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Installing the Pulse Plugin

The Genesys Knowledge Center Plugin for Pulse provides access to Knowledge Center Server statistics such as KPI, user activity, trending topics, like and dislike trends, and activity types.

Install Genesys Knowledge Center Plugin for Pulse

Components required for Pulse plugin come pre-integrated into every deployment of Genesys Knowledge Center Server. So you do not need any additional steps to install them, please proceed directly to the configuration.

Configure Genesys Knowledge Center Plugin for Pulse


  1. Log into Genesys Administrator.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Pulse.
Selecting the Pulse Dashboard options in Genesys Administrator
  1. Click Add a Widget.
  2. Select the IFrame widget type.
Adding a Pulse iFrame widget
  1. Set the name of the widget.
Setting the Pulse widget options
  1. Set the widget URL to: http://<host>:<es_port>/_plugin/gkc-kpi/?kbId=<knowledge_base_id>&lang=<chosen language>&tenantId=<tenatId>&timeframe=<timeframe> (see Knowledge Center Pulse Plugin Configuration Options for more information about parameters).
  2. Set the Maximized widget URL. You can set it to the Default Dashboard (http://<host>:<es_port>/_plugin/gkc-dashboard/#/dashboard/file/default.json) or the Performance Dashboard (http://<host>:<es_port>/_plugin/gkc-dashboard/#/dashboard/file/performance.json).
  3. Click Finish.
  4. Pulse Dashboard Widget
    Pulse Performance Dashboard Widget

You have successfully added a widget for accessing Knowledge Center statistics.


Knowledge Center Pulse Plugin Configuration Options

You can customize the KPI widget by defining parameters in the URL:

http://<host>:<es_port>/_plugin/gkc-kpi/?kbId=<knowledge_base_id>&lang=<chosen language>&tenatId=<tenantId>&timeframe=<timeframe>

  • kbId=<knowledge_base_id>— Set which knowledge base id to generate metrics for. If not defined, the metrics will be calculated for all accessible knowledge bases (within defined tenant, if provided).
  • lang=<chosen language>— Set the language metrics will be generated for. If not defined, the metrics will be generated in all available languages within the knowledge base and/or tenant.
  • tenantId=<tenantId> — Set which tenant to generate metrics for. If not defined, the metrics will be generated for all available tenants (not recommended for multi-tenant environments). Note: this option was added in the 8.5.303 release of the product.
  • timeframe=<timeframe>— Timeframe to generate metrics (for example now-1M). If not defined, the metrics will be generated for the last hour (now-1h).
Timeframe expression must start with an “anchor” date - now and follow by a math expression starting from - and / (rounding). The units supported are y (year), M (month), w (week), d (day), h (hour), m (minute), and s (second). For example, now-1h, now-1h-1m, now-1h/d.
This page was last edited on June 21, 2017, at 13:59.
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