- Object link tables, with table names beginning with GCX_. GCX_ tables store information about the associations between configuration objects, such as the assignments of skills to agents (GCX_SKILL_LEVEL).
[+] Configuration-related tables
Call- and Party-Related Tables
The group of call- and party-related tables provide detailed information about voice or multimedia interactions that are registered by T-Server or Interaction Server and the participants involved in those interactions. This schema group includes tables that contain the historical counterpart of the data in each of the principle tables (denoted by the addition of "_HISTORY" to the table name) and statistical information, which is stored in the G_CALL_STAT and G_PARTY_STAT tables.
[+] Call- and Party-Related Tables
Attached Data–Related Tables
The Attached Data grouping of the Core Schema comprises six tables. G_SECURE_USERDATA_HISTORY stores information about attached data records that must be protected from unauthorized users, whereas the records in G_USERDATA_HISTORY are open. In addition, there are four more tables which store user data. The tables in this group include:
[+] Attached data-related tables
Login- and Session-Related Tables
The group of Login- and Session-related tables of the Core Schema provides detailed information about agent states, login sessions, associations between sessions and endpoints (DNs), reasons, and extensions. The principal tables in this group include:
[+] Login- and session-related tables
Service- and Dictionary-Related Tables
The group of Service- and dictionary-related tables of the Core Schema are predominantly used to describe field values in other tables:
[+] Service- and dictionary-related tables
Log- and System-Related Tables
This grouping of tables of the Core Schema stores information about the success or failure of ICON functions and stored procedures. It also includes two tables that are used only by internal Genesys processes, which you should not alter.
[+] Log- and system-related tables
Changes in a SIP Cluster Environment
Interaction Concentrator 8.1 provides support for a restricted release of SIP Cluster. Information about SIP Cluster that pertains specifically to changes in IDB the data stored in IDB tables and fields is provided in this document. For complete information on Genesys SIP Cluster technology, contact your Genesys representative.
[+] SIP Cluster-Specific Data Changes
Core Schema Diagrams
The following diagrams depict the schema groupings. The tables in each subdivision are shown with a clear background, and the tables to which they join in other subdivisions are shown with shaded backgrounds. Click any diagram to see a larger version.

List of Tables
Table | Description |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations between agents and places, including terminated associations, such as when an agent's assignment to a place is removed. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations between campaigns and agent or place groups, including terminated associations, such as when an agent group is removed from a campaign. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations between calling lists and campaigns, including terminated associations, such as when a calling list is removed from a campaign. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations between endpoints (DNs) and places, including terminated associations, such as when an endpoint is removed from a place. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations between Formats and Fields, including terminated associations. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations between agents and agent groups, including terminated associations, such as when an agent is removed from an agent group. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations between endpoints (DNs) and DN groups, including terminated associations such as when a DN is removed from a DN group. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations between places and Place Groups, including terminated associations, such as when a Place is removed from a Place Group. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations of Agent/Place/DN Groups to Route DNs, including terminated associations. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations between treatments and calling lists, including terminated associations, such as when the application of a treatment is removed from a calling list. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations of agent to agent logins, including terminated associations. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about associations between Objective Tables and- Enumerator Values, including terminated associations. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about the associations between agents and skills, including terminated associations, such as when the assignment of a skill is removed from agent configuration. |
GCX_ |
This table stores information about associations of Action Codes to Subcodes, including terminated associations. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Action Code objects. |
GC_ |
This table describes information about the configuration of Person (Agent) objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about changes to certain configuration options configured on the Annex tabs of certain object types. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Application objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Enumerator Value (Attribute Value) objects. |
GC_ |
This tables stores information about configuration of Enumerator (Business Attribute) objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Calling List objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Campaign objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores configuration information about endpoints, including DNs, scripts, and agent places. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Field objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Filter objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Folder objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Format objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about agent group, place group, and DN group configuration objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of the IVR objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of IVR Port objects. |
GC_ |
This table contains information about configuration of Agent Login objects. |
GC_ |
This table contains information about configuration of Objective Table objects. |
GC_ |
This table contains information about configuration of Place objects. |
GC_ |
This table contains information about configuration of Script objects. |
GC_ |
This table contains information about configuration of Skill objects. |
GC_ |
This table contains information about configuration of Switch objects. |
GC_ |
This table contains information about configuration of Table Access objects. |
GC_ |
The table stores information about Tenant configuration objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Time Zone objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Treatment objects. |
GC_ |
This table stores information about the configuration of Voice Prompt objects. |
This table contains information about the remote locations involved in an interaction. |
This is an internal table exclusively for ICON use. Please do not modify records in this table or this table's structure. |
GS_ |
