OCServer Section
- action-queue-quota
- agent_logout_preview_call_result
- agent_preview_mode_start
- agent-assignment-max-num
- agent-assignment-min-num
- agent-assignment-priority
- agent-reassignment-if-waiting-ports
- agent-reassignment-if-waiting-ports-timeout
- agent-reassignment-if-waiting-records
- agent-reassignment-if-waiting-records-timeout
- all
- am-beep-detection
- am-detection-map
- asm_channel_num
- asm_drop_am_announcement_data
- asm_drop_announcement_data
- assured-connect
- assured-connect-field
- beep-on-merge
- call_answer_type_recognition
- call_timeguard_timeout
- call_transfer_type
- call_wait_agent_connected_timeout
- call_wait_connected_timeout
- call_wait_in_queue_timeout
- call_wait_original_establish_timeout
- callback-observe-campaign
- callback-observe-group
- campaign_name_field
- campaign-callback-distr
- cancel-on-desktop
- channel_num
- check_dnc_callback
- check_dnc_list
- cpd-on-connect
- cpd-recording
- CPNDigits
- CPNDisplayName
- CPNPlan
- CPNPresentation
- CPNScreening
- CPNType
- customer_id
- default_campaigncallback_priority
- default_campaignrescheduled_priority
- default_general_priority
- desktop-chains-limit
- dial_log_buffer
- dial_log_delimiter
- dial_log_destination
- dialer-num-attempts
- dialer-ttl
- dialing_rate_limit
- digits-detection
- digits-detection-pattern
- digits-detection-timeout
- digits-reaction
- direct-personal-callback
- direct-push-preview
- divert_to_unknown_dn
- dnc-reread
- dynamic-port-allocation
- encoding
- engaged_answer_action
- engaged_release_action
- force-unload-wait-db
- hard_request_to_login_dn
- history_length
- http-connection-pool-size
- http-response-timeout
- ignore-empty-group
- inbound_agent_outlier_limit
- inbound-agent-assignment-min-num
- inbound-agent-assignment-priority
- interaction-media-type
- ivr_record_processed
- ivr_update_on_release
- ivr-profile-name
- license-file
- local_file_maxage
- log_call_stats
- maxAge
- maxStale
- merge-method
- num-of-licenses
- on-asm-overdial
- on-bridging-unable
- on-schedule-disable
- outbound_agent_outlier_limit
- outbound_answer_action
- outbound_contact_server
- outbound_release_action
- pa-abandon-rate-limit
- pa-amd-false-positive-rate
- pa-amd-test-percentage
- pa-dial-expire
- pa-exclude-long-dialing
- pa-handle-expire
- pa-handle-time-consider
- pa-hitratio-min
- pa-inbound-ignore
- pa-odr-interval
- pa-odr-period-start-time
- pa-progressive-multiplier
- pa-queue-expire
- pa-safe-dialing
- pa-selfcheck-adt-threshold
- pa-selfcheck-awt-threshold
- pa-selfcheck-bf-threshold
- pa-selfcheck-interval
- pa-selfcheck-odr-threshold
- pre-dial-validation
- predictive_algorithm
- predictive_callback
- predictive_hit_ratio
- predictive_hot_start
- predictive_inbound_call_duration
- predictive_inbound_rate
- predictive_max_overdial_rate
- predictive_outbound_call_duration
- predictive_patience_time
- predictive-longcalls-truncation
- preview_release_nocontact_action
- progressive_blending_reserved_agents
- progressive_blending_reserved_status
- public_network_access_code
- recall-on-unload
- record_processed
- record_save_intermediate_results
- record-count-use-timeframe
- remote_release_action
- report-procedure-location
- scxmli.persistence.max_active
- scxmli.transcoder.default
- sip-cluster-lb-mode
- sip-cluster-prime-node
- small_group_size
- snapshot_interval
- stale_clean_timeout
- time-to-ready-tolerance
- transfer_to_unknown_dn
- treatment_sched_threshold
- treatment-holidays-table
- treatment-preferred-contact-field
- treatment-uri
- treatment-weekdays-table
- update_all_records
- user_data_section_name
- validation-keys
- validation-timeout-call-result
- validation-uri
- vtd-override
- predictive_min_overdial_rate
Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: A positive integer, greater than 10.
