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Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0 or any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.1.1

Specifies the time interval, in seconds, for which the merge of failed Inter Server Call Control (ISCC) links (IS-Links) will be delayed to enable Genesys Info Mart to receive both sides of the links. If the value of this option is greater than the value of max-call-duration, which specifies the timeout for stuck links, then max-call-duration controls the timeout for the merge of failed IS-Links as well.


Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 200000
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None

Specifies the maximum number of root G_IR rows in a chunk of merged data, for the purpose of transformation. By limiting the size of the data chunks produced by the merge process, this option enables you to manage situations in which there is a very large amount of merged data. The optimal value of this option depends on the characteristics of your deployment.


Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: 0 or any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None

Specifies the maximum duration, in seconds, of voice interactions in the deployed environment, as well as a number of important timeouts for both voice and multimedia interactions.

Key-Value Pair

Also known as a KVP. A data structure that is used to communicate or store a piece of information. A KVP consists of a key, whose value is a string, and a value, which may be any of a variety of data types, including a key-value set (thus, making the structure recursive). The key identifies the meaning of the data that is contained in the value.



Reporting And Analytics Aggregates

Also known as RAA. An optional Genesys Info Mart process that creates and populates predefined aggregation tables and views within an Info Mart database. RAA aggregation tables and views provide the metrics that summarize contact center activity to facilitate reporting, and serves as the primary source of data for the Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) historical reports. RAA is required for Genesys CX Insights, and was required for the now-deprecated GI2.



Genesys CX Insights

Genesys Customer Experience Insights (Genesys CX Insights or sometimes GCXI) provides a presentation layer that extracts data from the Genesys Info Mart database, and presents it in readable historical reports to enable business and contact center managers to make better business decisions for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and providing better services.

Genesys CX Insights has replaced Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) as the historical reporting presentation layer. See also Genesys Info Mart and Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA).



Database Access Point

Also known as a DAP. An object that provides the interface between an application in the Genesys installation and the databases to which the application requires access. Refer to the Framework Database Connectivity Reference Guide for more information about configuring and using DAPs.




Section: gim-etl
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid database owner or schema name
Changes Take Effect: For an extraction DAP, at the next run of the extraction job for the particular data domain; for the Info Mart DAP, on restart of the Genesys Info Mart Server.

Specifies the database schema or owner name, if it is different from the database user ID. If you do not specify this option, the database tables and other database objects are assumed to be owned by the user name that you specify on the DB Info tab.

Note for PostgreSQL: Genesys recommends that you use lower case for all schema names. If you cannot do so, specify the value in case-sensitive mode by surrounding the value with a set of double quotes.

Info Mart Database Scripts

This page describes how to modify and run the SQL scripts needed to create the Info Mart database and predefined views. This page also describes how to configure the Info Mart database to optimize performance of the merge operation for voice interactions.

Before You Begin

The following information is important for you to know:

  • The Genesys-supplied SQL scripts are provided in the sql_scripts folder in your Genesys Info Mart installation package. They are also available as a separate SQL Scripts installation package. Use your database-specific tool (for example, SQL *Plus) to run the supplied SQL scripts.
  • The Genesys Info Mart–provided SQL scripts do not qualify database objects by their schema or owner. When you run the SQL scripts, make sure that you use the ID of the schema or owner when you log in to the database. (You noted the schema or owner ID and password of each database in the appropriate section of the Database Worksheets.)
  • The Genesys Info Mart–provided SQL scripts create objects without specifying tablespaces or storage parameters. Work with your database administrator or data-warehousing specialist to develop a database implementation that is optimal for your environment, and make the necessary changes to the SQL scripts. See Database Considerations for more information.

