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Configuring CS for UCS Compatibility

Your application can keep using 8.1 queries, even if you upgrade to 8.5, but you should not use deprecated methods. Make sure to read the developer page about the 8.5 changes.

Configuring the new Context Services URL for UCS


To enable your UCS application to run concurrently with your GMS application.

  1. Open the Configuration Manager or the Genesys Administrator, and edit your UCS application.
  2. Set the following option values for the cview section:
    • Set base-url to /genesys/1/cs
    • Set data-validation to false
    • Set enabled to true
    • Set metadata-cache to true
    • Set start-mode to production
    • Set tenant-id to the same tenant ID than your GMS application.

Setting the Proxy for UCS Profiles

If you install a Load Balancer for UCS and GMS applications, you must set up redirections:

  • All /genesys/1/cs/profiles URLs should be redirected to UCS.
  • Other /genesys/1/cs/* URLs should be redirected to GMS.

Additionally, you must:

  • Configure Genesys Composer to point to the Load Balancer in Window > Preferences > Composer > Context Services.
  • Configure the Genesys Orchestration application to point to the Load Balancer in Genesys Administrator > Provisioning > Routing/eServices > Orchestration > <your application> > Context Manager Parameters.

The following configuration examples should help you to manage URLs and redirections.

Do not forget to restart your proxy after you saved your changes.

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NGINX Example

If your application uses NGINX, edit the NGINX configuration file, available in the <NGINX INSTALLATION DIR>/conf directory and add the /genesys/1/cs as the new base URL.


worker_processes  1;
events {
    worker_connections  1024;
http {
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
    sendfile      on;
    keepalive_timeout  65;
    server {
        listen       3080;
        server_name  localhost;
		# let's gms_user header in request to pass
		underscores_in_headers on;
                # If profiles, interactions or /server -> goto UCS
		# /profiles
		# /metadata/profiles
		# /metadata/identification-keys
		# /server
		# /interactions		
		location ~ (interactions|profiles|identification-keys|server) {
			proxy_pass http://localhost:7580;
		# If base_url (default) -> goto GMS
		# /services
		# /metadata/business-attributes
		# /customers/${customer id}/services	
		location /genesys {
			proxy_pass  http://localhost:8080/genesys;

|-| Apache=


If your application uses Apache, edit the httpd.conf file (or alternate file) and implement the new base URL for Context Service, as follows: GMS-CS-1UCS.png

LoadModule headers_module modules/mod_headers.so
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
# CORS headers
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Origin, Content-Type, Authorization, Destination"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, OPTIONS, DELETE"
Header set Access-Control-Request-Headers "Origin, Content-Type"
Header set Access-Control-Max-Age 3600
# proxy to CS
ProxyPass /genesys/1/cs/profiles http://localhost:7580/genesys/1/cs/profiles
ProxyPass /genesys/1/cs/metadata/profiles http://localhost:7580/genesys/1/cs/metadata/profiles
ProxyPass /genesys/1/cs/metadata/identification-keys http://localhost:7580/genesys/1/cs/metadata/identification-keys
ProxyPass /genesys/1/cs/server http://localhost:7580/genesys/1/cs/server
ProxyPass /genesys/1/cs/interactions http://localhost:7580/genesys/1/cs/interactions
# proxy to CS
ProxyPass /genesys http://localhost:8080/genesys
ProxyPassReverse /genesys http://localhost:8080/genesys




Edit your configuration file and implement the new base URL for Context Service, with two pools, as follows: GMS-CS-UCSCluster.png

LOAD BALANCER SITE 1:  Interface name <LB Site A Interface Name>
    if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/genesys/1/cs/interactions" 
      or [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/genesys/1/cs/profiles" 
      or [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/genesys/1/cs/identification-keys" 
      or [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/genesys/1/cs/server"}{
        pool <UCS pool A side name>
    else {
        pool <GMS pool A side name>
LOAD BALANCER SITE 2:  Interface name <LB Site A Interface Name>
    if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/genesys/1/cs/interactions" 
      or [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/genesys/1/cs/profiles" 
      or [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/genesys/1/cs/identification-keys" 
      or [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/genesys/1/cs/server"}{
        pool <UCS pool B side name>
    else {
        pool <GMS pool B side name>

This page was last edited on September 7, 2018, at 12:58.
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