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Tenant-based Routing of Advisors Objects Among Multiple Adapters and Stat Servers

You can configure a pool of adapters for both Contact Center Advisor and Frontline Advisor, and each adapter can be configured to use a pool of Stat Servers. Data Manager and the adapters use a round-robin mechanism to determine the selection of Stat Servers from the pool when requesting statistics for a given source object.

In multi-tenant configuration, each object's tenant must be considered for object routing, but not all of the Stat Servers are necessarily connected to all of the tenants. When statistics are requested on a Stat Server that is not connected to the necessary tenant, an error occurs and the Stat Server cannot report on the objects. To avoid the necessity of having to connect all of the Stat Servers to all of the tenants, Advisors applications use tenant-based routing. Tenant-based routing uses the Stat Server-tenant link, which you configure with a Genesys configuration interface such as Genesys Administrator, to determine how Data Manager will route objects to the pool of adapters and how each adapter will route objects to a particular Stat Server within the pool of Stat Servers.

Linked tenants display in the Server Info section of a Stat Server Application object. At startup, Data Manager and the adapters read the Stat Server-to-tenant associations that are present in Configuration Server. They use that information to determine to which Stat Server to route the statistics request for a particular source object.

For information about how to create an Application object, including how to add a tenant to the Application, see the Applications page in the Genesys Administrator Extension Help.

Carefully plan and configure the Stat Server-tenant links. Tenant-based routing of objects among Stat Servers can sometimes result in an unequal distribution of statistics among the configured pool of Stat Servers, which can, in turn, lead to an unequal distribution of statistics among the adapters. When configuring the tenant connections to Stat Servers, try to take into account the number of source objects that will be served from each linked tenant. If certain tenants have fewer objects for Advisors than others, then consider linking multiple tenants to each Stat Server as a way to avoid overloading some of the Stat Servers with large numbers of objects.

Making Updates to Stat Server-Tenant Links after Initial Configuration

Genesys recommends that you avoid making changes to the Stat Server-tenant links after the Stat Servers are in use in an Advisors deployment. Making changes to the Stat Server-tenant links after the configuration is established and in use can negatively impact performance in the Advisors installation because an existing, stored distribution mapping of objects-to-Stat Servers is always used as long as it is relevant. That means that the mapping is not modified for the sake of equal re-distribution of statistics.

For example, if you add a new tenant to a Stat Server, the Stat Server and the corresponding adapter would be considered only for any new source objects from that tenant. No automatic re-routing of statistics is performed for objects that have been requested previously from other Stat Servers. If, on the other hand, you remove a tenant from a Stat Server, the process of closing the corresponding object's statistics on that Stat Server could take a long time to finish. There is no automated process for closing the statistics in this scenario.

If something changes in your enterprise, and you must make a change to the Stat Server-tenant links, then you can force a re-distribution of statistics among the group of Stat Servers. See the following procedure.

Procedure: Forcing the re-distribution of statistics among an adapter's pool of Stat Servers

Purpose: Use this procedure to force a re-distribution of statistics among the Stat Servers when you add a Stat Server (or more than one) to an adapter's configuration.


  1. Before making any changes, remove all of the existing Stat Server connections from the adapter's Application object.
  2. Restart the adapter with no Stat Server connections.
  3. Add the new Stat Server connection(s).
  4. Restart the adapters, XML Generator, and Frontline Advisor.

Tenant-Based Routing and the Backup Stat Server

If you use redundant Stat Server pairs in your environment, then tenants that are linked to a backup Stat Server must exactly match the list of tenants that are linked to the primary Stat Server. The Stat Server type (CORE, MULTIMEDIA, or THIRDPARTYMEDIA) must also match exactly on the primary and backup Stat Servers of a given pair. The Genesys configuration interface (for example, Genesys Administrator) automatically updates the configuration on the backup Stat Server Application when you modify the tenant or Stat Server type configuration on the primary Stat Server Application, provided that the backup Stat Server is correctly configured on the primary Stat Server Application object.

Migration Information

If you already have an Advisors deployment running, the default behavior is for the existing object-to-Stat Server mapping to be used for the distribution after you migrate to release 8.5.2. Distributing statistics based on the Stat Server tenant is not used by default, but is used for any new object that you add to configuration. However, after migrating to release 8.5.2, tenant-based statistics routing can be enforced for the existing objects by removing the existing object-Stat Server mappings that are stored in the Advisors Platform database. The procedure for this is the same as the procedure for redistributing the statistics when new Stat Servers are added to the configuration.

This page was last edited on May 15, 2018, at 17:03.
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