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the number of action items to process from an SCXML action queue before returning control to OCS.
Default Value: -1
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from -1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines the call result for records that are on an agent's desktop upon receiving an EventAgentLogout message.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Controls if agents are required to deliver PreviewDialingModeStart event to receive preview records or callbacks.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines the maximum number of agents in the Campaign Group when determining agent reassignment.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines the minimum number of agents in the Campaign Group when determining agent reassignment.
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines the priority of the Campaign Group when determining agent reassignment.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables or disables agent reassignment from the Campaign Group upon the condition of insufficient dialing ports (WAITING_PORTS condition).
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the timeout (in seconds) which should pass after the beginning of WAITING_PORTS condition before OCS begins reassignment.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables or disables agent reassignment from the Campaign Group upon the depletion of calling records (WAITING_RECORDS condition).
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the timeout (in seconds) which should pass after the beginning of WAITING_RECORDS condition before OCS begins reassignment.
Default Value: CallStats
Valid Values: Any valid path and file name for the audit log
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies a full path to the Audit Log flat file, including the filename without the extension. This option is configured in the log-call-stats section.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Instructs GVP to detect Answering Machine beep tone before playing music or starting VXML application in Outbound VoIP dialing modes.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Name of the Business Attribute Value
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the name of the Business Attribute value configuration object that contains the Answering Machine detection options map.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any positive integer or zero
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the maximum number of engaging ports that can be used by Campaign Group.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: OS Path to the announcement file
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the message to be played if Answering Machine is detected before releasing the established customer call in ASM modes.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: OS Path to the announcement file
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the message to be played before releasing the established customer call in ASM modes.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables and disables guaranteed connection.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: String in the specific format
Changes Take Effect: When record is retrieved from the Calling List table
Specifies the field name and set of values which nominate the record for assured connection.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables beep tone playing on engaging call right before bridging with outbound call in Outbound VoIP dialing modes.
Default Value: no_am_detection
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies Answer, Answering Machine and Fax detection settings when dialing via CPD Server or SIP Sever.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any positive integer or zero
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines a timeout in milliseconds for post-connect call progress detection.
Default Value: one_step
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the transfer type that CPD Server or OCS will use for the outbound calls.
Default Value: 6
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the timeout, in seconds, between call dialing and when the agent answers the call (ASM modes only).
Default Value: 120
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to 7200
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the timeout, in seconds, between dialing (or first ring) and the determination that the called party is not answering.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the timeout, in seconds, that an outbound call is allowed to stay in a queue.
Default Value: 4
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the timeout, in seconds, between the end of a Positive Call Progress Detection response and EventEstablished from T-Server.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect when Campaign Group is loaded
Specifies whether OCS should use the Campaign DBID when retrieving callbacks and rescheduled records or OCS should retrieve records previously scheduled by any campaign.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect upon loading of the Campaign Group
Specifies whether OCS should select Personal Callbacks and Personal Rescheduled records from the Calling Lists based on both the Campaign DBID and the Group DBID or just the Campaign DBID.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Name of the field in the Calling List
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Name of the field in the Calling List table used to store the Name of active Campaign.
Default Value: random
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies how campaign callbacks are distributed to agents when they are distributed as User Events.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables or disables the cancellation of outbound records which have been already delivered to the agent's desktop.
Default Value: 40
Valid Values: Any positive integer or zero
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the total number of available channels to be used by Campaign Group (or on the switch) when dialing.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables or disables a special pre-dial check of callback records against the Do Not Call List.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables or disables a pre-dial check against the Do Not Call list for all types of records.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies when Call Progress Analysis is started in Outbound VoIP dialing modes.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables or disables recording of the Call Progress Detection phase of the call in Outbound VoIP dialing modes.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: CPN Digits
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
String of characters which represents the Calling Party Number (CPN).
