Twitter Interaction Attributes
Basic Attributes
Genesys Cloud API Driver for Twitter adds the following attributes to the user data of a Twitter interaction.
Key name | Value type | Description |
_twitterMsgType | UTF string | Message type
Values: DirectMessage, Status. |
_twitterQueryName | String | Query name of the channel monitor. |
_twitterCreatedAt | UTC Time Zone | Message creation date and time. |
_twitterMsgId | String | Message ID. |
_twitterIsFavorited | String | Indicates whether the Tweet has likes (formerly known as favorites) or not. |
_twitterFavoriteCount | Integer | Number of likes received by the Tweet. |
_twitterUserName | String | Full name of the user who posted the Tweet. |
_twitterFirstName | String | First name of the user. |
_twitterLastName | String | Last name of the user. |
_twitterUserId | String | Twitter user ID. |
_twitterUserScreenName | String | Screen name of the user. |
_twitterUserCreatedAt | UTC Time Zone | The UTC date and time when the user account was created on Twitter. |
_twitterUserLanguage | String | Language code in the user’s profile. |
_twitterUserImageURL | String | URL of the user profile image (also known as avatar). |
_twitterUserTimeZone | String | Time zone of the Twitter user. |
_twitterUserUtcOffset | String | UTC offset for the user’s time zone. |
_twitterUserFollowersCount | String | The user’s current number of followers. |
_twitterUserFriendsCount | String | The number of other users this user is currently following. |
_twitterUserStatusesCount | String | The number of Tweets (including Retweets) posted by the user. |
_twitterFromAddr | String | Screen name of the message author. |
_twitterFromUserId | String | User ID of the message author. |
_twitterUserIsFollower | String | Indicates whether the user is a follower of the channel’s account or not. |
_twitterUserIsFriend | String | Indicates whether the channel’s account is following the user or not. |
_twitterToAddr | String | Screen name of the message addressee. |
_twitterToUserId | String | User ID of the message addressee. |
_twitterMsgPlainText | String | Message content in plain text format. |
Subject | String | Message subject. |
_twitterMsgLanguage | String | Language code of the Tweet. |
_twitterSource | String | Source of the message. |
_twitterIsRetweet | String | Indicates whether the message is a Retweet of another message. |
_twitterEntities | Key-value list | URL entities expressed as a key-value pairs list with URL and Media attributes. |
_umsChannel | String | Channel name. |
_umsMediaAccount | String | Twitter account ID of the channel. |
_umsChannelInfo | Key-value list | The list of key-value pairs provided in _umsChannelInfo Attributes below. |
_twitterUtterances | Key-value list | The list of key-value pairs provided in _twitterUtterances Attributes below. |
_twitterTopics | String | Keywords in Tweets. |
_twitterTimeFrame | String | Timeout for the group ID, in seconds. A new group ID is assigned after this timeout. |
_twitterGroupId | String | Twitter group ID assigned to a group of Tweets from the same sender. |
_umsChannelInfo Attributes
Key name | Value type | Description |
_twitterUserId | String | Twitter account ID of the channel. |
_twitterUserScreenName | String | Screen name of the channel’s Twitter account. |
_twitterUserName | String | The brand name which is the same as the channel’s Twitter user name. |
_twitterUserImageURL | String | URL of the brand’s Twitter profile image (also known as avatar). |
_twitterSourceNickName | String | Value retrieved from the x-source-nick-name configuration parameter. |
_twitterSentiment | String | Sentiment polarity of the Tweet. It can be Positive, Neutral, or Negative. |
_twitterSentimentScore | String | A numerical representation of the sentiment polarity of the Tweet. |
_twitterSentimentConfidence | String | Confidence score of sentiment extractor. |
_twitterActionability | String | A score determined by the number of Tweets that are accepted and rejected by agents. The default value is 50. |
_twitterUtterances Attributes
Key name | Value type | Description |
content | String | A speech act, usually a sentence from the received message/Tweet. The initial message is divided into speech acts using punctuation patterns. |
intention_type | String | Result of intention classifier. |
intention_type_confidence | String | Confidence score of intention classifier. |
sentiment | String | Sentiment polarity of the speech act. It can be Positive, Neutral, or Negative. |
sentiment_score | String | A numerical representation of the sentiment polarity of the current speech act. |
sentiment_confidence | String | Confidence score of sentiment extractor. |
topic_confidence | String | Confidence score of topic extractor. |
topics | String | Noun phrases from the speech acts. |
Sample Interactions
Public Tweet
'_twitterQueryName' [str] = "Public"
'_twitterCreatedAt' [str] = "2017-12-18T10:22:10Z"
'_twitterMsgType' [str] = "Status"
'_twitterMsgId' [str] = "942701514744672256"
'_twitterIsFavorited' [str] = "false"
'_twitterFavoriteCount' [int] = 0
'_twitterUserName' [str] = "Shruti Mishra"
'_twitterFirstName' [str] = "Shruti"
'_twitterLastName' [str] = "Mishra"
'_twitterUserId' [str] = "834289359406915584"
'_twitterUserScreenName' [str] = "shruti14111"
'_twitterUserCreatedAt' [str] = "2017-02-22T14:30:58Z"
'_twitterUserLanguage' [str] = "en"
'_twitterUserImageURL' [str] = ""
'_twitterUserTimeZone' [str] = "New Delhi"
'_twitterUserUtcOffset' [str] = "19800.0"
'_twitterUserFollowersCount' [str] = "12"
'_twitterUserFriendsCount' [str] = "33"
'_twitterUserStatusesCount' [str] = "2071"
'_twitterFromAddr' [str] = "shruti14111"
'_twitterFromUserId' [str] = "834289359406915584"
'_twitterUserIsFollower' [str] = "true"
'_twitterUserIsFriend' [str] = "true"
'_twitterInReplyToUserId' [str] = "868003715545931776"
'_twitterToUserId' [str] = "868003715545931776"
'_twitterInReplyToScreenName' [str] = "Sparrow11071"
'_twitterToAddr' [str] = "Sparrow11071"
'_twitterMsgPlainText' [str] = "@Sparrow11071 Text Tweet to brand"
'Subject' [str] = "@Sparrow11071 Text Twe..."