Preparing Custom User-Data Storage

Genesys Info Mart provides SQL scripts to use as a template for modifications you can make to the Info Mart database schema to customize user-data reporting:

  • make_gim_UDE_template.sql — For use with nonpartitioned databases. For Microsoft SQL Server, use this script for single-language databases.
  • make_gim_UDE_template_partitioned.sql — For use with partitioned databases. For Microsoft SQL Server, use this script for single-language databases.
  • make_gim_UDE_template_multilang.sql — Starting with release 8.5.007, for use with nonpartitioned, multi-language databases in Microsoft SQL Server deployments.
  • make_gim_UDE_template_multilang_partitioned.sql — Starting with release 8.5.007, for use with partitioned, multi-language databases in Microsoft SQL Server deployments.

You modify the applicable user-data template script, as required, to create custom user-data extension tables and columns and to specify storage of custom KVPs. You can use the User Data Assistant, User_Data_Assistant.xlsm, to help prepare the customized script.

The following Figure shows the relationships that the user-data template script creates, to illustrate how custom user data is stored in the Info Mart database and populated in interaction records. Inclusion of the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT (MSF) table in the Figure illustrates optional storage of user data for interactions that are in mediation.

Custom User Data Storage

You can define the names of the custom tables and columns as you choose to see them in the Info Mart database. In custom fact tables, you can also specify the data types — character, numeric, or date/time — for the columns that store KVP values.

To make the best use of the flexible user-data storage that Genesys Info Mart provides, Genesys recommends that you use table and column names that reflect the meaning of the user-data KVPs in your deployment. Meaningful names of columns in recognizable user-data extension tables makes it easier to write unambiguous reporting queries. However, in multi-language databases, do not use non-Latin Unicode characters in table or column names. If you use the Data Export feature with export views (supported in on-premises deployments starting with release, table names must not be longer than 26 characters.

For more information about planning user-data storage in your deployment, see Storing User Data.

Preparing the User Data Script

Use the following procedure to prepare the SQL script to customize user-data storage in the Info Mart database. You can modify the script and use it to customize the user-data tables in the Info Mart database schema at any time.

Even if you use the User Data Assistant to prepare the customized script for your deployment, Genesys recommends that you review the information in the following manual procedure, so that you can verify the validity of the generated script before you execute it.

Procedure: Customizing the user-data template script

Purpose: To customize the Genesys-provided user-data script in order to specify user-defined KVP names and define custom user-data extension tables.


  • The worksheet for mapping user-data keys that are used for reporting in your environment is complete. For the mapping worksheet, see Mapping User Data Worksheet. Alternatively, if you are using the User Data Assistant, the Business Analyst and Report Developer tabs have been completed.
  • The ICON application has been configured to store the required user-data KVPs.


  1. Locate a copy of the applicable template script (make_gim_UDE_template.sql, make_gim_UDE_template_partitioned.sql, make_gim_UDE_template_multilang.sql, or make_gim_UDE_template_multilang_partitioned.sql) in the RDBMS-specific sql_scripts folder on the Genesys Info Mart product CD.
  2. Save a copy of the script to a local machine.
  3. Modify your copy of the script to provide columns in a user-data fact table to store high-cardinality KVPs that you will use in your reports. By default, the script creates a table named IRF_USER_DATA_CUST_1.

    Tell me more about:

    • [+] The table name
    • [+] Column names
    • [+] Character data
    • [+] Numeric data
    • [+] Date/Time data
    • [+] Updating the database schema
  4. Modify the script, as required, to create an index for the user-data fact table that you created in Step 3.
  5. Continue modifying your copy of the script to provide columns in user-data dimension tables to store low-cardinality KVPs that you will use in your reports. The script provides placeholders for tables named USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_1 and USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_2.