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines the value of the DisplayName attribute used by SIP Server.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to 15
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the decimal representation of the Numbering Plan code.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to 3
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the decimal representation of the Presentation Indicator code.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to 3
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the decimal representation of the Screening Indicator code.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to 7
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the decimal representation of the Type of Number code.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Name of the field in the Calling List
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the name of the field in the Calling List table that will serve as a customer identifier.
Default Value: 1;1
Valid Values: Any two non-negative integers separated by a semicolon.
Changes Take Effect: After Campaign is reloaded and restarted.
Specifies the priority of record types and the number of records to fetch for dialing. The two numbers that make up the value of the option are divided by a semicolon and represent the following two parameters:
- priority: 1 is the highest priority; 0 (zero) means do not dial. Recommended values are 0 (zero), 1, 2, or 3.
- n_records: A valid value is any positive number or 0 (zero). 0 (zero) means do not dial.
Default Value: 1;1
Valid Values: Any two non-negative integers separated by a semicolon.
Changes Take Effect: After Campaign is reloaded and restarted.
Specifies the priority of record types and the number of records to fetch for dialing. The two numbers that make up the value of the option are divided by a semicolon and represent the following two parameters:
- priority: 1 is the highest priority; 0 (zero) means do not dial. Recommended values are 0 (zero), 1, 2, or 3.
- n_records: A valid value is any positive number or 0 (zero). 0 (zero) means do not dial.
Default Value: 1;2
Valid Values: Any two non-negative integers separated by a semicolon.
Changes Take Effect: After Campaign is reloaded and restarted.
Specifies the priority of record types and the number of records to fetch for dialing. The two numbers that make up the value of the option are divided by a semicolon and represent the following two parameters:
- priority: 1 is the highest priority; 0 (zero) means do not dial. Recommended values are 0 (zero), 1, 2, or 3.
- n_records: A valid value is any positive number or 0 (zero). 0 (zero) means do not dial.
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: Integer, from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Next Campaign Group activation
Controls how many preview interactions can reside simultaneously at an agent's desktop. A preview interaction is a chain of records delivered to an agent's desktop by a User Event, such as in Preview mode, Direct Push Preview Mode, Personal Callback (in any mode), Personal Rescheduled (in any mode), or Campaign Callback (if configured to be delivered as a User Event).
Default Value: 16384
Valid Values: Numeric value in the range of 2 to 32768
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect when next dial log file is opened
Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes used for the Record History Log text file output.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Any character combination
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect when next dial log file is opened
Specifies the delimiter symbol(s) that are used between the fields of the Record History Log text file.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: OS Path to the dial log file(s)
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect when next dial log file is opened
Specifies the path to the directory where the Record History Log text file(s) should be stored.
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to 25
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the number of attempts that OBN Manager will attempt to pass a request to the GVP dialer.
Default Value: 5
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 3 to 1440
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the Time To Live (in minutes) during which OBN Manager will attempt to pass a request to the GVP dialer.
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the maximum number of dialing requests per second which is issues by OCS.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Controls whether or not the DTMF detection takes place on the CPD Server side.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Any string of keys
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the string of keys that represents the signal for which OCS awaits before configuring an Opt-Out request.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any positive integer or zero
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the timeout limitation for digit detection.
Default Value: DoNotCall
Valid Values: String in the specific format
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies how OCS reacts to the call when it receives the opt-out signal.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Controls how Personal Callback records are processed in Push Preview dialing mode.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Next Campaign Group activation
Controls the dialing mode that OCS uses for a Campaign Group that is started in Push Preview dialing mode. A value of false indicates that the Campaign Group will run in Push Preview mode with Interaction Server. A value of true indicates that the Campaign Group will run in Direct Push Preview mode, even if Interaction Server is present in the Campaign Group connections.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies OCS's reaction to a T-Server's EventDiverted with either an unknown ThirdPartyDN or DN without an agent logged in to it.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Frequency (in days) and time of the day in DAYS@HH24:MM:SS format
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect upon next pre-dial validation attempt
Frequency (in days) and time of the day of the Do Not Call list re-reads by OCS
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect for the subsequent dialing requests
Enables or disables dynamic dialing ports allocation mechanism.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: (See description.)