'_twitterMsgLanguage' [str] = "en"
'_twitterSource' [str] = "<a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client</a>"
'_twitterIsRetweet' [str] = "false"
'_twitterEntities' [lst] = KVList:
'Media' [lst] = KVList:
'Url' [lst] = KVList:
'_umsChannel' [str] = "channel-twitter-Test"
'_umsMediaAccount' [str] = "868003715545931776"
'_umsChannelInfo' [lst] = KVList:
'_twitterUserId' [str] = "868003715545931776"
'_twitterUserScreenName' [str] = "Sparrow11071"
'_twitterUserName' [str] = "Sparrow Products"
'_twitterUserImageURL' [str] = ""
'_twitterSourceNickName' [str] = "*set value*"
'_twitterSentiment' [str] = "Neutral"
'_twitterSentimentScore' [str] = "0.0"
'_twitterSentimentConfidence' [str] = "5.0"
'_twitterActionability' [str] = "50.0"
'_twitterUtterances' [lst] = KVList:
'utterance-0' [lst] = KVList:
'content' [str] = "@Sparrow11071 Text Tweet to brand"
'intention_type' [str] = "JUNK"
'intention_type_confidence' [str] = "3.0"
'sentiment' [str] = "Neutral"
'sentiment_score' [str] = "0.0"
'sentiment_confidence' [str] = "5.0"
'topic_confidence' [str] = "74.0"
'topics' [str] = "text tweet,sparrow11071"
'_twitterTopics' [str] = "text tweet,sparrow11071"
'_twitterTimeFrame' [str] = "60.0"
'_twitterGroupId' [str] = "834289359406915584:5977904549637487079"
Direct Message
'_twitterQueryName' [str] = "User"
'_twitterCreatedAt' [str] = "2017-12-18T10:24:57Z"
'_umsMediaType' [str] = "twitterdirect"
'_twitterMsgType' [str] = "DirectMessage"
'_twitterMsgId' [str] = "942702217122824196"
'_twitterUserName' [str] = "Shruti Mishra"
'_twitterFirstName' [str] = "Shruti"
'_twitterLastName' [str] = "Mishra"
'_twitterUserId' [str] = "834289359406915584"
'_twitterUserScreenName' [str] = "shruti14111"
'_twitterUserCreatedAt' [str] = "2017-02-22T14:30:58Z"
'_twitterUserLanguage' [str] = "en"
'_twitterUserImageURL' [str] = ""
'_twitterUserTimeZone' [str] = "New Delhi"
'_twitterUserUtcOffset' [str] = "19800.0"
'_twitterUserFollowersCount' [str] = "12"
'_twitterUserFriendsCount' [str] = "33"
'_twitterUserStatusesCount' [str] = "2071"
'_twitterFromAddr' [str] = "shruti14111"
'_twitterFromUserId' [str] = "834289359406915584"
'_twitterUserIsFollower' [str] = "true"
'_twitterUserIsFriend' [str] = "true"
'_twitterToAddr' [str] = "Sparrow11071"
'_twitterToUserId' [str] = "868003715545931776"
'_twitterMsgPlainText' [str] = "TEST DM"
'Subject' [str] = "TEST DM"
'_umsChannel' [str] = "channel-twitter-Test"
'_umsMediaAccount' [str] = "868003715545931776"
'_umsChannelInfo' [lst] = KVList:
'_twitterUserId' [str] = "868003715545931776"
'_twitterUserScreenName' [str] = "Sparrow11071"
'_twitterUserName' [str] = "Sparrow Products"
'_twitterUserImageURL' [str] = ""
'_twitterSourceNickName' [str] = "*set value*"
'_twitterEntities' [lst] = KVList:
'Media' [lst] = KVList:
'Url' [lst] = KVList:
'_twitterSentiment' [str] = "Neutral"
'_twitterSentimentScore' [str] = "0.0"
'_twitterSentimentConfidence' [str] = "5.0"
'_twitterActionability' [str] = "50.0"
'_twitterUtterances' [lst] = KVList:
'utterance-0' [lst] = KVList:
'content' [str] = "TEST DM @Sparrow11071"
'intention_type' [str] = "RECOMMENDATION"
'intention_type_confidence' [str] = "24.0"
'sentiment' [str] = "Neutral"
'sentiment_score' [str] = "0.0"
'sentiment_confidence' [str] = "5.0"
'topic_confidence' [str] = "75.0"
'topics' [str] = "sparrow11071"
'_twitterTopics' [str] = "sparrow11071"
'_twitterTimeFrame' [str] = "60.0"
'_twitterGroupId' [str] = "834289359406915584_868003715545931776:5977904549637654629"
This page was last edited on September 18, 2020, at 13:56.
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