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Performance and Sizing Data

This page provides an example of sizing and performance for Context Services in a GMS deployment.

Sizing Scenario


A Load Balancer (LB) receives the REST queries and dispatch them to GMS applications.

Our test scenario create a conversation implemented with one service including 5 states and 10 tasks, which are equivalent to 33 REST queries to handle on GMS side.

  • 1 to 4 extension attributes are submitted in start events for services, states, and tasks.
  • All the event attributes are set in Start and complete events using random values for integer and strings.

Sizing Settings


Number of hosts in use 4 (one per GMS cluster node)

Host Specifications

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP 1
  • Intel Xeon X3440 @ 2.53 GHz, quad core
  • 8 GB RAM
  • Low Price disks
  • GMS
  • Cassandra 2.0.8 external
GMS Configuration
  • Constant average CPU of 50%
  • Cassandra 2.0.8 (database of 2.5GB data on each node)
  • Replication Factor = 2

Sizing Results

Captured measure Value Comments
CPU ~20% to 60% Each node was around an average of 30% with peaks to 60% from time to time.
Database size 68 GB / node (after 120h) = 272 GB 272 GB corresponds to 16.5 M conversations or 264 M service/state/task events, for a ratio of 0.54KB per conversation (1 service, 5 states, 10 tasks).
I/O Disk ~3 MB /s (Cassandra measure) Disk I/Os are fluctuating a lot (between 0 MB/s and 20 MB/s)
I/O Network ~3 MB /s Between 20Mbps and 60Mbps.
Memory 2.4GB For each GMS processes. Less than 2 GB for Cassandra processes.
Size of conversation (1 service, 5 states, 10 tasks) ~10kB in JSON This matches a conversation (1 service, 5 states, 10 tasks), for 33 REST queries events, including extension data returned with queries by CustomerId.
Throughput ~1000 queries/s

(~30,5 scenario/s)

Constant through 24 hours of testing
This page was last edited on September 7, 2018, at 12:58.
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