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Importing Data into the Knowledge Center Server (before 8.5.303)

The content of this page only applies to 8.5.30x.xx versions prior to 8.5.303.14.

Using Indexer to Import Data

If you are not going to use a CMS you can use the indexer to import data for use with Genesys Knowledge Center.

The indexer is installed during the installation of Knowledge Center Server. It is located inside your Knowledge Center Server installation folder in the \server\tools\indexer subdirectory.


POSIX-like options GNU-like long options Required Default Description
-h --host yes none Genesys Knowledge Center Server url
-f --file no ./ file or directory that contains indexed data for import
-t --transformer no file that contains a *.xsl transformer
-u --user yes none username of the agent the operation is executed on behalf of
-a --authorization no none Credential for Basic Authorization on Knowledge Center Server (if enabled)
-sbt --subTenantId no sub-tenant identifier
-l --loop no false read "-f (--file)" file or folder infinitely


java -jar gks-indexer-${version}.jar
--host "http://<host>:<port>/gks-server"
--file "<import_file_or_folder_path_and_name>"
--transformer "<processing_XSLT>"
--user "<agent_name>"
--authorization "<name>:<password>"

XML example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<documents kbsId="knowledgeFAQ" lang="en">
        <question>Question from indexer</question>
        <answer>Answer from indexer</answer>
        <validTo>2015-12-31 00:00:00</validTo>
            <alternative>Alternative question from indexer</alternative>
            <media>media indexer</media>
            <media>media indexer</media>
            <tag>tag indexer</tag>
            <tag>tag indexer</tag>
        <url>indexer url</url>
                <value>Hello GKS</value>
                <value>I'm an unexisting custom field</value>
        <created>2014-10-01 00:00:00</created>
        <modified>2014-12-31 00:00:00</modified>
For importing Rich Text in HTML format via indexer use <![CDATA[ and ]]> tags inside <answer> or <description> fields.

JSON example

    "kbsId": "knowledgebaseId",
    "lang": "en",
    "documents": [{
        "answer": "answer_1",
        "categories": [{
            "id": "cat_1_id",
            "name": "cat_1"
        }, {
            "id": "cat_2_id",
            "name": "cat_2"
        "created": "2013-09-08 13:15:33",
        "id": "document_1_id",
        "media": [
        "modified": "2014-01-03 22:03:19",
        "question": "question_1",
        "tags": [
        "url": "genesys.com"
    }, {
        "answer": "answer_2",
        "categories": [{
            "id": "cat_1_id",
            "name": "cat_1"
        }, {
            "id": "cat_3_id",
            "name": "cat_3"
        "created": "2010-03-09 11:15:21",
        "id": "document_2_id",
        "media": [
        "modified": "2013-08-01 05:54:52",
        "question": "question_2",
        "tags": [
        "url": "genesys.com"

Importing Sample Data

You can use the Import Tool to add sample QNA data to your knowledge base. This tool is located in the ./server/tools directory in the Knowledge Center installation folder. It comes with the following resources:

  • knowledgeFAQ.xml—List of basic QNA data, provided with the Knowledge Center Server indexing tool
  • gks-indexer-tool.jar—Java-based indexing tool
  • importFAQ.bat—Simple data import script

Data Import Syntax

Users must have Knowledge.AUTHOR privileges in order to use the Administrator plugin.

Use the following syntax to import data:

java -jar gks-indexer-${version}.jar
--host "http://<host>:<port>/gks-server"
--file "<import_file_or_folder_path_and_name>"
--user "<agent_name>"
--authorization "<name>:<password>"

The authorization parameter is only required if you have enabled the security option for Knowledge Center Cluster.

Sample Import Script

Here is an example of what your import script might look like:

java -jar <Path to GKC Server>\server\tools\gks-indexer-tool.jar 
--host "http://sample.com:9092/gks-server" 
--file "<Path to GKC Server>\server\tools\knowledgeFAQ.xml"
--user "gkc_admin"

If it works, this script will import sample QNA data into the knowledge base.

Sample QNA Data

Here is an example of the data stored in the XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<documents kbsId="knowledgefaq" lang="en">
        <question>What Is Knowledge Center?</question>
        <answer>The Genesys Knowledge Center ultimate goal is to convert 
your knowledge into the answers on the question your clients 
or agents have. It delivers set of the component for administration, 
authoring and using the knowledge. The heart of the system is the 
Knowledge Center Server that aimed to find the best answer on 
the question you have asked.</answer>

Fields that can be used with Indexer

Kind Name Type Mandatory Description
Attribute kbsId String Yes Knowledge base identifier
Attribute lang String Yes Language identifier
Node documents Nested XML Yes Markup of documents for indexing, each document is wrapped with inner node "document".

Each element of type of "document" of XML markup of field "documents" is XML of structure (for type of QNA)

Name Type Mandatory Default Description
id String No Autogenerate Document identifier
created StringDate yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss No now Date of document creation
modified StringDate yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss No now Date of document last modification
validTo StringDate yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss No never Date of document expiration
url String No null Absolute url for retrieving full document content
question String Yes (in case of FAQ item) Text of FAQ question
answer String Yes (in case of FAQ items) Text of FAQ answer
answerContentType String No html-autodetect Content type of content in node answer. Valid values: text/plain, text/html
tags Nested XML No Empty XML Markup that consist of nodes <tag>, each of which contains string value TAG that related to this document
media Nested XML No Empty XML Markup that consist of nodes <media>, each of which contains string value of MEDIA that related to this document.
categories Nested XML No Empty XML Markup that consist of set of nodes of <category> and describes all categories, that are related to this document
alternatives Nested XML No Empty XML Markup that consist of set of nodes <alternative> that contains text of question, that match to theme of content of this document
attachments Nested XML No Empty Markup of that consists of set of nodes <attachment> that wraps absolute URL to content of attachment to this document
customFields Nested XML No Empty XML Markup that consists of set of nodes <element> that describes names and values of customFields of this document

Each element of type of "document" of XML markup of field "documents" is XML of structure (for type of ARTICLE)

Name Type Mandatory Default Description
id String No Autogenerate Document identifier
created StringDate yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss No now Date of document creation
modified StringDate yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss No now Date of document last modification
validTo StringDate yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss No never Date of document expiration
url String No null Absolute url for retrieving full document content
title String Yes Title of article
description String Yes Description of article
summary String Yes Summary of article
answerContentType String No html-autodetect Content type of content in node answer
tags Nested XML No Empty XML Markup that consist of nodes <tag>, each of which contains string value TAG that related to this document
media Nested XML No Empty XML Markup that consist of nodes <media>, each of which contains string value of MEDIA that related to this document.
categories Nested XML No Empty XML Markup that consist of set of nodes of <category> and describes all categories, that are related to this document
alternatives Nested XML No Empty XML Markup that consist of set of nodes <alternative> that contains text of question, that match to theme of content of this document
attachments Nested XML No Empty Markup of that consists of set of nodes <attachment> that wraps absolute URL to content of attachment to this document
customFields Nested XML No Empty XML Markup that consists of set of nodes <element> that describes names and values of customFields of this document

Each item of type category of XML markup of "categories" consists of nodes:

Name Type Mandatory Default Description
id String AutoGenerate Identifier of category
name String Yes Name of category

Each item of type element of XML markup of "customFields" consists of nodes:

Name Type Mandatory Default Description
key String Yes Name of document custom field
value String Yes Value of document custom field
This page was last edited on October 16, 2017, at 18:03.
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