Fetch Business Structure
GET /gtl/business_structure
Response Body
Returns all available tenants, including "Environment", with business structure.
"dbid": 1,
"name": "Environment",
"type": "tenant",
"rules_authoring_tool_url": "http://server.example.com:8380/genesys-rules-authoring",
"iwd_web_url": ""http://server.example.com:8080/iwd_web",
"dbid": 102,
"name": "SubTenant",
"type": "tenant",
"tenants": [],
"solutions": []
"dbid": 1001,
"name": "Solution1",
"type": "solution",
"timezone": "<timezone name>",
"first_day_of_week": "<MONDAY|SUNDAY>",
"dbid": 102,
"name": "Department 1",
"type": "department",
"dbid": 1111,
"name": "Process 1",
"type": "process"
"dbid": 222,
"name": "Capture Point 1",
"type": "capturePoint"
"dbid": 104,
"name": "Solution 2",
"type": "solution",
"departments": [],
"capture_points": []
- rules_authoring_tool_url is taken from Configuration Server; location: Business Structure/<path to tenant>/annex/iWD/rules-authoring-tool-url
- iwd_web_url is taken from Configuration Server; location: Business Structure/<path to tenant>/annex/iWD/iwd-web-url. (Configuration of this option is to be added to iWD GAX Plugin in the future).
This page was last edited on December 19, 2017, at 11:03.
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