Changes Take Effect: After restart
(See the
ICU Home Converter Explorer page for a list of valid values.)
OCS sends this option value to an HTTP proxy, which can then transcode the JSON body of HTTP requests or responses according to the settings specified. If the option value is not specified, no conversion takes place.
To change the default, set this option to the name of a converter that can translate UTF-8 data to the local character set.
Converters (and valid values) can be found at ICU Home Converter Explorer.
Default Value: soft_answer
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Determines the state of agent's place after an engaging call has been established.
Default Value: soft_previous
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Determines the state of agent's place after an engaging call has been released.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect next time the Campaign Group is unloaded forcefully
Controls how OCS handles requests for a records update sent to the database when a Campaign is unloaded forcefully.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Determines which DN receives the AgentReady or AgentNotReady request when an agent's Place has more than one DN associated with it.
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer in range from 30 to 300
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the point (number of completed calls) at which OCS switches from Progressive mode to Predictive mode.
Default Value: 64
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect for the subsequent dialing attempts
Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections that OCS maintains to Web/Application Server.
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect for the subsequent dialing attempts
Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) OCS will wait for the reply from Web/Application Server.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies how to handle record processing when no agents are logged into the group.
Default Value: 600
Valid Values: Any nonnegative integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the minimum amount of inbound call time, in seconds, before OCS changes an agent's status changes to Not Available. If an agent is busy with an inbound call longer than the specified value (including the After Call Work state), then the predictive algorithm does not consider this agent available when calculating the number of predictive calls.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines the minimum amount of agents to perform inbound calls related activities.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines the priority of inbound calls related activities.
Default Value: outboundpreview
Valid Values: String - name of the interaction
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect when next interaction is created
Defines the media type of the interaction submitted to Interaction Server in Push Preview dialing mode.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true/false, yes/no
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
This option controls how OCS processes chain finalization in GVP dialing modes. It works similar to the record_processed option, but enables you to configure different OCS processing options for agent-related dialing modes and GVP modes. In Progressive GVP dialing mode, if the ivr_record_processed option is not set, OCS uses the value in the record_processed option.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true/false, yes/no
Changes Take Effect: After set to true or yes, when the ivr_group option is set to true or yes.
Enables OCS to update the calling list record with values from the outbound call's UserData.
When this option is set to true or yes, OCS updates the fields from the calling list record with values from the corresponding UserData key-value pairs that are received in the EventReleased message. This is similar to UpdateCallCompletionStats UserEvent processing.
This option is also used in Power GVP dialing mode with OBN Manager in environments running GVP 7.6. In this dialing mode, when this option is set to true or yes, OCS updates the fields of the calling list record with values from the corresponding UserData key-value pairs that are received in the eventOBNRecordProcessed message from OBN Manager for unsuccessful call results.
In this dialing mode, the ivr_group option has no effect on the described functionality.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Name (ID) of the IVR profile
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies IVR Profile to handle call processing in Power GVP dialing mode with OBN Manager.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
This option is not OCS-specific. It is specified in the license section, which is optional. This option, along with the num-of-licenses option, pertains to OCS license control.
The license address format can be entered in either of the following formats:
- The host name and port of the license server, as specified in the SERVER line of the license file, in the port@host format; for example: 7260@ctiserver
- The full path to, and the exact name of, the license file - for example: /opt/mlink/license/license.dat
Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any integer greater than or equal to 0
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Defines time in milliseconds for how long a SCXML treatment fetched from local file (file:// type of URL) is cached. When the same SCXML treatment is to be used for the new session within the configured timeout, the cached version of the SCXML treatment will be used instead of fetching it from local file.
