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Facebook Interaction Attributes

Basic Attributes

Genesys Driver for use with Facebook adds the following attributes to an interaction's user data.

Key Name Value Type Description
_facebookDriverVersion UTF string Driver version
_facebookItxType Int
  • 1—Facebook Post and single Comment (if the interaction is a Reply, the parent Comment is also included, as well as all elements in Comment Attributes below).
  • 2—Facebook Post and multiple Comments
_umsChannel UTF String Name of the channel that includes the monitor that submitted the interaction
_umsChannelMonitor UTF String Name of the monitor that submitted the interaction
_umsChannelInfo Key-value list Present if the driver was able to get Publisher information. See _umsChannelInfo Attributes below.
_facebookPostId UTF String Post ID
_facebookContentCreatedOnlyByAdmin Int 0 or 1
_facebookCanComment Int Whether the Comments are (0) or are not (1) allowed on the object.
_facebookNComments UTF string Number of Comments for this Post
_facebookShareCount UTF string Number of times the Post was shared
_facebookPostCanBeDeleted UTF string true or false
_facebookMediaAttachmentsCount Int Number of files attached to the Post
Subject UTF string Subject of the Post, usually taken from Post text itself. If the message in the Post is empty, Subject is taken from the name or description of the first attached file. If that information is missing, Subject is equal to _facebookPostId.
_facebookMessageText UTF string Message in the Post
_facebookNLikes UTF string Number of Likes for the Post
_facebookUpdatedTime UTF string The time, expressed as a UNIX timestamp, that the Post was last updated, which occurs when a User comments on the Post.
_facebookCreatedTime UTF string The time the Post was published, expressed as UNIX timestamp
_facebookSourceId UTF string Facebook ID of the object where this Post was published
_facebookSourceObjectType Int Type of the Facebook object that published the Post:
  • 0—User
  • 1—Page
  • 2—Event
  • 3—Group
  • 4—Application
_facebookActorId UTF string Facebook ID of the object that published this Post
_facebookActorObjectType Int Type of the Facebook object that published the Post:
  • 0—User
  • 1—Page
  • 2—Event
  • 3—Group
  • 4—Application
_facebookActorName UTF string Name of the Page or User that published the Post. If it is a User (_facebookActorIdType = 0), then in addition to the name, the attributes listed in User Attributes below are also included.
_facebookComments Key-value list The list of key-value pairs provided in facebookComments Attributes below. The key for each list equals the value of _facebookCommentId.


UTF string An XML string which includes information about all objects that participated in or were mentioned in the Post/Comments/Replies

Private Message Attributes

Key Name Value Type Description
_facebookDriverVersion UTF String Driver version
_facebookItxType int 10 (Private Message)
_umsChannel UTF String Configured Facebook channel name
_umsChannelMonitor UTF String Configured Facebook monitor name
_umsChatRequired UTF String Always true
_umsMediaType String Value of inbound-media option for the monitor. To work with Workspace Desktop Edition the value must be facebooksession.
_umsMediaTypeChat UTF String
_umsFromAddr UTF String Either full User name of the user who published the message, or Facebook User ID
_umsToAddr UTF String Page name that the message was sent to
_umsMsgContext int Facebook thread ID, used to identify Chat session.
_umsMsgPlainText UTF String Text of the message.
_facebookPMThreadId UTF String Facebook thread ID.
_facebookPMThreadNMessages int Total number of messages in the thread
_facebookPMMessageId UTF String Facebook message ID.
_facebookMessageText UTF String Text of the message.
_facebookCreatedTime UTF String Last update time of the thread (UNIX timestamp)
_facebookActorId UTF String Facebook ID of the User who sent the message
_facebookActorName UTF String Name of the user who published the private message
All of the content of User Attributes (table farther down this page) is added to UserData as well.
Subject UTF String Subject of the Message. Truncated version of Message text.
_facebookXML UTF String XML string that includes some info about all objects that participated in this thread (Thread, Message, Page, User)
_facebookPMInboxUrl String Value is set to a link that points to a list of all conversations for this Page.

_facebookComments Attributes

The value of the _facebookComments attribute: a list of key-value pairs with type Key-value list and keys equal to _facebookCommentId.