This table contains the duration of agent state metrics. The unique identifier of the record is the combination of the LoginSessionID, EndPointID, and QueueID fields. Whether ICON writes to this table is determined by the setting of one or more configuration options in the [filter-data] section. |
GS_ |
This table contains the duration of agent workmode metrics. The unique identifier of the record is the combination of the LoginSessionID, EndPointID, and QueueID fields. Whether ICON writes to this table is determined by the setting of one or more configuration options in the [filter-data] section. |
GX_ |
This table contains records that reflect the associations between endpoints and the login session. Whether ICON writes to this table is determined by the setting of one or more configuration options in the [filter-data] section. |
G_ |
This table contains detailed information about state changes during the agent's login session. |
G_ |
The agent states reason codes. Records are inserted when either a hardware or software reason code finishes on an agent's state. Whether ICON writes to this table is determined by the setting of one or more configuration options in the [filter-data] section. |
G_ |
The active Agent state reason codes. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding the latest state of the interaction, according to information received from either the T-Server or Interaction Server applications. |
G_ |
This table contains chronological information on all of the states of voice or multimedia interactions, according to data received from T-Server or Interaction Server. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding voice call statistics, which are summarized upon completion of the call. |
G_ |
This table stores the principal information regarding user data that is attached to voice call interactions. |
G_ |
This table stores additional custom-attribute information regarding the user data that is attached to call interactions. |
G_ |
This table contains additional custom-attribute information regarding the user data that is attached to the call interactions. |
G_ |
The table contains custom-attribute information about user data attached to call interactions. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding some of the configuration parameters (such as the database schema version) that are used by ICON. |
G_ |
This table contains a set of values for every enumeration class that is defined in the G_DICT_TYPE table. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding the classes of the enumeration types referenced in IDB tables. |
G_ |
This table stores information about the activation of the Do Not Disturb (DND) feature within an agent's session. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding the latest state of the interaction, according to the information supplied by a specific provider such as T-Server, Interaction Server, or Outbound Contact Server. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding all states, in chronological order, of the interaction, according to the information supplied by the specific provider, such as T-Server, Interaction Server, or the Outbound Contact Server. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding the latest state of the intersite link. An intersite link allows you to connect the information regarding two calls that originated on two different sites. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding all of the states of the intersite link, in chronological order as derived from data supplied by T-Server. |
G_ |
This table contains information about agent login sessions. ICON inserts a record upon the creation of an agent login session. ICON updates records, by marking them as deleted, at the time that the agent's login session finishes. |
G_ |
This table stores attributes about the messages stored in the G_LOG_MESSAGES table. |
G_ |
An internal table that Solution Control Interface (SCI) uses for selecting log records. Refer to Framework documentation for information about SCI and Message Server. |
G_ |
This table stores messages from the stored procedures about merge operations, purge operations, and stuck calls. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding the latest state of the party involved in an interaction according to information received from T-Server or Interaction Server. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding all the states, in chronological order, of the interaction party, according to information received from the T-Server or Interaction Server application. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding party statistics which are summarized upon termination of the party. |
G_ |
This table contains information about the counters that ICON uses to populate the GSYS_SEQ and the GSYS_USEQ fields in all IDB tables. The counters are updated with configured reservation. |
G_ |
This table contains information regarding the results of the routing of a specific interaction, according to the information passed from the Universal Routing Server through either the T-Server or Interaction Server application. |
G_ |
This table records the changes in the UserData attribute of TEvents associated with voice calls, the UserData attribute of Interaction Server events for all types of multimedia interactions, and the isOnline attribute of events associated with chat sessions. In addition, ICON may record the change history of the Reasons and Extensions attributes of voice interactions as well as any other attributes of an interaction that are not recorded in the G_CALL_HISTORY and the G_PARTY_HISTORY table, if configured to gather data from T-Server or Interaction Server. |
G_ |
This table contains information about the last events stored by different ICON instances. This information is used during the HA synchronization. |
G_ |
This table expands the timecode values, referenced in other tables as *_TCODE, into specific time value entities, such as month name, day of the week, day of the month, and so on. The table should be pre-populated before using it. |
G_ |
This table records the changes in the UserData attribute of TEvents associated with voice calls, the UserData attribute of Interaction Server events for all types of multimedia interactions, and the isOnline attribute of events associated with chat sessions. In addition, ICON may record the change history of the Reasons and Extensions attributes of voice interactions as well as any other attributes of an interaction that are not recorded in the G_CALL_HISTORY and the G_PARTY_HISTORY table, if configured to gather data from T-Server or Interaction Server. |
List of Indexes
Table | Index Name | U | C |
G_IR | IDX_G_IR_IRID | X | |
G_IR | IDX_G_IR_SEQ | ||
List of References
Query: SELECT CONCAT('',`cargo__PDMTable`.`tableName`,'') AS `Child Table`,`cargo__PDMRef`.`parentTable` AS `Parent Table`,`cargo__PDMRef`.`refCode` AS `CODE`,`cargo__PDMRef`.`foreignKey` AS `F` FROM `cargo__PDMRef` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__PDMTable` ON ((`cargo__PDMRef`.`_pageName`=`cargo__PDMTable`.`_pageName`)) WHERE `cargo__PDMRef`.`_pageName` LIKE "Documentation:ICON:Library:%%:8.1PDMSource" AND `cargo__PDMTable`.`dbSchema` LIKE "Core" ORDER BY CONCAT('',`cargo__PDMTable`.`tableName`,''),`cargo__PDMRef`.`parentTable`,`cargo__PDMRef`.`refCode`,`cargo__PDMRef`.`foreignKey` LIMIT 100 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1 Can't create/write to file '/tmp/MYwFV8UF' (OS errno 28 - No space left on device) (