If both maxAge (or local_file_maxage for local files) and maxStale are set to 0, SCXML treatments will not be fetched from cache.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies whether to create a separate logging subsystem for Audit logging.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer greater than or equal to 0
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Defines time in seconds for how long a http-fetched SCXML treatment is cached. When the same SCXML treatment is to be used for the new session within the configured timeout, the cached version of the document will be used instead of fetching it from the application server.
If both maxAge (or local_file_maxage for local files) and maxStale are set to 0, SCXML treatments will not be fetched from cache.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer greater than or equal to 0
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Defines the time in seconds to extend the lifetime of a cached SCXML treatment. For example, if the value of the maxAge option is set to 60 seconds and the value of the maxStale option is set to 30 seconds, then the fetched SCXML treatment will be cached for the timeframe of 90 seconds.
If both maxAge (or local_file_maxage for local files) and maxStale are set to 0, SCXML treatments will not be fetched from cache.
Default Value: bridging
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines outbound and engaging calls merge method which will be used by OCS in ASM mode when dialing via SIP Server.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: The string max or an integer from 0 to (9999 + num-sdn-licenses)
Changes Take Effect: (See description.)
Specifies how many licenses OCS checks out initially. This option is not OCS-specific. It is specified in the license section. This option, along with the license-file option, pertains to OCS license control.
When the value increases, OCS will apply the change immediately. When the value decreases, it will take effect the next time OCS is started.
Default Value: drop
Valid Values: transfer or drop
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Defines OCS's behavior in Progressive ASM and Predictive ASM dialing modes in a VoIP environment when an outbound call cannot be bridged immediately to an established engaging call.
If configured as drop, the outbound call is dropped, optionally with an announcement (see asm_drop_announcement_data and asm_drop_am_announcement_data).
If configured as transfer, OCS attaches the GSW_ASM_OVERDIAL=1 key-value pair to the outbound call and uses single-step transfer to deliver the call to the Voice Transfer Destination as defined by the Campaign Group configuration. However, no announcement will be played, even if the announcement options are configured.
If the transfer attempt returns any errors, OCS drops the outbound call and finalizes the record.
(The GSW_ASM_OVERDIAL key-value pair can be used in the routing strategy to distinguish overdialed outbound calls and process them in a separate logical branch of the strategy.)
Default Value: drop
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines behavior of OCS in situation when there is no available engaging call on the same Media Server and calls merging with method 'bridging' is not possible.
Default Value: next_cycle
Valid Values: next_cycle, disable_actions, terminate
Changes Take Effect: The next time an Outbound Schedule is disabled.
Specifies how OCS responds to a dynamic change to the Outbound Schedule, specifically, when an Outbound Schedule configuration object is marked as disabled.
- When set to next_cycle, OCS continues executing Schedule actions; disabling takes effect on the next execution cycle of the Schedule (it is not activated).
- When set to disable_actions, OCS stops executing further schedule actions without changing the states of Schedule items.
- When set to terminate, OCS stops executing further Schedule actions, and sends the Complete command (stop, if required, followed by unload) to all active or running Schedule items.
Regardless of the option value, OCS does not activate a disabled Outbound Schedule at the next activation time. For more information, see Dynamic Disabling of Schedules in the Outbound Deployment Guide.
OCS applies any other dynamic changes to schedule parameters at the next activation.
Default Value: 600
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the length of outbound call (in seconds) before an agent's status is set to Not Available by OCS.
Default Value: soft_answer
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Determines the state of agent's place after an outbound call has been established.
Default Value: undefined
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect upon OCS restart
Controls which Communication DNs are used by OCS.
Default Value: soft_previous
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Determines the state of agent's place after an outbound call has been released.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Number between 0 and 100 in decimal format (e.g. 3.55)
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the maximum allowed value of the expected Abandon Rate, as a percentage.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Number between 0 and 100 in decimal format (e.g. 1.55)
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies, as a percentage, the AMD (Answering Machine Detection) false positive rate as a proportion of total calls answered by live individuals.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to 100
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies, as a percentage, the number of randomly selected AMD calls passed to agents during the test for the AMD false positive rate.