Key Name Value Type Comments
_facebookActorId UTF String Facebook ID of the object that published this Comment
_facebookActorIdType int Type of the Facebook object that published the Comment:
  • 0—User
  • 1—Page
  • 2—Event
  • 3—Group
  • 4—Application
_facebookActorName UTF String Name of the Page or User that published the Post. If it is a User (_facebookActorIdType = 0), then in addition to the name, the attributes listed in User Attributes below are also included.
Plus the contents of Comment Attributes below

Here is an example of _facebookComments:

'_facebookComments' [lst] = KVList:
  '744384022244153_8236433' [lst] = KVList:
    '_facebookCommentId' [str] = "'744384022244153_8236433"
    '_facebookCommentParentId' [str] = "0"
    '_facebookText' [str] = "This is a Comment on the Post"
    '_facebookTime' [str] = "1384811057"
    '_facebookCommentNLikes' [str] = "0"
    '_facebookActorId' [str] = "507441822604742"
    '_facebookActorIdType' [int] = 1
    '_facebookActorName' [str] = "Some Page Name"
  '744384022244153_8250812' [lst] = KVList:
    '_facebookCommentId' [str] = "'744384022244153_8250812"
    '_facebookCommentParentId' [str] = "'744384022244153_8236433"
    '_facebookText' [str] = "This is a Reply to the Comment"
    '_facebookTime' [str] = "1385154821"
    '_facebookCommentNLikes' [str] = "10"
    '_facebookActorId' [str] = "100000523748952"
    '_facebookActorIdType' [int] = 0
    '_facebookActorName' [str] = "UserFirstName UserLastName"
    Also all key-value pairs from User Attributes
  '744384022244153_8250813' [lst] = KVList:
    '_facebookCommentId' [str] = "'744384022244153_8250813"

Comment Attributes

Key Name Value Type Description
_facebookCommentId UTF String Facebook Comment ID
_facebookCommentParentId UTF String Facebook parent Comment ID
_facebookText UTF String The text of the Comment
_facebookTime UTF String UNIX timestamp associated with the creation time of the Comment
_facebookCommentNLikes UTF String The number of likes for the Comment

User Attributes

Key Name Description
url User's app scope ID
first_name First Name of the user
last_name Last name of the user
link URL to the user's Facebook profile
name Display name of the user
updated_time Timestamp for the last updated time of the user's profile
picture Key-Value list containing following values:
  • is_silhouette - Should be true is user if user does not have any profile picture, and false if profile picture is present.
  • url - URL to the user's profile picture

Sample of user attributes:

"id": "240958046340982",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/240958046340982/",
"name": "John Smith",
"updated_time": "2017-06-09T11:43:41+0000",
"picture": {
{ "is_silhouette": false, "url": "https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/p50x50/16195176_258650437905076_3924523920539810613_n.jpg?oh=da57bd2ece1b88e84206b908936b654f&oe=59DB5A2D" }

_umsChannelInfo Attributes

The value of the _umsChannelInfo attribute: a list of key-value pairs that represent information about the Facebook object on whose behalf Posts/Comment/Replies are published by this particular Monitor.

Key Name Value Type Comments
_facebookSourceId UTF String ID of the Facebook object on whose behalf the Post/Comment/Reply is published
_facebookSourceObjectType UTF String Type of the object on whose behalf the Post/Comment/Reply is published:
  • com.genesyslab.mcr.facebook.fql.Application
  • com.genesyslab.mcr.facebook.fql.User
  • com.genesyslab.mcr.facebook.fql.Page
_facebookSourceNickName UTF String Name of the object
_facebookSourceXML UTF String Information about the object packed in an XML string


'_umsChannelInfo' [lst] = KVList:
  'channel-facebook-2-monitor-G-Page-MBAero-Main' [lst] = KVList:
    '_facebookSourceId' [str] = "178227039004532"
    '_facebookSourceObjectType' [str] = "com.genesyslab.mcr.facebook.fql.Page"
    '_facebookSourceNickName' [str] = "Some Page Name"
    '_facebookSourceXML' [str] = "<com.genesyslab.mcr.facebook.fql.Page>"
      <name>Some Page</name>
This page was last edited on April 19, 2019, at 13:51.
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