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Configure Metric Graphing Properties

You configure metric graphing properties during the installation of the CCAdv and WA modules.

There is no system-wide setting that determines the time period of values displayed in graphs. Users can graph five minutes and thirty minutes data in the same graph. Use the Time Profile for Charting option on the Report Metrics page of the Administration module to enable a metric and time profile for graphing.

If changes are required in the metric graphing properties after installation, use the CONFIG_PARAMETER table in the Advisors database. The following list describes the properties that govern metric graphing in the CONFIG_PARAMETER table:

  • The duration of the historical values retained for graphing.
    The default number is 120 minutes, or 2 hours. Changing this number will increase or decrease the number of minutes that the historical data for metrics is kept in the metric graphing database. See Change the duration of historical values.
  • The duration of the future values displayed for graphing.
    The default number is 120 minutes, or 2 hours. Changing this number increases or decreases the number of minutes that the future data of WA forecast metrics is displayed on the complete X axis (horizontal axis) of a graph. See Change the duration of future values.
  • The minimum interval in seconds between graphed values in all graphs for points stored after the change.
    See Change the interval between values.
  • Whether graphed values display from midnight.
    The default value is true. Changing this to false means that a graph will not show values with times from the previous day. See Retain or delete values at midnight.
  • The number of metric/time profile combinations that can be graphed.
    See Specify the number of metric/time profile combinations.


Change the duration of historical values=

Use the following procedure to change the duration, in minutes, of the historical values that are retained for graphing.

Note that CCAdv/WA is optimized with the graphing parameters of 120 minutes of graphable values that are no closer than 60 seconds apart.

If you decrease the interval in seconds between values, you should decrease the duration of values stored, so that only approximately 120 values are stored for graphing. See the procedure on the Change the interval between values tab on this page.

1. In the Advisors database, execute:

PARAM_NAME = 'warehoused.metrics.max.minutes.kept'

For n, substitute your desired value. Note that the value is entered as a character string, surrounded by single quotes. The configured value for the warehoused.metrics.max.minutes.kept parameter is maintained when you upgrade to another software release.

2. Wait at least five minutes until the configuration parameter cache expires, and the value you set is loaded into the cache.
3. From this point on, CCAdv/WA stores up to n minutes of historical values for each metric in the metric graphing database. The graphing service will return n minutes of values for each graph. The graphing service also returns future values when they are available. See the procedure on the Change the duration of future values tab on this page.

|-| Change the duration of future values=

Use the following procedure to change the duration, in minutes, of the future values that are displayed for graphing. Only WA contact group forecast metrics have future values.

1. In the Advisors database, execute:

PARAM_NAME = 'warehoused.metrics.forecast.minutes.displayed'

For m, substitute your desired value. Note that the value is entered as a character string, surrounded by single quotes.

2. Wait at least five minutes until the configuration parameter cache expires, and the value you set is loaded into the cache.
3. From this point on, CCAdv/WA displays up to m minutes of future values for each metric in the metric graphing database.

The graphing service returns n (warehoused.metrics.max.minutes.kept) minutes of historical values, plus m (warehoused.metrics.forecast.minutes.displayed) minutes of future values (when available) for each graph.

|-| Change the interval between values=

The supported amount of historical data that CCAdv/WA stores for one graphed metric is 120 values. By default, CCAdv/WA keeps 120 values that are not closer than one minute apart.

If you decrease the interval in seconds between values, you should decrease the duration of values stored, so that only approximately 120 values are stored for graphing.

Use the following procedure to change the minimum number of seconds between values in a graph.

1. In the Advisors database, execute:

PARAM_NAME = 'warehoused.metrics.min.interval.secs'

For n, substitute your desired value. Note that the value is entered as a character string, surrounded by single quotes.

2. Wait until the configuration parameter cache expires, and the value you set is loaded into the cache.
3. From this point on, CCAdv/WA stores values for graphing such that a value is at least n seconds after the previous value stored. The graphing service returns the values that have been stored, according to any minimum interval setting that has existed for the duration of storage.


You want to display a graph of values for one day all the way back to midnight; that is, at most 24 hours. We can calculate that (24 hours * 60 minutes per hour / 120 data points) means 1 data point will be graphed not more than every 12 minutes.

  1. At installation set the Store snapshots for graphing interval to 720 seconds (12 minutes * 60 seconds per minute) This setting corresponds to warehoused.metrics.min.interval.secs in CONFIG_PARAMETER.NAME in the Advisors database.
  2. Manually, in the CONFIG_PARAMETER table in the Advisors database, set PARAM_VALUE to 1440 for the warehoused.metrics.max.minutes.kept parameter. That is the result of 24 hours * 60 minutes per hour, for 1440 minutes.

After CCAdv/WA has been running for 24 hours, a newly opened graph would display the last 24 hours of values, with values spaced at least 12 minutes apart.

|-| Retain or delete values at midnight=

Use this procedure to specify whether graphs display values from the previous day.

1. In the Advisors database, execute:

PARAM_NAME = 'warehoused.metrics.start.at.midnight'

For n, substitute your desired value. Legal values are true and false.

2. Wait until the configuration parameter cache expires, and the value you set is loaded into the cache again.
3. From this point on, when you first open a graph, it will not contain values whose times are from the previous day. In addition, open graphs will delete values from the previous day, when the time crosses midnight into the next day.

|-| Specify the number of metric/time profile combinations=

Use this procedure to specify the number of metric/time profile combinations that users can graph. Use this procedure if you try to configure more than the default maximum number of metric/time profile combinations for graphing in the Report Metrics page of the Administration module, and you receive an error saying you cannot configure any more.

1. In the Advisors database, execute:

PARAM_NAME = 'max.metrics.graphing.enabled'

For n, substitute your desired value. Note that the value is entered as a character string, surrounded by single quotes.

This parameter is shared by all Advisors modules, including CCAdv and WA. The parameter governs the total number of graphable combinations in both CCAdv and WA. While this property can theoretically be set to any value, Genesys recommends you configure the limit to be 5 or less for performance reasons. Each metric/time profile combination is counted as 1. For example, if you select AHT 30 Min Growing and AHT 5 Min Sliding, that is counted as 2 graph-enabled metrics.
This page was last edited on February 9, 2018, at 17:51.
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