Default Value: 2
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to 6000
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the timeout (in minutes) that the predictive algorithm uses to clean up calls that are in a Dialed state.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables or disables the exclusion of current outbound calls with long dialing durations from pacing calculations when OCS uses the Advanced Small Group predictive algorithm.
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to 6000
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the timeout (in minutes) that the predictive algorithm uses to clean up calls that exist on an agent's desktop.
Default Value: 1800
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the maximum call duration (in seconds) for all call types when calculating the average call duration.
Default Value: 5
Valid Values: Number between 0.0000000001 and 100.0 in decimal format (e.g. 3.55)
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the minimum value (in percent) of the hit ratio that is used to predict the dialing rate by the Classical Predictive algorithm.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies which method OCS uses to ignore the sampled value of inbound traffic in dialing pace calculations.
Default Value: 480
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 240 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect when the Campaign Group is started or re-started
Specifies the time interval, in minutes, which OCS uses to match the target value of the Overdial Rate.
Default Value: -1
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from -1 to 86399
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies, in seconds after midnight, the beginning of the 24-hour period for the calculation of the Abandon Rate.
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: 0 to N (maximum integer or floating point number; decimal point is delimiter, regardless of the locale)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
This option specifies the multiplier that OCS uses to calculate pacing based on the number of outbound calls that are simultaneously in progress and the number of agents that are in ready status.
If the option value is set as zero (0), no dialing takes place.
This option only applies to Campaign Groups that are explicitly configured to run in Progressive and Progressive with Seizing dialing modes. OCS calculates the number of new outbound calls to be dialed as the largest integer (rounded down) that does not exceed the number of available agents multiplied by the value of the progressive multiplier.
For example:
- Progressive Multiplier = 2.4
- Number of ready agents = 5
- Number of queued calls = 1
- Number of dialed calls = 3
OCS calculates the number of new outbound calls as follows:
4 = [2.4 * (5 – 1 – {3/2.4})] = [2.4* (5 – 1 – 2)] = 4.8 (rounded down) = 4
OCS supports both dynamic port allocation and dynamic reassignment of agents by ports when running Campaign Groups in Progressive with Progressive Multiplier or Progressive with Seizing with Progressive Multiplier dialing modes.
Configuring this option does not impact any other options that control the pace of dialing, such as the maximum dialing rate or the number of CPD ports. OCS will continue to apply all other pacing-related settings.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the timeout, in seconds, that the predictive algorithm uses to clean up calls that are in a Queued state.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables or disables the Safe Dialing check on a dialer misconfiguration and misrouting.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the % of the target Average Distribution Time that the PA uses as the threshold to report a dialing performance degradation.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the % of the target Average Waiting Time that the PA uses as the threshold to report a dialing performance degradation.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the % of the target Busy Factor that the PA uses as the threshold to report a dialing performance degradation.
Default Value: 20
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 2 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the time interval, in minutes, that the PA uses to perform selfcheck.
Default Value: 20
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the % of the target Overdial Rate that the PA uses as the threshold to report about a dialing performance degradation.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect upon next pre-dial validation attempt
Enables or disables Pre-dial validation of the calling record.
Default Value: small_group
Valid Values: classical, small_group, advanced_small_group, time_optimized_odr
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Controls which predictive algorithm OCS uses for dialing outbound calls when a campaign is running in the Predictive or Predictive with seizing dialing modes.
If the optimization method is Busy Factor or Average Waiting Time, OCS uses the classical predictive algorithm regardless of the value specified for this option.
A new valid value, time_optimized_odr, was added to release 8.0.
The values function as follows:
- classical: OCS uses the classical predictive algorithm based on classical queuing theory, regardless of the current number of available agents and the optimization parameter that are used.