    Tell me more about:

    • [+] The table name
    • [+] Column names
    • [+] Updating the database schema
    • Important
      Do not modify the data types or the mandatory status of the columns. Genesys Info Mart does not support numerical data types or nullable columns for user-data dimensions.
  6. Modify the script, as required, to create an index for the user-data dimension table that you created in Step 5.
  7. If necessary, repeat Steps 3 through 6 to add SQL commands to create additional custom user-data fact and dimension tables.
  8. Modify the script, as required, to create foreign key reference(s) for the user-data dimension table(s) in the IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS table. The script includes the following placeholders:
    • CUSTOM_KEY_1 and CUSTOM_KEY_2 — The name of the foreign key that Genesys Info Mart will use to reference the user-data dimension table that you created in Step 5. Genesys recommends that you use a key name that provides an obvious association with the table name. You map this key to the referenced table later (Step 10).
    Do not change the data type of the fields that you add to the IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS table. In releases earlier than, also do not change the mandatory status or the default value of your custom fields. (The default value -2 indicates NO_VALUE.)
    Adding columns to a big IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS table can consume significant DBMS resources and time. If you are modifying the script to prepare for the initial deployment, consider adding redundant columns in advance. Later, you can map new user-data dimensions to existing IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS columns, as required.
  9. For the user-data dimension table(s) that you created in Step 5, modify the script, as required, to populate the table(s) with mandatory values for predefined keys (for example, UNKNOWN). By default, the script inserts the required values into a table named USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_1.
  10. Map the user data dimension table(s) to the foreign key(s). To do so, modify the script to add to the CTL_UDE_KEYS_TO_DIM_MAPPING table the mapping between the user-data dimension table(s) and the foreign key(s) that you added to the IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS table (Step 8). The script includes the following placeholders:
    • USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_1 — The user-data dimension table name (which you defined in Step 5)
    • ID — The primary key for the user-data dimension table
    • CUSTOM_KEY_1 — The foreign key for the user-data dimension table (which you specified in the IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS table in Step 8)
  11. Map user-data keys to user-data fact and dimension table columns. For each column that you defined for user-data fact and dimension tables (see Steps 3 through 7), modify the script to:

    • Add to the CTL_UD_TO_UDE_MAPPING table the mapping between user-data keys and the user-data table columns
    • Specify default values
    • Specify the custom conversion expression (for custom date conversion in user-data fact tables)
    Use the worksheet that you prepared for user-data mapping to identify the required script changes. To customize the date conversion expression, see Step 12.

    The script includes the following placeholders:

    The script also requires you to specify the propagation rule, default value, and activity status for each KVP. For more information about values for these fields, see the column descriptions for the CTL_UD_TO_UDE_MAPPING table in the Genesys Info Mart Reference Manual for your RDBMS.

    Ensure that the default values that you specify are consistent with the data type for the column.

  12. If you want Genesys Info Mart to store a date/time value expressed in a format other than the Genesys Info Mart default format for date/time (for example, DD Mon YY instead of yyyy-mm-ddThh24:mi:ss.ff), specify the conversion expression in the CONVERT_EXPRESSION field in the CTL_UD_TO_UDE_MAPPING table entry for the KVP. Genesys Info Mart includes the conversion expression in SQL statements to convert the data. The template script provides an example of the syntax to use. (The example in the template script expresses the date/time in the Genesys Info Mart default format for date/time and is therefore an unnecessary entry in the mapping table.)
    • [+] Show conversion expression for Microsoft SQL Server
    • [+] Show conversion expression for Oracle
    • [+] Show conversion expression for PostgreSQL
  13. Save the modified copy of the script.

Next Steps

  • Execute the modified script when you create the Info Mart database schema (see Creating the Info Mart database schema, Step 4) or as required to update an existing database schema. To verify correct mappings, execute the following SQL command against the Info Mart database:
    Compare the results of the query against the mapping that you prepared before customizing the script, as described in the Prerequisites.
    Before you execute the script to update an existing database schema, Genesys recommends that you back up the Info Mart database.
  • If you update an existing database schema that uses read-only tenant views to access Info Mart data for reports, you must re-create the read-only tenant views. For more information, see Creating Read-Only Tenant Views.

