A task work fact describes a task from the perspective of enterprise resources. Each time a task is assigned to an agent, iWD records a new task work fact. In the Data Mart, you can access a task work fact through the following objects:
- I_TASK_WORK_FACT—Intraday data table
- H_TASK_WORK_FACT—Historical data table
- TASK_WORK_FACT—Blended view of historical and intraday data
The dimensions that support the iWD task work fact tables and views are shown in the TASK_WORK_FACT star schema below. The fields, data types, and descriptions of each column of the TASK_WORK_FACT intraday and historical tables follow.
Field | Data Type | Description |
ASSIGN_TASK_EVENT_ID | int | ID, taken from the Interaction Server event log, that corresponds to the event at which the task was assigned to agent. This field, together with SOLUTION_KEY, forms the primary key of this table. |
SOLUTION_KEY | int | Key to the SOLUTION dimension. A solution is assigned as soon as a task is created in the Interaction Server database. A tenant can have more than one solution instance. This field, together with ASSIGN_TASK_EVENT_ID, forms the primary key of this table. |
INTERACTION_ID | varchar(64) | Interaction ID. This field is unique within a single Interaction Server database. |
FINISH_TASK_EVENT_ID | int | ID, taken from the Interaction Server event log, that corresponds to the event at which an agent finished working on the task. |
IS_ABANDON | int | Indicates whether a task was abandoned:
CAPTURE_ID | varchar(64) | Capture ID for the task, assigned by the source system. This field is a core task attribute. |
TENANT_KEY | int | Key to the TENANT dimension, describing the parent iWD tenant of the task. |
DEPARTMENT_KEY | int | Key to the DEPARTMENT dimension, describing the parent iWD department of the task. |
PROCESS_KEY | int | Key to the PROCESS dimension, describing the parent iWD process of the task. |
CAPTURE_POINT_KEY | int | Key to the CAPTURE_POINT dimension, describing the parent iWD capture point of the task—for example, capture point name = XML File Capture). |
DISTRIBUTION_POINT_KEY | int | Key to the DISTRIBUTION_POINT dimension describing the task’s parent iWD distribution point—for example, name = Toronto Call Center. |
QUEUE_KEY | int | Key to the QUEUE dimension. |
ASSIGN_DATE_KEY | int | Key to the EVENT_DATE dimension indicating when the task was assigned to the agent. |
ASSIGN_TIME_KEY | int | Key to the EVENT_TIME dimension indicating when the task was assigned to the agent. |
FINISH_DATE_KEY | int | Key to the EVENT_DATE dimension indicating when the task was assigned to the agent. |
FINISH_TIME_KEY | int | Key to the EVENT_TIME dimension indicating when the task was assigned to the agent. |
MEDIA_CHANNEL_KEY | int | Key to the MEDIA_CHANNEL dimension, describing the channel through which the task was received—for example, fax. This value can be set in iWD rules or by the system that is submitting the task. |
CATEGORY_KEY | int | Key to the CATEGORY dimension, describing the category that is associated with the task. |
BUSINESS_VALUE_KEY | int | Key to the BUSINESS_VALUE dimension. |
PRIORITY_KEY | int | Key to the PRIORITY dimension. |
ASSIGNED_AGENT_KEY | int | Key to the AGENT dimension, storing the agent ID for the agent who received the task. This key can be used to retrieve additional agent information from Genesys Info Mart, such as Agent Skill, or other employee data from EDW. |
RESULT_CODE_KEY | int | Key to the RESULT_CODE dimension. |
CUSTOMER_KEY | int | Key to the CUSTOMER dimension, storing the unique value that identifies the customer. This key can be used to retrieve additional details about the customer from other enterprise data repositories. |
CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_KEY | int | Key to the CUSTOMER_SEGMENT dimension, describing the segment for the customer—for example, gold, silver, or bronze. |
PRODUCT_KEY | int | Key to the PRODUCT dimension, describing the product type (Internet) and subtype (DSL) that are associated with the task. |
SOURCE_TENANT_KEY | int | Key to the SOURCE_TENANT dimension, describing the source tenant (where the source system is part of a multi-tenant environment). |
SOURCE_PROCESS_KEY | int | Key to the SOURCE_PROCESS dimension, describing the source process—for example, Order. |
CUSTOM_DIM_KEY | int | Key to the CUSTOM_DIM dimension containing five additional attributes (beyond those that are listed below) that can be used to dimension a task. |
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE1 | varchar(255) | Custom attribute that describes a task.
A total of 10 custom attributes can be mapped to the task, with an additional 5 attributes in the CUSTOM_DIM dimension. |
WORK_TIME_SEC | int | Calculated value, in seconds, where the work time is the time from agent complete to agent assigned. |
FINISH_INTERVAL | int | Time interval that is derived from the FINISH_DATE_KEY and FINISH_TIME_KEY fields. Used for ETL scripts. |
CREATED_ETL_AUDIT_KEY | int | Key to the ETL_AUDIT dimension, identifying the ETL job that created this task work fact. |
UPDATED_ETL_AUDIT_KEY | int | Key to the ETL_AUDIT dimension, identifying the ETL job that last updated this task work fact. |
START_DATE_TIME_KEY | int | Key to the DATE_TIME dimension, identifying the 15-minute interval during which this record was created. |
This page was last edited on February 24, 2015, at 17:50.
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