- Small group values: These two values are optimized for small groups of agents. Either of these values can be used if the Overdial Rate is specified as an optimization parameter and the number of available agents does not exceed the number set in the small_group_size option. If the number of agents exceeds the number set in the small_group_size option, OCS uses the classical predictive algorithm. Also see Predictive Algorithm for Small Groups.
The two small group values include:
- small_group: OCS uses a small group predictive algorithm, which waits until all dialed calls are completed before dialing new calls.
- advanced_small_group: OCS uses an advanced predictive algorithm. This option value activates the new and improved predictive algorithm for small groups of agents. The advantages of this new algorithm include:
- It better tracks inbound calls, because it counts inbound calls that are at all stages of processing and not just those that are queued.
- It allows outbound calls to be initiated, even if one or more calls remain in the dialing stage, rather than waiting until all dialed calls are completed.
Using the advanced_small_group value may result in busier agents, as the Busy Factor increases or the waiting time between calls reduces for agents for the same Overdial Rate.
This value can be set in conjunction with the time-to-ready-tolerance option.
time_optimized_odr: OCS uses the time-optimized predictive algorithm. When using this value, OCS monitors the predictive_max_overdial_rate. If it is greater than zero but less than the current overdial rate, OCS switches from the Predictive to the Progressive dialing mode.
The predictive algorithm self-diagnostic mechanism considers the situation where the predictive_max_overdial_rate is greater than zero but less the the current overdial rate as an incorrect configuration and reacts with a proper log message. For more information, see "Time-Optimized Predictive Algorithm" in the Outbound Contact 8.1 Deployment Guide.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies how OCS handles Campaign Callback records.
Default Value: 75
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to 100
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the starting value for Hit Ratio parameter, as a percentage if hot-start is used.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Determines if OCS uses predefined statistical data to hot-start predictive dialing.
Default Value: 300
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the starting value for the average inbound call duration, in seconds, if hot-start is used.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any positive integer or zero
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the starting value for the average number of inbound calls, per hour, if hot-start is used.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Number between 0 and 100 in decimal format (e.g. 3.55)
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the maximum allowed overdial rate for dialing in Predictive mode.
Default Value: 120
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the starting value for the average outbound call duration, in seconds, if hot-start is used.
Default Value: 180
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the starting value of the average patience time in seconds for the Predictive GVP dialing mode.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Instructs the predictive algorithm how to handle so called "long" outbound calls.
Default Value: soft_previous
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Determines the state of agent's place after an agent releases an unsuccessful outbound call that the agent had placed manually in Preview dialing mode.
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any positive integer or zero
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Enables OCS in Progressive dialing mode to keep a specified number of agents available for inbound traffic or some other activity.
Default Value: all_seized_inbound
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies how agents are reserved for outbound calls.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: PSTN access code
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the string that is added as a prefix to each phone number that OCS attempts to dial.
Default Value: always
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines whether unprocessed interactions are recalled from Interaction Server and returned to Ready state upon Campaign Group unload.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies whether OCS will wait for the agent's signal to finalize processing of the record.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies whether the calling list should be updated with intermediate processing results during the lifetime of a calling list record.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect when Campaign is activated
Specifies whether OCS considers the time_from and time_till boundaries when the number of ready records and ready chains in the calling list is calculated.
Default Value: error
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies how OCS handles outbound calls with the call result of RemoteRelease.
Default Value: instead
Valid Values: Please select value from the list
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the location of custom code within a standard reporting stored procedure (for the values before and after), or specifies that the whole body of the procedure is customized (for instead).
Default Value: 10000
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the maximum number of active SCXML treatments. When it is set to 0, it uses the default value (10000). When a value is less then 500 (except 0), it uses the value 500. No max value is defined.
Default Value: UTF-8
Valid Values: Any valid converter name supported by the ICU Library.
Changes Take Effect: After restart
This option defines the source encoding that OCS will use to encode all input String data into Unicode before it is passed into the SCXML engine. The input String data includes SCXML and JavaScript String literals, variables, and properties of String type.
