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statserver Section

The following options are defined on the Options tab of the Switch object in the statserver section:



Default Value: Depends on the switch type (see description)
Valid Values: yes, no
Changes Take Effect: On Stat Server start

This option is a static boolean option that can be configured for any switch.

If this option is taken into account and is set to yes (or is yes by default), then the corresponding switch is treated as the Meridian-like switch (position and extension DNs on the same place are considered linked if no more than one position/extension pair is configured on a place and agent is logged into a position DN only).

Please note that for some switches this new option is ignored (see table below).

Switch type Default value Comments
NortelMeridian n/a option is ignored
NortelMeridianCallCenter n/a option is ignored
NortelCommunicationServer2000/2100 n/a option is ignored
CiscoCallManager no
IntecomIBX80 yes
EricssonMD110 yes
AastraMX1 yes
NEC no NEC switch is treated as the Meridian-like switch if any (or both) of the following options are set to true:

nec-position-extension-linked, configured on the Stat Server application,

position-extension-linked, configured on the switch.

NECSV7000 no NECSV7000 switch is treated as the Meridian-like switch if any (or both) of the following options are set to true:

nec-position-extension-linked, configured on the Stat Server application,

position-extension-linked, configured on the switch.

All other types no

Note 1: The Stat Server option position-extension-linked is used completely independently.

Note 2: An attempt to log in an agent on an extension DN for the Meridian-like switch causes incorrect Stat Server behavior due to pending NotReady state of this extension.


Default Value: no
Valid Values: yes, no
Changes Take Effect: Upon DN re-registration

Determines whether Stat Server should transmit call-extracted attached data to Stat Server clients for the particular DN on which the option was set or for all DNs registered on a switch. Configure this option in the [statserver] section on the Options tab of Switch and/or DN objects. See To Suppress the Transmission of Attached Data in the Stat Server Deployment Guide for more information.

This page was last edited on November 1, 2016, at 22:27.
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