Preparing the Info Mart Database

The RDBMS-specific SQL scripts that are provided with Genesys Info Mart create the Info Mart database schema. This includes merge tables, which are a required part of the Info Mart database schema in any deployment. Genesys Info Mart provides separate scripts for partitioned and nonpartitioned database schemas. For Microsoft SQL Server, starting with release 8.5.007 Genesys Info Mart also provides separate scripts for single-language and multi-language databases.

The Genesys Info Mart database scripts do not create the additional database objects that are required to support aggregation. For more information about database preparation for deployments that use the Genesys historical reporting presentation layer (GCXI or the separately installed RAA package, see the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates 8.x Deployment Guide and the Genesys CX Insights Deployment Guide.

Procedure: Creating the Info Mart database schema


  • For multi-language databases, you have reviewed requirements for the Info Mart database and other system components (see the links provided in Multi-Language Support) and prepared your environment accordingly.
  • You have created a database instance for your Info Mart database.
  • The required SQL scripts are available from the RDBMS-specific sql_scripts folder on the Genesys Info Mart product CD.
    If you are creating a partitioned database schema on Microsoft SQL Server, do not alter make_gim_partitioned.sql or make_gim_multilang_partitioned.sql so as to create the partitions in multiple filegroups.
  • (Optional) If you plan to store user-defined attached data, you have customized the applicable user-data SQL script template, as instructed in Preparing the User Data Script.
  • (Optional) If you plan to create multiple calendar dimensions to support your reporting, you have customized the applicable database-creation script to create additional calendar tables. Alternatively, you can create the custom calendars after you have installed Genesys Info Mart. For more information, see Creating Custom Calendars.


  1. Ensure that the database access account that you use to create the Info Mart database schema is available and has the required privileges (see Required Database Privileges). Refer to your completed Database Worksheets to determine the ID to use.
  2. Log in to the Info Mart database using the Info Mart user account.
  3. Run the applicable SQL script to create the Info Mart database schema:
    • For a nonpartitioned database, use make_gim.sql. This script creates the Genesys Info Mart dimension and fact tables and related indexes. On Microsoft SQL Server, starting with release 8.5.007 use make_gim.sql for a single-language database and make_gim_multilang.sql for a multi-language database.
    • For a partitioned database, use make_gim_partitioned.sql. This script creates the Genesys Info Mart dimension and fact tables and related indexes. On Microsoft SQL Server, starting with release 8.5.007 use make_gim_partitioned.sql for a single-language database and make_gim_multilang_partitioned.sql for a multi-language database. For the tables and indexes that are partitioned, this script creates a single, outdated partition that is expected to be purged during the first run of the maintenance job.
  4. (Optional) Run the modified UDE template script (make_gim_UDE_template.sql, make_gim_UDE_template_partitioned.sql, make_gim_UDE_template_multilang.sql, or make_gim_UDE_template_multilang_partitioned.sql) that you have updated with required KVP names. This script creates extension tables in the Info Mart database schema to store custom user-data, configures user-data mappings, and adds the specified dimension key fields to the IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS table.
  5. Ensure that the database access account that the ETL jobs will use to access the Info Mart database is available and has the required user account privileges (see Required Database Privileges). Refer to your completed Database Worksheets to determine the ID to use. The user account does not have to be the same as the owner account. For more information about the rules and recommendations that pertain to database access accounts for Genesys Info Mart, see Database Object Owners and User IDs.

Next Steps

Procedure: Configuring the Info Mart database for merge

Purpose: To optimize performance of the merge operation.



  1. If any switches are not monitored by ICON, store those Switch object names in the GSYS_DNPREMOTELOCATION table of the Info Mart schema. Otherwise, merging of some interswitch voice interactions will be delayed until the configured IS-Link timeout occurs, and this delays transformation of those voice interactions.

    [+] Show example
  2. Review the settings of the max-call-duration, merge-chunk-size, and merge-failed-is-link-timeout configuration options, and modify them as required for your deployment.

Next Steps

This page was last edited on October 6, 2020, at 14:28.
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