Appendix A - SMART Errors and Warnings
The following is a list of the error and warning messages generated by SMART. The list includes a a summary of the possible cause and resolution for each error and warning:
Apply failed on all packages folders. Could not create archive directory, cannot adapt models [+]
The SMART apply process fails and the following error message appears:
Apply failed on all packages folders.
20130409162227046 1176 0 ** WARNING ** -11 UNKERR unknown error SWItrcConfigureFromEnvironment() couldn't open C:\Program Files
(x86)\Nuance\Recognizer\/trc.log as print stream
20130409162227271 1176 ** WARNING ** 0 SWI_SUCCESS success SWIconfigGetDefaultLanguage Default language 'en-us' autocomputed!
20130409162227289 1176 ** WARNING ** 2058 UNKERR unknown error SWIadaptSetParams Could not create archive directory, cannot
adapt models
20130409162227289 1176 ** WARNING ** 2058 UNKERR unknown error SWIadaptSetParams WARNING: Unable to set some parameters for
language en-us, acoustic adaptation disabled for this language.
20130409162227653 1176 ** ERROR => SVC AFFECT ** -10 SWI_ERROR_SYSTEM system error wopen_file Can't open file 'C:/Program
Files (x86)/Nuance/Recognizer/config/'.
20130409162227654 1176 RecognizerErrorUnwind SWI error ERROR(3) detected in classes\statistics.c:52
20130409162230091 1176 ** ERROR => SVC LOSS ** 27100 SWIREC SWIrec API SWIrecInit Unable to create SWIsr resource
warning in .\recognizer\recognizer\r_recognizer_recognizer.cpp (54) - 0 Function SWIrecRecognizerCreate returned System Error (2) in
channel SMART
Possible Cause
This error occurs on a Server 2008 machine due to incorrect SMART permissions.
- Close the current SMART session and re-run it as Administrator.
- Right click the SMART icon and select Run as Administrator.
Applies to
All versions
Apply failed on all packages folders. Unhandled Exception System.IO.FileNotFoundException. The specified module could not be found. Exception from HRESULT 0x8007007E [+]
The SMART apply process fails and the following error message appears:
Apply failed on all packages folders. Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
Possible cause
The Nuance installation is corrupted.
- Uninstall Nuance using the Windows Uninstall feature.
- Manually delete files related to Nuance.
- Re-install SpeechMiner from scratch.
Applies to
Version 7.0 and higher.
You do not have permissions to update SMART configuration file. [+]
The following error appears when you log into SMART:
You do not have permissions to update SMART configuration file. Updating the configuration file is required for the login process, please make sure that you have the right permissions to update the
configuration file.
Possible cause
- Incorrect permissions for accessing SMART.
- The SMART configuration file was encrypted by a different machine.
- Run SMART as the Administrator.
- Use clean the smart.exe.config file that has not been encrypted. The file (EncryptedData) can be obtained from installation.
Applies to
Version 7.0 and higher.
Apply - Failed to delete old statistics file 'path'. [+]
The following message appears when you apply SMART or when the platform starts.
Possible Cause
- The file is being held by an external process.
- The user running the external process does not have the required permissions to do so.
Delete the file manually, or wait until it is deleted at a later time.
Applies To
All versions.
Apply fails- Access to the path 'dictionary' is denied. [+]
The following message appears when you apply SMART: 'Apply fails- Access to the path 'dictionary' is denied'.
Possible Cause
- The user does not have full access rights to all the files under the grammar package folder(s).
- Not enough disk space was allotted to the Package folder(s).
- Verify where the Package folder(s) are located for the system in SMConfig.
- Verify the user's permission for the Package folder(s) and all its sub-folders.
- If the disc space is the problem, delete backup files that are no longer needed to clear up disk space, or upgrade to a bigger hard drive.
Applies To
All versions.
Apply - Rollback failed [+]
Applying a SMART rollback fails.
Possible Cause
The version you are attempting to rollback to is corrupt.
- In the log, search for the message "Apply rollback failed".
- Review the details of the message.
- Perform Rollback again or at a later time.
Applies To
All versions.
Could not load the SMART configuration file. [+]
SMART fails to start and the following error message appears:
Could not load the SMART configuration file.
Possible Cause
The smart.exe.config file is missing, or corrupt.
- Copy the smart.exe.config file from another installation.
If you are copying from another computer, replace the <connectionStrings> section from the file with the following:
<add name="web_con_str" connectionString="" />
Applies To
All versions.
Error after logging into SMART, SMConfig or SMUpgrade. [+]
The following message appears when logging into SMART or SMConfig:
'An error occurred executing the configuration section handler for --', or it may say 'Unable to save config to file --'.
Possible cause
- The user does not have the correct permissions to encrypt or write the file.
- The computer contains old encryption keys.
- If the user does not have sufficient permissions, the administrator must run the following to enable a regular user that can encrypt the "{domain}{user}" credentials :
aspnet_regiis -pa "NetFrameworkConfigurationKey" "{domain}\{user}"
- When old encryption keys are in use delete everything from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA.
Applies To
All versions.
FAILED The specified network name is no longer available. [+]
The following error appears when applying SMART:
FAILED The specified network name is no longer available.
Possible Cause
The Grammars folder is unavailable. It does not exist or the platform does not have permissions to access it.
- Verify that the Grammars folder path (specified in SMConfig)exista.
