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log Section

Starting from GAX 9.0.100.xx release, there is a minor change in the GAX log naming convention and rollover pattern as explained in the below example. Note that the expire option set to 2 in this example.
  • All log messages are written in the initial file, gax.log.<timestamp>.
  • During the first rollover, the gax.log.<timestamp> file is renamed to gax.log.<timestamp>-1. A new gax.log.<timestamp> file is created and all the log messages generated after creating the new file are written in this new log file.
  • During the second rollover, the gax.log.<timestamp> file is renamed to gax.log.<timestamp>-2. A new gax.log.<timestamp> file is created and all the new log messages are written in this new log file.
  • In the third and subsequent rollovers, the gax.log.<timestamp>-1 file is deleted, gax.log.<timestamp>-2 is renamed to gax.log.<timestamp>-1, and a new gax.log.<timestamp> file is created. All the new log messages are written in the new log file.


Default Value: stdout, ./logs/gax.log
Valid Values:




Log events are sent to the Standard output.


Log events are sent to Message Server, which can reside anywhere on the network. Message Server stores the log events in the Log Database.

Setting the all log level option to the network output enables an application to send log events of the Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels to Message Server. Debug-level log events are neither sent to Message Server nor stored in the Log Database.


Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path and filename are not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.

Changes Take Effect: After Genesys Administrator Extension is restarted.

Specifies the outputs to which an application sends all log events. The log output types must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: stdout, logfile


Default Value: 20
Valid Values: Any integer value.
Changes Take Effect: After Genesys Administrator Extension is restarted.

Specifies the maximum number of log files to be kept.


Default Value: 16000
Valid Values: Any integer value.
Changes Take Effect: After Genesys Administrator Extension is restarted.

Specifies the maximum number of logs in the log message queue.


Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any valid file size.
Changes Take Effect: After Genesys Administrator Extension is restarted.

Specifies the maximum log file size in kilobytes.


Default Value: ""
Valid Values:




Log events are sent to the Standard output.


Log events are sent to Message Server, which can reside anywhere on the network. Message Server stores the log events in the Log Database.
Setting the Standard log level option to the network output enables an application to send log events of the Trace level also to the Message Server.


Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path and filename are not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.

Changes Take Effect: After Genesys Administrator Extension is restarted.

Specifies the outputs to which an application sends the log events of the Standard level. The log output types must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: stderr, network


Default Value: ""
Valid Values:




Log events are sent to the Standard output.


Log events are sent to Message Server, which can reside anywhere on the network. Message Server stores the log events in the Log Database.


Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path and filename are not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.

Changes Take Effect: After Genesys Administrator Extension is restarted.

Specifies the outputs to which an application sends the log events of the Trace level and higher (that is, log events of the Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels). The log outputs must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: stderr, network


Default Value: standard
Valid Values:




All log events (that is, log events of the Standard, Trace, Interaction, and Debug levels) are generated.


The same as all.


Log events of the Trace level and higher (that is, log events of the Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels) are generated, but log events of the Debug level are not generated.


Log events of the Interaction level and higher (that is, log events of the Standard and Interaction levels) are generated, but log events of the Trace and Debug levels are not generated.


The same as interaction.


No output is produced.

Changes Take Effect: After Genesys Administrator Extension is restarted.

Determines whether a log output is created. If it is, specifies the minimum level of log events generated. The log events levels, starting with the highest priority level, are Standard, Interaction, Trace, and Debug.

This page was last edited on March 15, 2021, at 11:14.
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