This option is valid only on Windows and Linux platforms.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: none, round-robin
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: 8.1.521.01
If set to none (the default), OCS does not apply load balancing between SIP Cluster nodes. If set to round-robin, OCS applies load balancing between SIP Cluster nodes in a standard round-robin fashion.
Default Value: 0 (not defined)
Valid Values: The valid DBID of the primary SIP Server Application object
Changes Take Effect: After OCS restart
Introduced: 8.1.521.01
Specifies the DBID of the primary SIP Server Application object in one of the SIP Cluster nodes, the “prime" SIP Cluster node, which OCS will use to register and monitor all DNs. The same SIP Server application must be present on the OCS Application Connections tab.
Default Value: 7
Valid Values: Any positive integer or zero
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the maximum number of available agents in a group that can be treated by OCS as a small group, and therefore have a special type of predictive algorithm applied.
Default Value: 600
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines the interval in seconds between delivering snapshot statistics to ICON.
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 1 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies a timeout (in minutes) before OCS marks any records that remain in its internal buffers as Stale.
Default Value: 2
Valid Values: Any positive integer in the range from 2 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies the allowed variance on the time estimate (in seconds) for when an agent will become Ready.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies OCS's behavior when an outbound call is transferred to an unknown DN or DN without an agent logged in to it.
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer or zero
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Determines the time interval threshold (in minutes)for OCS to either keep rescheduled chains in memory or return them to the database in the Ready state.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Name of the Statistical Table configuration object
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect upon next treatment application
Defines the name of the Statistical Table which OCS will use to determine time ranges for the Holidays.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Name of the field in the Calling List
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect when the record is retrieved from the Calling List
Name of the field in the Calling List table used to determine if the given record in a chain will be used for the first chain dial attempt.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Valid URI
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect upon next treatment application
URI of the SCXML Dialing Strategy script resource.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Name of the Statistical Table configuration object
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect upon next treatment application
Defines the name of the Statistical Table which OCS will use to determine time ranges for the Weekdays.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Yes/True or No/False
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Specifies if dialing filter determines the set of records which are updated by OCS after the chain processing has been completed.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Any valid name for a configuration section
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect at the next request for dial or interaction creation
Name of the section in the Annex tab of the configuration object (Calling List, Campaign, Campaign Group ...). Section contains fixed key-value pairs to be attached to outbound calls or interactions.
Default Value: Empty string (all keys are sent for pre-dial validation)
Valid Values: One or more key names, comma-separated
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Limits the keys included with the JSON body of the HTTP request for pre-dial validation to only those that are specified.
For this option, specify the list of key names (as configured by the send_attribute option for user-defined fields), not the calling list field names.
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: Any integer in the range from 0 to MAXINT
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect for the subsequent dialing attempts
Specifies the call result for the dialing attempt if pre-dial validation is aborted due to timeout (http-response-timeout) expiration.
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Valid URI
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect upon next pre-dial validation attempt
URI of the pre-dial validation resource
Default Value: Empty string
Valid Values: Valid DN name
Changes Take Effect: Takes effect immediately
Defines the name of the Voice Transfer Destination (VTD) DN that OCS sends to CPD Server in the extensions of RequestSeizeAgent and RequestMakePredictiveCall.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Number between 0 and 100 in decimal format (for example, 1.5)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.1.510.05
Related Links: predictive_max_overdial_rate
Configuration Level: Campaign Group, Application
Logical Groups: Predictive Algorithm, Dialing Regulations
Specifies the lower threshold of the overdial rate at which OCS switches the dialing mode from Progressive back to Predictive. If the real overdial rate later rises above this value, the dialing mode remains Predictive until the rate passes the level set by predictive_max_overdial_rate.
This option can be used only after the predictive_max_overdial_rate option has switched the dialing mode from Predictive to Progressive.
If this option is not set, is set to 0 (zero), or is set to a value greater than the value of predictive_max_overdial_rate, OCS ignores this option.
Warning: Using the predictive_min_overdial_rate option might significantly reduce the Busy Factor because it delays switching the dialing mode from Progressive back to Predictive.