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Reporting And Analytics Aggregates

Also known as RAA. An optional Genesys Info Mart process that creates and populates predefined aggregation tables and views within an Info Mart database. RAA aggregation tables and views provide the metrics that summarize contact center activity to facilitate reporting, and serves as the primary source of data for the Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) historical reports. RAA is required for Genesys CX Insights, and was required for the now-deprecated GI2.



What Application Files Are Installed?

This page describes the files that are installed by Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA). The directory where application files are installed varies as follows:

  • For standalone installations on UNIX platforms, files are written to the directory that you specify during installation.
  • For plug-in installation on UNIX platforms, files are written to the \agg subdirectory of the Genesys Info Mart root directory.
  • For installations on Microsoft Windows platforms, files are written to the \agg subdirectory of the Genesys Info Mart root directory.

The following tables describe the content of each folder:

RAA root directory

File Name Description
The contents of the root RAA root directory (when RAA is installed in stand-alone mode)
agg Subfolder that contains files that support the RAA component of Genesys Info Mart. See The contents of the agg subdirectory.
ip_description.xml* (UNIX only) File that lists the contents of the installation package
ospatchlist.txt List of patches that are installed on UNIX hosts.
read_me.html* (UNIX only) File that contains general information about the installation package

agg subdirectory

File Name Description
The contents of the agg subdirectory
gim_agg_application_options.cfg File that contains configuration sections, configuration options, and default values for importing into an existing Genesys Info Mart application (see How Do I Configure Aggregation Options?).
GIMAgg.jar Main archive of the aggregation engine.
lib Subfolder that contains third-party libraries and drivers that are referenced by the aggregation engine.
thirdparty\licenses The required notices and licenses for use and distribution of third-party software.
script Provides customization scripts for configuring user data to generate social media metrics.

Subdirectories within the agg directory

The following tables describe the contents of the subdirectories of agg.

File Name Description
The contents of the lib subdirectory (this is an example, only — the contents of this directory vary from one release to the next)
agg-module-classpath.jar File for internal use
aggrapi.jar Genesys Info Mart aggregation API
aopalliance-1.0.jar Third-party library
cglib-nodep-2.2.2.jar Third-party Apache library
guice-3.0.jar Third-party library
javax.inject-1.jar Third-party Apache library
jtds-1.3.0.jar Third-party Microsoft SQL JDBC driver
kawa-1.14.jar Third-party library
lib.jar Genesys Aggregation library
meta-8.1.400.00.jar Aggregation metadata jar
ojdbc6- Oracle JDBC driver
postgresql-9.3-1101.jdbc41.jar Third-party library
sqljdbc4-3.0.jar Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server
File Name Description
The contents of the script subdirectory


Sample scripts that create the database objects for mapping and storing user data for social media metrics.
A similar file, make_gim_UDE_template.sql, is also deployed by the Genesys Info Mart installation package. This file contains different content.
make_gim_UDE_template_partitioned_postgres.sql Sample script that creates the database objects for mapping and storing user data for social media metrics for partitioned PostgreSQL databases.
patch-agg-MSSQL-nolock.ss Schema file that, when placed in the Genesys Info Mart root directory, helps to prevent deadlock problems.
Before using this file, please contact Genesys Customer Care for deployment instructions.
purge.ss Schema file that contains example purging rules. To purge aggregate data, customize the rules within this file, place the file in the Genesys Info Mart root directory, and enable purging.
In some releases, the scripts subdirectory also contained user-defined partition-kit.ss files. These files are no longer used; if they are present from a previous release, remove them to prevent errors.
File Name Description
The contents of the third-party licenses subdirectory
asm-license.txt License that permits use and distribution of the ASM library for generating bytecode in Java-class file format
cglib_LICENSE.txt License that permits use and distribution of the Apache software
cglib_NOTICE.txt The required notice for use and distribution of Apache software
guice_LICENSE.txt License that permits use and distribution of the guice.jar library
guice_NOTICE.txt The required notice for use and distribution of the guice.jar library
jdts_LICENSE.txt GNU Lesser General Public license that permits use and distribution of the jtds.jar library
kawa_LICENSE.txt License that permits use and distribution of the kawa.jar library
This page was last edited on November 13, 2020, at 23:26.
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