- Verify that the UPlatform has access permissions to the Grammars folder.
Applies To
All versions.
Failed to delete old package (folder) 'path'. [+]
The following warning appears after applying SMART succeeds:
Failed to delete old package (folder) 'path'.
Possible Cause
The old package folder or zip file is in use, and as a result it is not possible to delete it.
Apply will delete the old package folder or file, if it is released.
Applies To
All versions.
Licensed number of users already reached. [+]
The following message appears or is logged when applying SMART:
Licensed number of users already reached.
Possible Cause
When applying SMART all Nuance licenses are already used by recognizers. That means a machine that has SMART opened utilized of nuance licenses, most likely by running UPlatform.
- Stop UPlatform and re-apply SMART.
Applies To
7.0 & higher versions.
Unidentified Japanese Iteration Mark [+]
The following message appears due to a Japanese nuance iteration mark limitation:
An unidentified Japanese iteration mark (
) was added to a SMART term.
The problematic words are: 
SpeechMiner will only recognize a term with this iteration mark in text interactions.
Possible Cause
The specific Japanese term (
) is not included in the following:
- Dictionary const
- Database wordPronunciation table (type: predefined)
SpeechMiner will recognize a term with this iteration mark in audio interactions after you add the term to the Dictionary Const and wordPronunciation table.
Once the audio recognition solution is implemented, SpeechMiner will treat the same term
(that is, the term with the Japanese iteration mark) as two different terms (once for audio recognition and once for text recognition).
Add the term to the dictionary const
- Extract the term's pronunciation according to Nuance.
- Create a new text file (.txt).
- In the .txt file add the term in its Katakana or Hiragana form without the iteration mark.
- Open the command prompt and run the Nuance dicttest tool as follows:
dicttest -language ja-jp -input <filename>.txt -output output.txt
As a result, the output.txt file will contain optional nuance pronunciations for the term you added to the input file.
- From the Grammars folder, open utopy_JAPAN_JAPANESE_dictionary_const.xml.
- Add the following:
<entry key="<NewWord>">
<definition value="<Pronunciation>" />
For example:
The term is 
Once the term is added in Katakana (
) to the ja.txt file the following command should be used:
dicttest -language ja-jp -input ja.txt -output output.txt
The text in the output.txt file will be:

The pronunciation is in the third field (<Pronunciation> = bIbIta4M).
As a result, the new entry to add will be:
<entry key="
<definition value="bIbIta4M" />
Add the new term and its pronunciation to the wordPronunciation table in your database
- Run the following SQL command:
Insert into wordPronunciation values(17, N'<NewWord>','PREDEFINED','<Pronunciation>')
<NewWord> = the term in Japanese with the iteration mark.
<Pronunciation> = The pronunciation of the Japanese text.
For example:
<NewWord> = 
<Pronunciation> = bIbIta4M
Insert into wordPronunciation values(
Applies To
8.5.201 & higher versions.
SMART Windows authentication- Login failed. [+]
The following message appears when logging into SMART and Wwindows Authentication fails:
SMART Windows authentication- Login failed.
Possible Cause
- The user is not active.
- The user was not added to the SpeechMiner application.
- Add the user to the SpeechMiner application.
- Verify the user is added to the Tools > Administer Users page in the web application
- Verify that the user's profile is active.
Applies To
Version 8.0 and above.
Term- Illegal Character [+]
While creating a phrase in SMART the following error appears:
Illegal character <xyz>. Term cannot contain characters which are not supported by the language.
Possible Cause
The user created a phrase that contains a character not supported by the Nuance language package.
Avoid this character or contact Genesys support if the character is required.
Applies To
All versions.
There are SYSTEM locks. Would you like to unlock the following items before the apply? [+]
When applying SMART, the following error message appears:
There are SYSTEM locks. Would you like to unlock the following items before the apply?
Possible Cause
SMART apply is performed from a different SMART instance and therefore a different process is running at the same time.
- Verify that all SMART processes are complete before applying SMART.
- Refresh your SMART instance and apply again.
Applies To
All versions.
Grammar missing package files [+]
SMART apply fails and the following message appears:
FAILED 20130211165159184| 8956| 0||| ** WARNING **| -11| UNKERR| unknown error| SWItrcConfigureFromEnvironment() | couldn't open
R:\/trc.log as print stream
2013021116524328(nerd) 8956|| PRELOAD_SESSION| MyApp| ** WARNING **| 7422| SBINET_ERROR| Unable to get file 'stat' information|
swi:SBinet | File="\\itai\data\packages
Could not find file '\\XXX\data\packages\utopy_AMERICA_ENGLISH_dictionary_const.xml'.
Possible Cause
Grammer files are missing.
- Copy the grammar files for the current version and build from: X:\software\verX\internal_build_XXXX\Internal\Source\rec\grammar.
- Add the grammer files to the Packages folder.
Applies To
All versions.
Top-level grammar '.P0_PSUT_topic name_term number' is defined more than once. [+]
SMART Apply fails and the following message appears:
'Top-level grammar ".P0_PSUT_"topic name"_"term number" is defined more than once. This is not permitted'.
Possible Cause
Two phrases in the same topic have the same ordinal number.
- Open the specified topic.
- Verify that the topic phrases do not have the same ordinal number.
- Delete the phrase with the same ordinal number and create it again manually.
Applies To
All versions.