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Customer and Partner Translation

Extracting localization files from iWD Manager


  • iWD Manager installed in base (en-US) localization - without Genesys-provided localization package


  1. Locate the Tomcat directory, where iWD Manager is installed.
  2. Within the Tomcat directory, locate file webapps/iwd_manager/WEB-INF/lib/iwd_common.jar.
  3. Extract file evo/resources/resources.properties from the iwd_common.jar file to a temporary location. File iwd_common.jar is a zip file and can be opened with 7zip or WinZip utility on Windows and unzip utility on Linux.
  4. In the Tomcat directory, locate file webapps/iwd_manager/WEB-INF/classes/evo/cmc/ui/resources/resources.properties. Append the content of this file to the extracted resources.properties file saved in the temporary location.

Extracting localization files from iWD Datamart Node


  • iWD Datamart Node installed in base (en-US) localization – without Genesys-provided localization package


  1. Locate file lib/iwd_common.jar within the iWD Datamart Node installation directory.
  2. Extract file evo/resources/resources.properties from the iwd_common.jar file to a temporary location. File iwd_common.jar is a zip file and can be opened with 7zip or WinZip utility on Windows and unzip utility on Linux.
  3. Locate file lib/iwd_dm.jar within the iWD Datamart Node installation directory
  4. Extract file evo/gtl/datamart/resources/resources.properties from the iwd_dm.jar to a temporary location. File iwd_dm.jar is a zip file and can be opened with 7zip or WinZip utility on Windows and unzip utility on Linux.
  5. Concatenate both extracted files.

Extracting localization files from iWD GAX Plugin


  • Genesys Administration Extension package installed
  • iWD GAX Plugin installed within Genesys Administration Extension


  1. Locate file iwd_gax.jar within the Genesys Administration Extension installation directory.
  2. Extract file web/nls/lk.js from iwd_gax.jar to a temporary location. File iwd_gax.jar is a zip file and can be opened with 7zip or WinZip utility on Windows and unzip utility on Linux.

Translating the resources.properties localization file


  • File resources.properties extracted from appropriate iWD package and saved in temporary location
  • JDK 7 installed


  1. Rename file resources.properties to resources.utf8.
  2. Translate the file resources.utf8. Each line in the file contains a key and value separated by the ‘=’ character. Only the value part needs to be translated—key and ‘=’ character must remain unchanged. Any text in braces {} must remain unchanged. The file should be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
  3. Use the native2ascii utility located in JDK 7 to convert file resources.utf8 into resources.properties native2ascii –encoding utf8 resources.utf8 resources.properties.

Translating the lk.js localization file


  • Localization file extracted from iWD Plug-in for GAX and saved in temporary location


  1. Only text in quotes needs to be translated. Any text in braces {} is a parameter and must be left unchanged.
  2. The file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.

Installing translated resources.properties in iWD Manager


  • iWD Manager package is installed in base (en-US) localization – without Genesys-provided localization package
  • Translated resources.properties file is available in temporary location


  1. Locate the Tomcat directory, where iWD Manager is installed
  2. Copy file resources.properties into webapps/iwd_manager/WEB-INF/classes directory within Tomcat.
  3. Restart Tomcat.

Installing the translated resources.properties in iWD Datamart Node


  • iWD Datamart Node installed in base (en-US) localization – without Genesys-provided localization package
  • Translated resources.properties file is available in temporary location


  1. Copy file resources.properties to the config directory within iWD Datamart Node installation directory
  2. Restart iWD Datamart Node.

Installing the translated lk.js in iWD Plug-in for GAX


  • Genesys Administration Extension package installed
  • Appropriate localization package for Genesys Administration Extension installed (either Genesys- or Customer-provided)
  • iWD GAX Plugin installed within Genesys Administration Extension
  • Translated lk.js file is available in a temporary location


  1. Locate file iwd_gax.jar within the Genesys Administration Extension installation directory
  2. Update file web/nls/lk.js in iwd_gax.jar in the temporary location. File iwd_gax.jar is a zip file and can be updated with 7zip or WinZip utility on Windows and zip utility on Linux.
  3. Restart Genesys Administration Extension.
This page was last edited on February 24, 2015, at 14:48.
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